Suddenly, the sky was as black as the bottom of a pot, there was no daylight, a storm broke out, with thunder and lightning. Either yin or yang came out, the six-eared demon monkey roared violently:"Flower butterfly! Don't escape! I have laid a dragnet, and you will be captured without a doubt. Don't give up Bima Wen's heart! Return to the Lord quickly, I will go to the Western Heaven to get it Come to the scriptures and share the unparalleled happiness with you." The Butterfly Fairy ignored him, but could no longer fly. As if being shocked by electricity, his wings gradually sank, unable to struggle, and his whole body was paralyzed, as if he was just resigned to his fate.

It turns out that the six-eared monkey used the"Electric Magic of Conjuring Wind and Rain" to block the Butterfly Fairy's path by land and air. Hua Xiaomei showed up, lost her true form, and drew the Yin Shen Sword to fight. The demon monkey used the golden cudgel to fight and retreat, pretending to be defeated. Hua Xiaomei took advantage of the situation and stabbed his chest fiercely. The sword penetrated his chest and back, bleeding from both sides, like a fountain of blood spurting outward. After the demon monkey's blood sprayed dry, it fell to the ground stiffly, like a mummy.

Butterfly Fairy thought that the magic monkey was dead, so she sheathed her sword and walked away. Who knows that this is the"Lying Corpse Technique" performed by the monster with ears, turned over and came back to life, and then used the"Calming Method", recited a spell, put the index fingers of both hands together, and made a sharp move towards Hua Xiaomei, and she was frozen in place, unable to move. move.

The magic-eared macaque laughed loudly and came forward to mock Hua Xiaomei for fun, playing with the stick in his hand. Jumping and bouncing, dancing with hands and jumping with feet, I was so unhappy that I laughed so much that I fell forward and back, seeking bliss. He didn't know that the Flower Butterfly Fairy was reciting a curse to break his spell. She used the"True and False Body-Changing and Soul-Transferring Technique" taught by her master, like a golden cicada that shed its shell, leaving only the fake body fixed in place, while the real butterfly fairy had escaped and flown away. Exactly:

Dafa is originally passed down by masters and ancestors, and one can reach the heavens by changing one's soul and body.

The devil is only as high as the road, and righteousness always prevails over evil.

The beastly lust drives the demon-eared monkey, committing evil acts and killing the Butterfly Fairy.

The time has not yet come for evil to be punished, and death and settlement are not far away.

Butterfly Fairy was originally a shy flower, gentle, kind and pure, but she thought that a third party would always appear halfway through. Even though he scolded the monster that was entangled in him, he couldn't get rid of it. Forced to have no choice but to fight to the death one after another, the fight turned the world upside down.

Exactly: There are always thousand-year-old trees in the mountains, and it is rare to meet the God of Love and Righteousness in ten thousand years. The friendship between Hua Xiaomei and Sun Wukong is profound and incomparable. At this time, when I looked up, I could only feel a sense of depression, loneliness and desolation. I couldn't help but think about countless things, including my brother Wukong. I thought:"Wukong, Wukong, brother, where are you?" Suddenly, a string of tears flowed out, as if. The creek flows from low to high, surprising!

But see: the tears are clear and sparkling, and they make a sound like flowing water.

Suddenly it turns into a small stream, rising high before going down.

The fairy couldn't wipe it all, so she couldn't help but listen carefully.

I suddenly saw my brother-in-law in my tears, and my friendship will last forever.

Hua Xiaomei thought:"Wipe your tears, don't be sad! Maybe this is the end! Is fate really destined to end here, do I really not have this talent? The fire of righteousness is burning and filling my heart. We made a promise, and there will be sun and moon Testify. The past is like a dream, and we are never separated in the dream. We care about each other, and friendship is difficult to control. Although the sky is playing tricks, the deep meaning remains the same. The wind and rain are thousands of miles away, and loyalty is even heavier. It is a rare thing to meet again."

