Zuo Qingshan's mother cut off her finger to verify that Hong'er's face was covered in blood, but she didn't transform, and she didn't see any changes in spirit or ghost. Only then did she feel at ease and believe her son's theory that the red fox transformed into a mortal. Zuo Qingshan heard his mother crying, ran in, picked up the half-broken bloody finger, and put it in place for his mother. I couldn't connect anymore, so I thought my mother accidentally cut off her ring finger.

After the Zuo family was verified, she agreed to marry her son to the red girl. That night, Zuolang had a strange dream in the middle of the night. He dreamed that it was dark. He had just entered the house alone and found that there was a thief, so he searched for it. Suddenly, a little man was hiding in the desk drawer. When he noticed it, he jumped out of the wooden drawer. It turned out to be Bu Jingui, holding a dagger in his hand and stabbing him. Zuo Qingshan woke up with a start, and Hongnu was also woken up by Zuo Lang's loud shouting, and asked"What's wrong?". Zuo Lang recounted the events in his dream one by one. The red girl realized her dream and said:"There is a disaster!" Zuo Lang said:"Why do you say that?" The red girl said:"My lord, if a person can hide in a drawer, he must be a villain! If he holds a knife in his hand, he must have murderous intent.!"

Sure enough, dreams always come first, and things always happen later. That afternoon, Bu Jingui led a team of people to catch the fox spirit. Bu Jingui has become a small official and is in charge of many villages. There are more people coming this time. We invite Daoist Priest Huang, and the rest of the group are equipped with weapons such as knives, guns, and sticks. The three members of the Zuo family were surrounded in the courtyard, and there was no way to escape. Huang Taoist cast various spells to capture demons and ghosts, but all failed. He splashed blood on her, but the red girl remained unmoved. Huang Daozhang declared on the spot:"Wrong, wrong, wrong! There is no such thing as a vixen. He is obviously showing off his daughter alive, how can he be a goblin! I'm sorry, everyone, please go back!" The country people were convinced by Huang Daozhang and returned one after another. When Bu Jingui was leaving, he left a vicious remark:"Classmate, you used to be so rich that even I was jealous. But now, you are so pitiful! You can only be a beggar. Maybe you come to my door to beg for food. After all, we We are classmates, so I will give you some leftovers and chewed meat bones!"

Bu Jingui said out of sarcasm, his words were too poisonous and cruel. A bad thing turned out to be a good thing, and being too vicious forced Zuo Qingshan to work hard to become stronger. Zuo Qingshan was so angry that he cried, and turned his tears into strength to start a business from scratch with Hong Nu. At first, his mother, Zuo, asked relatives to borrow money and grain, and also borrowed land to grow crops. He went to Gusu City and opened a rice shop, and the small business grew bigger and bigger. The red girl is smart and started various rice and oil businesses, which snowballed and grew bigger and bigger, making a lot of money. I paid off all the debts I borrowed, and my family has a lot of balance. Over the past few years, little has made more, and the Zuo family has become rich again. Zuo Qingshan and Hong Nu went to the church to get married, built a two-story house, and their days became more and more prosperous. His mother was also happy, no longer worried or holding her breath, and no longer got sick and took medicine.

Besides, Bu Jingui has many people who are jealous and offends many people, so he cannot be upright in a small official position. I wanted to find a wife who was better than Zuo Qingshan's wife, but I couldn't find one. Sitting and eating, the family gradually fell into decline.

The more corrupt Jingui becomes, the worse his heart becomes. This year, I had a bloody sore on my red eye. One red eye was infected with the other eye, and I had a bloody sore on both eyes.

Bu Jingui could not open his eyes and spent all his money on treating his eye disease. Accidentally, he fell down again and became a limp. There was nothing left to eat, there was no food to eat, and all I could do was beg because I was hungry. Wearing a cane, limping on one leg or two, holding a bowl in one hand, he went everywhere begging for food. Some days, when I didn't even get half a bowl of leftover food, I was so hungry that I had no choice but to shamelessly come to Zuo Qingshan's house to beg for food. Zuo Qingshan's family, not caring about their past grudges, even gave the leftovers to Beggar Bu...

Bu Jingui became a beggar. When it is time to be unlucky, it becomes more and more unlucky. After my eyes got better, I felt depressed and couldn't go out for many days, so I used crutches and went sightseeing in Taihu Lake. On the shore of Beiwan Pier, I only looked up at the scenery without looking down at the road. My lame leg slipped and I fell into Taihu Lake and drowned. The above is a later story.

Speaking of midriff. After Wukong transcended Red Fox, he left with Hua Xiaomei. Wukong said:"People in the world not only despise visual objects, but also despise disabled people as wild animals. It is so unfair." Xiao Mei said:"Disabled people are also human beings! They have pain and should be valued and cared for.." Wukong said:"It makes sense. It's just that some people are so bad! So bad! Such people have the heart of an animal, or even worse than an animal's heart!" Xiao Mei said:"There are such people, it depends on who they are. When he becomes powerful and rich, he praises and flatters. On the surface, he is flattering, but in fact, he wishes that others would fall to death, be killed, or die of illness to have a psychological balance." Wukong said:"It is this kind of person who spreads rumors everywhere when someone is in trouble. Family members are destroyed, and it’s nice to watch other people’s laughter."

The Great Sage said:"The inner demons of jealousy and hatred are so filthy! Despicable! Vicious!" Xiao Mei said:"It is predicted that in this life, the final end of jealous people will be very sad. It's miserable. If you spend your time hating others, you will certainly lose yourself and suffer the consequences."

The poem says:

Where the dirty evil heart comes from, it is difficult to guess in the world.

Jealousy and jealousy can lead to misfortune, and retribution will be swift and will lead to disaster.

He has devoted his whole life to seeking short-term ideas, and his narrow-mindedness has led to miscarriage.

Allowing people to have a broad future and a bright future is hard to buy with a golden mountain of conscience.

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