Sun Xingzhe is infinitely sad and angry, how can he rest? Repeatedly recite the last two lines of Xingjun's song:"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and it will be clear in the future." I can only store ten thousand times the hatred in my heart and wait for the opportunity to end it. But never give up, even if there is a glimmer of hope, we must do everything possible to save the Butterfly Fairy.

Monkeys can only pray to Guanyin Bodhisattva to rescue Hua Xiaomei from death. After a somersault, we have reached the South China Sea. Riding on the clouds, we came to Luojia Mountain. Press the cloud seat and lower your head to look around, it's a wonderful scene.

Enter Luojia Mountain and step into fairyland. The wooden cross flashed and greeted him respectfully:"Sun Wukong, why are you here if you don't protect Monk Tang from learning the scriptures?" Wukong jumped forward and said:"Master has expelled me a long time ago! Unfortunately, I have an important matter, so I came here to see Guanyin Bodhisattva. Please help the Bodhisattva and introduce him to you quickly." Mucha was shocked and said as he walked:"How could Tang Sanzang drive away his disciples? How can he save his life? Just wait and go to ask for instructions. See if the Lord, the Great Bodhisattva, doesn't see you either?"

Mu Cha went in, paid homage to Guanyin Bodhisattva, and said:"Sun Wukong is here, and he is in a hurry to worship. Monk Tang has expelled him early, so he came here to ask Bodhisattva for help." The Bodhisattva said:"What life to save, whose life to save, has already been saved. Calculate it. Wukong has been driven away. It has been known for a long time, so it is not surprising. Give up the door! Call in!" Wukong was introduced to the door, and he bowed down. After worshiping, I will explain the reasons one by one. He also told the story of seeing Hua Xiaomei's self-immolation on her deathbed from Taibai Xingjun's treasured mirror. She shed tears as she spoke. The Great Sage Qitian had never cried before, and his tears moved the great merciful Bodhisattva who saved those in distress.

Master Guanyin couldn't help but feel sorry for him, and said:"Wukong, I have never seen you so sad and crying, please forgive me. To be honest, Wukong, you are a couple in a state of emptiness, and the Bodhisattva is fully aware of it. It is not an exaggeration. But now, the butterfly girl All her spirit, flesh and blood have been reduced to ashes and dissipated. She has passed away and returned to her home. She is dead and cannot be reborn. She cannot be saved!" Wukong jumped closer and said urgently:"Great Bodhisattva, Wukong begs you, I must save her! Who in the three realms can't be saved? I don’t know, Guanyin Bodhisattva has Guanyin water. After being enlightened, you can come back to life!" The Bodhisattva said:"The divine fire is extraordinary. It burns the body and soul, and the ashes have been dispersed. Everything becomes empty, what is the enlightenment? No bones. With no body, no soul, no shadow, what can you enlighten? Besides, you have converted to Buddhism! You can’t have an affair, you can’t have a romantic relationship, you can’t be a couple." After hearing this,

Wukong felt like his heart was about to burst, and he said angrily:"I'll be cut into pieces with a thousand cuts. The devil monkey! Where did you come from? You killed my sister-in-law, and I wish I could beat you to death with a stick!" The Bodhisattva said:"That devil monkey has a history. That's all, evil has its own origin, and we will eventually meet again.. Flies fly by, and there are shadows. We will meet again." Wukong said angrily:"The demon monkey spirit calls himself the 'God-Eared Monkey King'. If we meet again, I must beat that demon-eared monkey to death. Beat him to death, beat him to death! For mercy. Sister Hua Xiaomei, I want to avenge you with great hatred! Beat the devil monkey to death! Beat him to death!!"

