(11) Red

Fox Chapter 73 Bu Jingui and Zuo Qingshan

The poem says:

The choices in the world are vague, and the slightest difference makes the difference longer.

Sometimes, when encountering evil and bad luck, it turns into good fortune, and the intention is to seek blessings but suffer disaster instead.

Since Pangu discussed human beings and monsters, ghosts and monsters can also be divided into evil and good.

It doesn't matter if you have broken arms or legs, as long as you have a strong heart and become strong.

There was a young man named Bu on the outskirts of Gusu (Suzhou). His name was Jingui and he was a scholar. I went to Taihu Lake to play and saw a woman in red crying sadly by the roadside. I saw him silently sobbing with his head down and ignored him. He wanted to see what she looked like before he stepped forward to ask. The girl's long hair was disheveled and her face was covered. When she saw a man standing not far away, she threw her hair behind her shoulders and raised her head. Only then did Mr. Bu see clearly, and he was startled. He saw that she looked very delicate.

But see: the cherry mouth is small and the willow eyebrows are curved, and the face is like a lotus and as beautiful as a fairy.

Her jade skin is filled with red water, and she has a pair of charming red and phoenix eyes.

Bu Jingui dressed up and stepped forward to ask, only to find out that Xiu Nu was helpless and begged someone to take her in. But he was a lame man, walking with a limp and two hobs, which made him look very ugly. The young master thought:"She is good-looking and is more than good enough for me, but she is a kidnapper! A disabled girl! What use can it be? Getting to know her will make relatives and friends laugh, so go away! It's useless to pay attention to her." He also laughed secretly and said sarcastically:"You trash! I stole a scale in my last life, but in this life I will be punished by being cut into one leg in the underworld!" After that, he winked contemptuously, put his hands behind his back, strode proudly, and left in a hurry.

The girl continued to complain, but to no avail, so she limped forward. Suddenly, I saw another young man sitting on the grass ridge by the roadside. He didn't seem to notice her approaching. She looked at the young man and saw that he was handsome.

The woman in red stood still and listened to him muttering to himself with her back turned. She sat on a small ridge and talked to her feet. I saw the young man holding his left foot with both hands, kissing on the nose, and said sincerely:"General Zuo, General Zuo, you are not afraid of the bumpy road, the wind and rain, you have supported me until today, and you have made great contributions to the Han Dynasty. , I admire you." After muttering to himself, he gently put down his left foot, picked up his right foot, kissed it, and said passionately:"General Right, General Right, you have such great endurance and tenacious spirit. At the time of Guan Jian, once They carried me several times and jumped over the threshold of death. They saved me and made a great contribution. The two generals are the pillars of my life."

The woman in red thought that he was a madman and how could he talk to his feet, so she collapsed on the ground and cried bitterly:"Unfortunately, just now I met a heartless man, who was sarcastic and sarcastic. Now, I met another half-stupid, half-crazy man, who was treated coldly and miserably!" After that, he moaned softly again.

The man who worshiped the general with his feet in his arms was named Zuo Qingshan. He lived in Beidukou, Taihu Lake. He was not a crazy person. First, he expressed his love to his feet. His old classmate Bu Jingui who was passing by saw him and laughed at him for a while, calling him a lunatic. At this moment, he met another crying woman and still called him a madman. Mr. Zuo had already noticed that the woman in red was a cripple, and felt pity in his heart. Unexpectedly, his sympathy was met with scolding. Thoughts:"Screaming and cursing is just like the wind blowing! This girl has beautiful features, but she is a cripple. She keeps crying and is suffering in her heart. Don't worry about her rudeness. A gentleman should help others." Mr.

Zuo put on his shoes and stood up. , walked forward slowly, but it was difficult to speak. Seeing that she was crying until her eyes were dead and her energy was almost gone, he boldly asked:"Girl in red, what sad thing has happened to you? Why do you keep crying?" The daughter still kept crying and said nothing, Zuo Qingshan Still can't bear to leave. Then he said:"The girl is disabled, which is a great difficulty. She also encounters suffering, which is really the most difficult thing. Tell me what suffering you have, and I am willing to help you. Hold back your tears. There is no need to cry anymore." The girl then stopped. Holding back tears, covering half of his face with his sleeves, he stood up and saluted. However, he turned his leg and fell down. The young master hurriedly helped him.

The girl was moved, wiped away her tears, and said:"Master, it's hard to describe my suffering in words. I am homeless and helpless... and I am afraid of hurting the master's family."……"As he said that, he took a closer look at Zuo Qingshan and saw that he was born with a majestic and heroic face, and a stroke of black silk hanging from his ears.

His eyes shone with determination, but poverty was hidden between his brows.

His height often shows his ambition, and his patchwork clothes make him look poor.

He talks kindly and has a sense of loyalty, which is hard to find in the world.

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