Those who truly perform great filial piety will be rewarded with good things. When Bei Zonglu was working outside, he met a beautiful girl, eighteen years old, with a kind heart, a healthy body and a beautiful appearance. The beautiful girl’s surname is Kuang and her given name is Siyun. She has a good appearance and temperament.

Kuang Siyun is also a filial daughter who takes great care of the old man, taking every detail into consideration. I am reluctant to eat, I would rather starve my body and skin, but also ensure that my relatives and elderly people have enough to eat and drink; I would rather collapse myself from exhaustion, but also want the elderly to be comfortable. After they met Bei Zonglu, they became close friends. The two fell in love and made a private lifelong engagement. They paid homage to Yue Lao and swore an eternal alliance. They were inseparable like paint and glue, and gradually became familiar with each other.

The beautiful girl Kuang Siyun was unfortunate. Her mother died of a serious illness when she was in middle age. His father Kuang Lixin also married a daughter-in-law. The age difference between them was ten years, which is not an exaggeration. This stepmother's surname is Xuan. Xuan's face is gray and cold, she looks coldly at others, her heart is full of obstacles, she goes against the grain, she hides in secret, her eyes are fierce, and she repays kindness with hatred. He criticized his eldest daughter Kuang Siyun in every possible way, found fault with others, and made trouble over nothing. For a trivial matter, he would scold him whenever he opened his mouth. His father's efforts to stop him were useless, and it was a pity that Xuan was willing to listen and seemed to be above the whole family.

Kuang Siyun also has two younger brothers and a younger sister, who are only about ten years old. Among them, the younger brother and younger sister were brought by the Xuan family and are her biological children. Mr. Xuan valued his own children, treated them favorably, and took care of them every meal. The Xuan family often gave soup and rice to their eldest daughter and son, who were not her biological children. Instead, she gave steamed rice, meat and vegetables to her biological children. Every day she finds fault with the eldest daughter Kuang Siyun, she chews nonsense and scolds her, and she always abuses her to the extreme.……………………


One time, Kuang Siyun came home late because he was too busy and tired from working in the fields. She went home hungry and had no food. Her stepmother Xuan left a bowl of pig food for her, and Kuang Siyun swallowed it. After his father Kuang Lixin found out about this, he couldn't bear it any longer. He suppressed the anger in his heart and decided to divorce his wife! He raised a stick to drive the Xuan family out of the Kuang family and was not allowed to enter the gate again. However, the eldest daughter Kuang Siyun snatched the stick from her hand, knelt down to plead for her stepmother, hugged her father's legs, begged for mercy, and begged with tears:"Dad, for the sake of my little brother and sister, please leave them alone." family of three……"

Kuang Lixin was moved by his eldest daughter's tears and agreed. Mrs. Xuan was very moved, and she did not expect that she was looking for trouble everywhere, making things difficult and scolding her eldest daughter Kuang Siyun in every possible way. She did not hate or hate her, but still thought about her stepmother's family. From then on, Ms.

After that, the Kuang family went up the mountain to burn incense and burn the red wax to resolve their resentment. The two generations are harmonious, their peers are harmonious, they no longer quarrel, and they understand each other. On the contrary, Mr. Today, everyone in the Kuang family is harmonious and no longer throws things away or loses their temper. A harmonious group, everyone competes to do housework, leaving the difficult and tiring work to themselves, and making it easy for them to do it.

The world does not disappoint filial piety, and the Bei family and the Kuang family finally become in-laws. The filial son Bei Zonglu and Kuang Siyun went to the church to get married and spent a lifetime together. The Bei family and the Kuang family often visit each other and send each other gifts during the holidays. Gather together for prosperity and joy, pray for blessings, be affectionate and warm, and your family business will prosper from now on………………

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