Sun Xingzhe kept beating him to death one by one, and he was so angry that he couldn't get rid of it. The Bodhisattva brought the topic to the point and said:"Actually, everything has two sides. The self-proclaimed Monkey King with Eared Ears, although he is full of evil, does nothing evil. On the other hand, it is also a good thing to report to you." Wukong said in surprise:" What?! What message did the monster report? What's the matter?" The Bodhisattva said:"Wukong, on that day, you held the hanging curtain in the air with your hand and wrote a letter to the master to recall you as a law. Is this true?" Wukong said:"Huh! This is true! It's just a magic trick by monsters, using false letters to reply to the curtain words, to deceive my old grandson!" The Bodhisattva said:"Actually, although it is a lie, it is a lie made true. Tang Sanzang has been killed and is about to call you back." Wukong said angrily:"I won't go, I won't go! Tang Monk! I can't tell the difference between a human and a demon, how can I protect him from learning the scriptures? If he doesn't come back, he won't come back!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled lovingly and said:"Wukong, Butterfly Fairy must have a message before she dies. She died by herself, also to fulfill your wish. Concentrate on protecting Monk Tang from going to the west to obtain Buddhist scriptures. If you don’t go back, you will fail to live up to your benefactor Hua Butterfly’s wish." Wukong was a little embarrassed, wondering why:"It was my benefactor’s wish during her lifetime, and I must do it. It’s just that I am sad and sad. The face is like a knife piercing the heart, like the face is broken, how can you go back? Unless the Bodhisattva……"The Bodhisattva said:"Wukong, to untie the bell, you still need someone to tie it. Do you listen to this Bodhisattva?" Wukong said:"Why don't you listen? I have been pressed under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years. It was Tang Monk who was appointed by the Bodhisattva to collect scriptures from the Eastern Land of the Tang Dynasty. , saved me from the mountain when I passed by." Guanyin said:"Obey, you go back to Huaguo Mountain now. Your master is in danger, so he will definitely call you." Wukong gave a salute and said:"Thank you Bodhisattva. Wukong is leaving."After that, with a somersault, he returned to Dongsheng Shenzhou and came to Huaguo Mountain proudly.

When Sun Wukong returned to Huaguo Mountain, the hairy monkey left behind reported the news. In an instant, Tang Seng's second disciple Zhu Bajie came to invite him. The spectators know that this is the thirty-first chapter of"Journey to the West":"Zhu Bajie's righteousness inspired the Monkey King, and Sun Xingzhi defeated the monsters with wisdom." The Monkey King said that the pig was incompetent, and after laughing enough, most of his anger was gone, and he left Save Master. Tang Seng has been transformed into a big tiger by the demon Kuimu Lang of Baoxiang Kingdom and got on the iron rope. This is what happened: the traveler sprayed water on the tiger's head, retreated from the magic, and the elder appeared in his original form. Tang Sanzang repented, the master and the disciple reconciled, and returned to the path of learning.

There is no such thing as love without reason, nor hatred without reason. Later, the six-eared macaque turned into Sun Xingzhe, stole property, injured innocent people, and knocked Tang Monk unconscious, forcing Tang Sanzang to blame his eldest disciple, and Sun Wukong was expelled. The six-eared demon monkey has committed crimes many times and committed crimes for wrongdoings. Is this hatred? Everything happened for a reason, and grudges have been made for a long time.

The devil-eared monkey is the six-eared macaque. Later, during the battle between the real and fake monkey kings, the six-eared monkey appeared in its original shape under the golden bowl thrown away by Tathagata Buddha. Sun Xingzhe couldn't help but remembered that Hua Xiaomei was killed by him, so he picked up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, split the head and head with a fierce blow, and killed the six-eared monkey.

The poem says:

Wukong raised his golden cudgel and killed the monkey to settle the account.

If you want to ask where this move is, it can be found in several chapters in Journey to the West.

Since ancient times, heroes have suffered many hardships. The more adversity they face, the stronger they become.

Everything has a cause, and evil and evil will eventually perish.

Another poem says:

After all the hardships, I still live up to my heart and dare to shed my blood to get rid of the monsters.

Wukong returns to the journey to learn the scriptures, and the journey to the west is dangerous and exciting.


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