Butterfly Fairy's heart is ups and downs, sweet memories. Scene after scene with Sun Wukong, he thought about it:"Even if I am scarred and the monsters are rampant, it is difficult to drive me away, how can I suppress my heart! Although we have only been together for a short time with my brother, we are heart to heart and go to the world to eliminate evil. Help justice, save people, and have endless joy. Just as we say the same thing: 'We have a holy heart, a holy loyalty, a holy righteousness, a holy courage, and a holy wisdom. Once we go deep into friendship, we will emerge before our eyes.……"

Hua Xiaomei has thousands of thoughts, like the surging tide. She was thinking:"The sea water is dry, and the mountains can see through it. If you don't bow your head to death, the monsters will be difficult to remove. Heaven and earth are inseparable, and there will be no hindrance in a hundred calamities! Brother Wukong, justice is without fault and will last forever. Even if you are stained with blood! I would rather die than surrender. , I won’t admit defeat!"

Hua Xiaomei thought again:"Is it possible that we will never be together again?! Is it possible that we will never come back together when we fly together?! I will wait for you until your heart breaks, without any regrets. I feel sad again. Sorrow, sorrow, sorrow again, you and I are chasing each other, I don’t know when we will see each other? We can’t be separated, we can’t let go, we can’t separate, we can’t forget……"

Suddenly, Butterfly Fairy's heart sank and she couldn't restrain herself. She was extremely sad and thought hard:"I have made up my mind: if fate is broken, I will be sad for eternity. It is more unbearable than death. I would rather die! I, Hua Xiaomei, would rather sacrifice my life." Death will repay you!" She regarded death as home, no longer secretly weeping, and thought resolutely:"Although the last time we got together was short, it was also wonderful. No need to shed tears, no need to be sad anymore! Those days and nights were not in vain: justice was served, Comfort the people, save living beings, foster righteousness, promote good and eliminate evil, act bravely when seeing justice, work together in the same boat, and help others. Be upright and upright with your brother, and be magnanimous, be virtuous, and live a free and unrestrained life! It's worth dying!!" The flowers bloomed and fell, Dependent origin and end, no regrets, no regrets, endless aftertaste. Hua Xiaomei thought about Sun Wukong and would rather break her heart. It's hard to calm down, and I long for lovesickness.

Butterfly Fairy never turns back and never gives up. She was looking at the watershed of Xichuan and was running in a hurry. The clouds were rising and the mist was rising. Suddenly, in the ice and snow, blocked by icebergs, a six-eared macaque laughed strangely:"Hehehehe, hahahaha……"The monster hid in the clouds and mist, and said wildly:"Flower butterfly, don't run away! How can you escape from the hand of my god, the eared monkey king! Hurry up and submit to me!" How can

Hua Xiaomei succumb to the demon king? He said:"I will never surrender to this devil like you!" As soon as he finished speaking, I saw sections of the iceberg cracking, and the ice peaks collapsing from all sides.

The six-eared monkey casts the"Freezing Spell" and wants to freeze the Butterfly Fairy in it.

But see:

Thousands of miles of ice, the iceberg is high.

There are hundreds of cauldrons on Hanya, coming from all sides to encircle and suppress them.

It was gloomy, the sky and the earth were split apart, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The strong wind blew, no grass grew, and the birds froze to death.

The world of ice is spinning like the sky is falling, and only the devil monkey can be heard laughing crazily.

The magic monkey laughed wildly and said:"Haha, Butterfly, I'm finally going to capture you alive! The ice is sealed to death. You have fairy wings, but you can't stretch them out. That Sun Wukong is just Bima Wen, not the Monkey King." Not as good as the Monkey King! But I am the only one who is the real Monkey King and the Monkey King!" After saying this, he fell forward and backward with laughter. Suddenly, there was a rumble of thunder, the iceberg cliff collapsed, and huge ice cubes flew and filled the sky and the ground. But see: the ice cliff exploded into thousands, densely packed with female fairies.

Another example is the sword array and the mountain of spears, which are approaching fiercely and dangerously.

Don't underestimate Hua Xiaomei, the ancestral master of the Eighteen Transformations.

It is better for the jade to be broken than to be completely destroyed, and the fairy's magic power is infinite.

Suddenly, the Butterfly Fairy appeared. It turns out that Hua Xiaomei used the"Huitian Dafa" taught by her master to shatter the ice cliff. The colorful light bursts out from the body of the butterfly, emitting thousands of colorful bright lights. The six-eared macaque was frightened and rushed after him with his golden cudgel. Hua Xiaomei was in a hurry, fluttering her colorful giant wings, covered in"butterfly powder", like smoke erupting in all directions, and suddenly the eyes of the six-eared monkey were blinded.

Hua Xiaomei came back to life and escaped from the clutches of the devil again.

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