The remaining nine Lords of Yan stood at a distance to observe the formation, but they were unable to help the huge underworld treasure box to contain the spinning Dingyin Sword and put it back in its original place. Sun Wukong and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva stood on a high cliff to watch the battle, to see which of the two treasures could win. The Bodhisattva said:"Hey, these two treasures are different from my"Double Bells" magic weapon." The Great Sage said:"Guarantee King! Why don't you take out your shocking bells to compete and let me broaden my horizons?" King Ksitigarbha said:"Great Sage, don't be sarcastic! This Bodhisattva will never act rashly. The"Pouring Sea Basin" was also leaked, and several treasures were seriously injured. How could I throw it out so easily?" Wukong jumped up, He smiled happily and said:"Wonderful, wonderful! The giant treasure box looks like it is going to contain the Ruyi Sword, but it slips away." The Bodhisattva also said happily:"Wow, the giant sword is so sensitive. I thought it was big and stupid, but it flew away." It is very fast and spins fiercely, like flying clouds and lightning." Wukong said:"The treasure box of the underworld weapon is as big as a room, and it can flip freely in the clouds and dodge here and there. How come the Ruyi Sword can't pierce it."The Bodhisattva said:"Great Sage, once it is pierced, the underworld treasure box will become a leaky box again." Just as he said this, he saw Hua Xiaomei floating above the Yin sky, grabbing the handle of Ruyi Ding Yin Sword, Like a shooting star chasing the moon, it flew towards the huge underworld treasure box, and heard a whooshing sound like a strong wind. The magic weapon"The Underworld Box" was no longer there. It turned out that Mr. Bian Cheng saw that the situation was unfavorable and was afraid that the magic weapon would be broken down. He waved his sleeves to collect the treasure box and hid it in his sleeves. He also gave up.

Hua Xiaomei sheathed her sword and rode the clouds, and landed on the black cliff where Bodhisattva and Wukong were standing. She smiled and said:"It is an invincible Ruyi Dingyin Sword. It is rare and rare. God gave it to me. Thank you very much." Qin, the leader of the Ten Lords King Guang stepped forward and spoke:"Huadie, don't be too happy! Why are you bragging about being 'invincible'! If other weapons and magic weapons are thrown out at the same time, you will not be able to withstand it." Wukong said sternly:"Head of the Ten Lords , call for those useless magic weapons, come forward! Let me, old grandson, enjoy some blessings and open up his soul." King Qin Guang gave an order in earnest:"For those who haven't mastered it, throw out the four magic weapons!!"

These four magic weapons are exactly: King City's"Dragon Lock"; King Taishan's"Five Thunder Gongs"; King Qin Guang's"Ten Thousand Changes Spear"; King Ping Ping's"Heng Tian Bottle". Hua Xiaomei was not timid. She first took out the Dingyin Divine Sword from its sheath and threw it at the four magic weapons, creating a battle between darkness and space.

The Tianlong Lock grew from small to large, until the ring was as big as half a cave. He tried to catch the flying giant sword, but it slipped away. The five thunder gongs roared loudly, causing the divine sword to tremble and lose direction, spin and sway. When Hua Xiaomei saw it, she hurriedly recited the incantation. The Ruyi Sword kept its orientation and quickly stabbed the Hengtian Vase. The Hengtian vase was no bigger than a vase. At this time, the master Ping Pingjun recited the incantation, and the vase became thicker and more than three feet tall. He turned around in the air, and the mouth of the vase was aimed at the giant sword, as if he was about to put it in. Do you know that Hengtian Ping is powerful? No matter what kind of treasure, once it is absorbed into it, it will instantly turn into a slurry. This slurry will lose its fighting power and will be controlled by the King of Pingping.

Seeing this, Hua Xiaomei hurriedly waved her hand to control the sword. The Dingyin Sword suddenly changed its direction. The weapon blocked the mouth of the giant bottle and struck each other fiercely, making a shocking sound. I saw that the"Ten Thousand-Changing Spear" was so powerful, one spear turned into ten thousand spears, surrounding the Dingyin Divine Sword. Hua Xiaomei hurriedly chanted the spell in her mind, and the Ruyi Sword also transformed into tens of thousands, one sword against one spear, ten thousand swords attacking ten thousand spears... In this Taixu Realm, it was quite a battle.

But see: the gun kills the sword, the sword stabs the gun.

It vibrated so much that the cliff cracked with thousands of cracks, creating thousands of flames.

Shocking hell, scaring ghosts and wolves.

Demons and monsters are escaping, and the door of the underworld is shaking.

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