(10) Nao

Nuo Chapter 66 Mr. Liu meets his ghost wife. The poem says:

Nao Nuo is cunning and stubborn, driving her old mother to death.

The wild flow of animal desires creates enemies, and the poison drives a wedge between thieves and greedy people.

He looks like a human being but is actually a ghost. He is in the upper world but is in the underworld.

If you secretly murder someone and stage a murder, God will finally make a decision.

In the south of Tianmu Mountain, there was a young man named Liu Nanzhang, his wife was named Ruzhi, and their nickname was Youzi. After his wife died, he had a close relationship with a woman named Nao Lixian, who was also called Nao Nu.

Without getting married through a matchmaker, Mr. Liu and his daughter Nao mingled together secretly, and they were inseparable like paint and glue. After two months of sweet honeymoon, suddenly, there was no peace at night. From the second watch in the middle of the night until the third watch, there were constant strange noises inside and outside the house. After a while, there was a banging sound on the wall of the inner room. I lit a candle and looked, but there was nothing. After a while, the door creaked, and it seemed to be opened. I turned over and got up, and saw that the bedroom door was still bolted. Just after falling asleep, I heard the sound of the window and the sound of the cupboard. It seemed that someone was opening the cupboard to take out clothes. He stood up and lit a lamp to check, and sure enough, there were several sets of women's skirts missing, all of which were worn by his ex-wife Yuko.

Mr. Liu was shocked and murmured:"There are ghosts, there are ghosts, there are ghosts." The troublemaker lazily got up and put on her clothes, and said displeasedly:"What kind of ghost is there! There are ghosts every night, making people sleepless and killing people." La!" Mr. Liu trembled with fright and said:"Madam, it's not that I am causing trouble and deliberately causing trouble; it's just a ghost that is making trouble for people. There really is a ghost." The troublemaker said sternly:"Don't make things out of thin air! Seeing is what you see. Really, where did the ghost come from? Have you seen it? What a joke! It's midnight, I'm sleeping soundly, and I still want to sleep!" After that, he took off his clothes, went to bed and fell asleep.

After being scolded, Liu Nanzhang suspected that he was trying to catch someone else's fault, so he gave himself some relief and fell asleep. Soon I started dreaming...Suddenly, I saw my dead wife Yuko in the forest. She was dressed in white, with her hair tied up in a white scarf, a long white skirt, and white shoes. Young Master Liu was shocked and said:"You...are Ru Zhi, how come you are wearing all white to see me?" Youzi pulled up her skirt and came forward, saluted:"Young Master, I miss you so much that I came to see you, don't come Are you okay?" Mr. Liu said:"Don't be okay!" Youzi said:"What's the matter, Mr. Liu?" Liu Nanzhang said:"I've been having a heart attack recently. There are ghosts in my house. In the middle of the night, the doors, windows, cabinets and boxes are all making noises. I'm so scared of people... Well, could it be that you are playing some trick to scare me and harm me!" Just as he said this, his ex-wife suddenly disappeared, and only a white light was seen, which passed through her in a flash and was no longer seen. The young master woke up and saw that it was already broad daylight. As soon as she got up, she told her the dream in detail. The woman was very angry and said sternly:"It's haunted at night, and it's haunted as soon as I wake up! Scare me away, right? It's so annoying! I want to go home." After that, she packed her bags. No matter how much the young master tried to persuade him, he still couldn't stop her, so the naughty girl still left.

That night, Liu Nanzhang was sitting alone, in a trance... His wife Ru Zhi called him in the yard and said,"Ms., I'm back." Mr. Liu was shocked. He opened the window and looked out, and it turned out that it was indeed... Youzi said sharply:"You are dead, how can you become alive?" Ruzhi said:"Don't you know that I have become a ghost." Mr. Liu said:"What are you doing here?" Youzi said:"I'm here to see you and tell you face to face. If you talk in the yard, the news will leak out and it will be bad for your husband." Liu Gongzi said,"Don't come, I don't want to see you." Ru Zhi walked to the door of the inner room and asked him to open the door. But the young master didn't open it and locked it tightly.

In an instant, Youzi threw up her long sleeves, a strong wind blew up, and the door opened automatically. When the young master saw it, he backed away in fright. Ruzhi approached and said affectionately:"I am your ex-wife. I am not here to harm you, but for your own good. Don't be afraid." Mr. Liu said:"You are a ghost, how can you still be good to me?" Youzi Said:"I'm here to sound the alarm for you. You have met a noisy woman who even dared to kill her biological mother with a knife. How can you get along with her!? I'm worried that she will ignore her when she is angry. Everything will harm your husband. So, while she is home, show up in person and warn your husband." After hearing this, Liu Nanzhang breathed a sigh of relief, sat down for tea, and sighed:"Oh, so that's what it is... That door and window cabinet in the middle of the night The noise was all caused by you. You broke in in the middle of the night and took away your dress?" Ru Zhi nodded and warned:"Although you hated me during your lifetime and thought I was not beautiful, my soul is beautiful. But you can't see it. Now, you are enthusiastic about fake beauties, fake beauties, and fake ladies. These are all superficial, and their hearts are dark, sinister, and ugly... But you can't see it. I advise you to wake up to this." Mr. Liu said:"Humph! You come to scare me with big words again! Who can believe the words of a ghost! As the saying goes: 'Don't believe the words of ghosts!' How beautiful I am with the girl with the last name Noisy, but you are greedy and want to break us up and alienate us! Ghost woman, you Go! Go away! Don't bother with your husband!" Youzi felt hurt and wanted to express many things in her heart. The rooster crowed and left in a flash. Exactly: the rooster crows and floats away, stepping on the dark road at dawn.

This is a wronged girl, who said she has no soul.

Good words enlighten the conscience, but the husband does not realize it.

In fact, it is a dream, and dreams can also point the way.

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