There are many jobs in the paper mill, so careful girls are needed to do the work, so the owner of the mill, Lu Tianqin, hired seven female workers. Since then, the paper mill has become even more lively. The workers like to joke and call the seven female workers the Seven Fairies.

The youngest of the seven girls is called Ji Xilian. She is cute and pretty, smart, kind-hearted, pure and delicate. Miss Ji was sixteen years old, capable and docile, so she fell in love with Qu Cangjiao. Butler Qu also liked Miss Ji very much. The two secretly communicated with each other and had a secret relationship. Soon they became the lovers of their dreams.

On this day, Master Lu ordered Qu Cangjiao to drive to deliver paper goods. A total of ten cardboard boxes had been packed and placed flat on the carriage. Lu Tianqin was very happy to fulfill Qu and Ji's marriage, so he deliberately asked the female worker Ji Xilian to go with him. Qu and Ji were extremely happy.

Qu Cangjiao drove the car and Ji Xilian sat on the cardboard box. The two of them talked about everything in their hearts. Qu Cangjiao said:"Mei Lian, I really want you to be sent by Master Lu to accompany me. He intends to send you to help, what do you think?" Miss Ji smiled sweetly and said:"Just as Brother Qu said: You can't ask for it. But you and I should try to stay as far away as possible to prevent the paper mill craftsmen from gossiping."

Qu Cang nodded his head and said:"Yes, we will devote ourselves to the paper industry and never let down the great hope of the mill owner. That's why I, Qu Sheng, am today. , all depends on the cultivation of the shop owner. I am a person who is so poor that I am hungry. It is really a blessing to be respected by the shop owner and my little sister. I am deeply grateful."

Miss Ji said:"Brother, you are welcome. I can't thank you enough. Brother and sister will be a family, who doesn't know this! I wonder what brother has planned?" Qu Cangjiao said:"There is no need to ask, my plan is also Lian Mei's plan. You'll know if you don't tell me, just wait for the money to be accumulated, how about starting a family next year?"

After hearing this, Miss Ji felt extremely happy in her heart, just like the blood and energy that had been suppressed suddenly opened up. She breathed comfortably and said with a smile:"Little sisters, all listen to your husband's arrangements and obey them. If there is anything wrong, Brother Wanwang Lang will correct it." Qu Lang was very happy and said:"This is it. We have been privately engaged for life, how about we stop, worship heaven and earth, and swear loyalty to our alliance?" Miss Ji smiled and said,"Just listen to my brother's words." So Qu Cangjiao reined in the reins and shouted,"Yo!——", the black horse stopped. Qu Lang jumped off the carriage and helped Miss Ji out of the carriage with both hands.

Miss Ji said:"Brother Lang said to bow to heaven and earth and make an oath, it's time." Qu Cangjiao said:"As long as you say goodbye, say goodbye! Come! I say something, you say something. Then, madam, say something, I say something, How?" The two nodded in agreement, then knelt together side by side, clasped their palms together, raised their heads to the sky, then lowered their heads to the ground, kowtowed three times. Qu Shengjian said:"Heaven and earth are witnesses, and mountains and rivers are matchmakers. Qu Lang is willing to share joys and sorrows with Lady Ji, depend on each other in life and death, and never be separated. We vow to be a good husband and wife." Ji Xilian recounted it affectionately. She made another simple statement and said:"I would like to grow old together with Qu Guanren." Qu Cangjiao also repeated the story:"I would like to grow old together with my wife." The two got up, got on the carriage and drove off.

After delivering ten boxes of paper and collecting the payment, the two of them were very pleased and drove back. When we reached Changpo Ridge, suddenly there was thunder and lightning in the sky and strong winds. In an instant, it started to rain heavily, and the two of them hurriedly looked for shelter.

At the bend just ahead, a cry came from down the hillside:"Come here quickly! Come and take shelter from the rain." The carriage and horses galloped up to them, and Qu Cangjiao hurriedly helped Miss Ji get out of the car and into a slope cave to take shelter from the rain.

This large hole in the soil slope is no small matter. There were already eighteen men, women, and children in the long and concave cave, all taking shelter from the heavy rain. Qu Cangjiao saw that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling, and he felt very uneasy.

Qu Cangjiao went out of the cave to check in the rain, and sure enough he saw that the earth and rocks beside the cave had collapsed. Thinking of the danger of the paper mill wall collapsing, and the danger of the chimney collapsing, I suddenly felt an ominous sign, so I took Miss Ji out of the cave. He stood in the rain and started shouting:"The cave is collapsing! Run! Come out quickly!!" Ji Nu also shouted loudly:"The cave is collapsing! The soil slope is collapsing! Come out quickly!!" The people in the cave listened. , as if frightened the soul. Five young men ran out first. Sure enough, they saw a foot-wide crack in the slope, and rainwater poured into it. They felt bad and shouted with Qu Cangjiao:"Come out quickly, the hole is about to collapse! Quickly!!"

Datu The people in the cave were shocked. Who was not afraid that the cave would collapse? Eleven more people ran out. There are two people still in the cave who are afraid of getting wet and do not want to come out. They are a middle-aged couple. Qu Cang was anxious, and was about to go into the cave to find them out. He heard a strange rumble, and the large hole in the earth slope, which was more than ten feet long, collapsed, and he saw the middle-aged couple buried alive.

Everyone knelt down and kowtowed, shouting to heaven and earth, but the two stubborn men were also hopeless.

Everyone kowtowed to Qu Cangjiao again, bowed and shouted:"Thank you, great immortal. Fortunately, you called some of us out of the cave. Otherwise, we would also go to see the Lord of Hell." Qu Cangjiao said:"No need to thank me, I am very grateful. Gods are not immortals. There is no need to soak in the water. Get up quickly and find another shelter from the rain!" Everyone kowtowed again and dispersed in the rain. After a while, the rain from the sky became lighter and soon stopped.

It can be said that if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. Qu Cangjiao not only did not collapse and die in the cave, but also saved many people. This word spread throughout hundreds of miles.

Qu Cangjiao became the general manager of the paper mill, and there were no casualties in the paper mill. It was safe and sound, and the paper industry was prosperous.

Half a year later, Qu Cangjiao and Ji Xilian got married in Zifang, and their lives were prosperous, affectionate, peaceful and happy.

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