We meet again under the big tree. Wukong asked:"What's your name? We agreed to wait for me, but why is there no one there?" Shi Zhennu bowed and said:"Uncle and aunt, I call you Du Wujing. My kind uncle said that he wanted to transform into a little girl, I'm afraid. If you don't get better, you will die. If you die, you won't complain or regret! I'm afraid that I won't repay my parents after death, so I go home to sort it out. I will take my 20 years of savings and small savings of jewelry. I came out to present it to my parents and fulfilled my wish. Therefore, I was a step late and missed the time. I hope my uncle and aunt will forgive me."

After hearing this, Wukong was shocked and deeply moved. He said,"Ah, my mother and I have abused you in every possible way. Seeing that you are a dwarf and don't grow taller, and you have horns on your head, you are called a monster by the neighbors in the street. They beat you and scold you. On the contrary, you have been blocking money for your brother who is lazy, does not do his job, lives an ignoble life, and commits thievery. Doting on her in every possible way, spoiling her by habit, and allowing her children to steal! You don't hate this kind of hateful father and mother, but instead show kindness in return. It's really a wonderful woman's achievement." Xiaomei stepped forward and looked at Du Wujing carefully.

Hua Xiaomei smiled kindly and said:"What a filial daughter, I have pity for all the girls in the world." The pocket girl said:"Auntie praised me. Yes, I have horns on my head and a short stature, which is why I attract people to scold me. I despise you. No matter how cruel your parents are, their kindness in raising you should never be forgotten and you should be grateful." Wukong said:"Everything is born and can survive on its own. However, as a kind-hearted person like you, I should give you happiness as soon as possible!" As the Great Sage spoke, he jumped up to Xiao Mei and said,"Meizi, let's see your wonderful skills." Xiao Mei said,"Evil should be rewarded with evil, and good should be rewarded with good. This is the law of heaven. Thanks to Master for giving me cloisonne. It's a very special skill. I'm destined to repair her."

Hua Xiaomei said:"Du Wujing, stand firm with your back turned! Close your eyes!" The pocket girl then stood on her back and closed her eyes. Fairy Butterfly drew out the Dingyin Divine Sword, used her magic power, and struck the short girl's scalp in a circular motion. The long horns on her head were easily cut off. Du Wujing was not aware yet, but still stood quietly. Fairy Butterfly sheathed her sword, put her hands together in front of her chest, recited the incantation passed down by her ancestor, held her hands flat, and slowly rose up. The miniature girl began to grow taller, her body stretching upward bit by bit. When the waist and limbs were stretched to fit, Fairy Butterfly pushed hard with her palms, only to hear a rumble and they both fell down. Wukong was shocked, and hurriedly helped Hua Xiaomei stand up, saying:"What's wrong?" Hua Xiaomei stood up and said:"I'm fine, the transformation function is too strong." It's exactly: destroy the enemy thirty times and injure yourself eight times, you must work hard to be a human being. harm her.

Positive force and negative force are equivalent, and if you gain something, you will have to pay the price.

Incarnate in the Kung Fu Master's biography, it's not too late for the fairy to be brave.

Just seek to transform miraculous things and save the world regardless of danger.

Du Wujing climbed up from the grass and felt that she was no longer a short and small person, but as tall and dignified as a normal girl. I touched my head and found that the horn was gone. I was so happy that I jumped up. She was tall and graceful, and she said in surprise,"Isn't this a dream... my dream has come true." She knelt down and thanked her endlessly. When he suddenly looked up, he had already disappeared.

When Du Wujing returned home, her parents couldn't believe it when they saw her. His father, Du Bugui, was very happy to see that his short daughter had turned into a beautiful smile, like a flower shy of the moon, and was seven feet tall, with the corners of her head disappearing. It was easy to be affectionate with his daughter. His mother, Ran, was superstitious and listened to evil dialects. She always believed that her daughter was a monster. Today she became taller and had her horns removed. She thought her daughter was a devil. She raised a stick and beat her. She screamed:"Yaoran raised a monster, and the monster will come! If it is not a monster, how can it be?" Get taller. Beat you to death! Beat the monster to death!!" Unexpectedly, this ruthless stick hit his father, causing him to scream in pain. I don’t know, but there is an immortal playing tricks on me secretly.

Du Wujing hurriedly helped his father up and explained in detail how he met the immortal under the tree. His father didn't dare to believe it, so he regretted that he had abused his one-horned short daughter in the past, and burst into tears. His mother, Mrs. Ran, was even more flustered. She obviously wanted to beat her daughter, but why did she hit her husband? She was so angry that she knelt down and shouted to God and Bodhisattva. His father questioned it, always feeling that there was something fishy and strange things happening.

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