(14) Pocket Girl

Chapter 95: Master's words stopped at the sight of his eyebrows.

Sun Wukong and Hua Xiaomei rode on the clouds and quickly arrived at the top of Mount Emei to enjoy the scenery and peaks. It was a beautiful place. But see:

Buddha's light shines everywhere, and the sea of ​​clouds floats with gold.

Music is played in the pine forests of the mountains, and listened to on the cliffs.

There are echoes in the deep valleys and secret caves, and monkeys show their cleverness in groups.

The apes are screaming and the orioles are chirping, the scenery is infinite and the sky and the earth are clear.

He sacrificed his life on the cliff and lived an unyielding and heroic life.

How does Mount Emei compare? Sounds of knowing each other in the sacred mountain and fairyland.

Sun Wukong and Hua Xiaomei were walking on the same road. Suddenly, a pair of jade-egg birds flew over and chirped happily. He nodded to the Second Immortal, even shed tears, kowtowed a lot to express his gratitude, and then flew away to a distant place. Wukong said:"It's strange, it's strange. Where can such a bird come from, weeping and kowtowing to us? What's the purpose?!" Xiao Mei said:"It's a pity, a bird knows a bird. Brother Eng doesn't know, Mei'er heard it clearly. This pair of birds is exactly what Meiyu and Goudan became, so they are called Jade Egg Birds. They are thanking us." Wukong smiled and said:"Wonderful, wonderful! They are neither gods nor immortals, but mortals in this world. How could they turn into jade-egg birds?" Xiao Mei said:"I forgot to tell my brother that the two elixirs that Mei'er gave me were originally given by my master. Take it. After eating, you can do as you wish, with many changes." Wukong said:"That's it. They have left the world, are liberated, and are at ease."

Hua Xiaomei suddenly shed a string of cold tears, falling on the stone slab, and she suddenly flashed It turned into a big pool of tears and formed a clearing channel. Wukong was shocked and said:"Why is Xiaomei so sad that she bursts into tears?"!?"She said sadly:"Seeing those pairs of jade-egg birds, they can get along day and night and never be separated... they can start well and end well, live and die together. But we brothers and sisters cannot, so we shed tears." Wukong questioned and said:" How can it not be possible! You and I are born as souls, we live together, we have made an oath, and we will never change our minds. How come we can’t start life and die together well?!" Xiao Mei sighed:"Oh, my brother is true and sincere, Xiao Mei How can we forget. It’s just that in the three realms, we can’t help ourselves! Brother and sister are floating or flying, like dreams and illusions, like poems and paintings, and their friendship is as deep as the sea. It’s just destiny that cannot be violated. If we meet by fate, we will end without fate. It is destined!" Wukong was shocked and said:"'No fate to the end?' Could it be that fate was empty and abandoned halfway?! There is a good word 'no fate to the end', how can you say this? What theory?!" Hua Xiaomei stared at the west sky and said sadly :"When I said goodbye to my master, I once taught my disciples something to say." Wukong bounced to Lao Gao, dropped his feet, scratched his head and ears, and cried out:"Wow! It turns out it was your master, Xitianhou Zun, who made irresponsible remarks! What did he say?!" Xiao Mei said:"Master gave me a message: 'When you encounter a dream, it becomes true; She was dreaming here. Because she and Enge started out dreaming, they actually had many night dreams, and just now they suddenly remembered Master’s prophecy."

The Great Sage surrounded her, turning around, jumping around, shaking his head and waving his hands, and said:"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable! What kind of god is your master!? Even if he is the most powerful god in the world, he has limitations and errors, and cannot be extremely transcendent. How can he predict the future trends of you and me?! It's a joke, it's a joke." Wukong Looking back again, she asked:"Hey, what have Xiaomei been dreaming about in the past three days? Who is in the dream? What is going on?" Hua Xiaomei said:"Hey! Enemies meet on a narrow road! In my dreams for three days, I met that enemy. Monster……"The Great Sage asked in surprise:"Who!" She said:"Who else can there be? Have you forgotten?" Wukong Fang remembered this rhetorical question and said:"Six-eared macaque! Is it that evil monkey?" She nodded. The Great Sage said:"It's just a nightmare. I think the scum under me will never come again!" Xiao Mei said:"I hope so. However, the teachings given by the master are not nonsense. I have always kept them in mind. In the foolish meaning, how can I I came to Mount Emei in a daze. I should have known I shouldn't have come here, so as not to stop at the wrong time. I regret it so much." Wukong said angrily:"How can I regret it! My heart is on your body, and my feet are on your legs. It is up to you to decide your own destiny. How can friendship and righteousness be separated? What weird talk!" Hua Xiaomei was very angry when she saw the Great Sage Brother turning against her. She stopped speaking outright and thought in her heart:"Master's words are not bad, the watershed is just ahead. Tang Sanzang will encounter a great disaster, and Wukong will go to rescue him and set foot on the journey to the west to learn the scriptures. But I cannot go with him.……"By the way, I looked at the Dingyin Divine Sword. The light of the sword flashed, I counted it with my fingers, and said secretly:"Something is going wrong!"

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