After hearing this, Sun Wukong was furious and said sternly:"Humph! You are carrying a bull's head and refuse to admit your fault, how dare you lie. Wait for me, the king, haven't you heard the roars of so many wronged souls!" Lord Pingping saluted and said:"Great Sage, you can reveal it, It's rare. I, the king, will correct it if you have it, and encourage you if you don't." King Wu Guan said:"Great Sage, the Yin Division is in need of strict officials like you. In the past, the Jade Emperor named you Bima Wen, and served as the Royal Horse Supervisor. The affairs are really difficult for a small official. Now, the Yin Division is very different. Dear brothers, how about conferring a high official title on Sun Wukong?" The

Song Emperor said:"Great Sage, brothers, confer a high official title on the general sect of the Yin Division. Ten The king has no power. He can only report it to the Lingxiao Palace, and the Jade Emperor will give the order." Wukong laughed so hard that he said:"It's a joke, you are looking down on me, old grandson. It's too late to carry out the Jade Emperor. It's useless, even if you grant the Great Sage Kui the title of Emperor of the Yin Division, you won't do it!" King Bian Cheng said:"Great Sage, if you report it, the Jade Emperor will appoint you to supervise the kings of the Ten Palaces and eliminate the evil in the Yin Division, wouldn't it be better? There is no chance. Lost, lost will never come again."

Wukong said sternly:"Don't use your official hat to redeem your sins and debts!" ​​King Yama was furious and said:"You are a monkey! You don't know what's good or bad! It can be said that a dog sits on a sedan chair and doesn't know how to lift..I give you a club and a hammer, and you can act as a needle. Do you think it is so easy to get the official title of Senluo Palace? All the officials of the Yin Division show their power, have dignity and great blessings, and will not grow old for ten thousand years. How can I give you the responsibility of the hair-splitting god?!" King Bian Cheng flattened his palms and said:"Hey, there is no need to make a fuss, why bother to argue. The Great Sage and our ten princes were originally very familiar with each other, why should they fall out and become stalemate. Turning friends into enemies is the worst policy."

Hua Xiaomei stood among the wronged souls and could listen carefully. She stood up and said proudly:"Brother Eng, listen to my sister, not all the kings of the ten palaces are stupid kings, and they should be treated differently. Besides, the evil chaos in the Yin Division is not caused by Lord Yan. It is better to release the kings of the ten palaces and jointly control the evil spirits. How about rectifying the underworld, reincarnating the wronged souls, implementing the retribution of good and evil, and practicing the law?" After hearing this, Wukong nodded and said:"Xiao Mei is right." After saying that, he stretched out his finger, and the halo of His Highness's blazing golden cudgel was taken, and transformed into Make a small needle and hide it in your ear. The kings were no longer in a state of panic and were much more relaxed now that they were out of jail.

After King Guang of Qin straightened his robes, he bowed and saluted, and said,"Thank you Butterfly Fairy for your sincere words." He then stood upright in the middle and preached to the crowd of wronged souls in the darkness:"All wronged souls, regardless of gender, old or young, should not die in the human world. As for the deceased, all those who should not have entered the eighteen levels of hell in the underworld and were punished; all those who were entangled by evil spirits and demons in the underworld and were unable to be reincarnated... Once verified, they all passed through the six reincarnations and were sent to the noble gate of reincarnation. Return to the world of the world. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy and will be exterminated forever!" Wukong raised his hands respectfully and said,"That's all. I, the old grandson, and Hua Xiaomei are the witnesses. All the wronged souls, please go back!" Around him, countless people gathered around him and died. After hearing this, the wronged soul hurriedly headed towards the Chaosheng Guidao Sect.

But see: push forward and push back, mighty and mighty.

The long-haired soul misses its relatives and rushes out of the underworld.

With a smile on his face, he wished he could fly through reincarnation; he was scrambling, hoping to see the light of day again.

An innocent soul unlocks the chain and returns to the afterlife in death.

For a moment, there were only Shi Yanjun, Sun Wukong and Hua Xiaomei in the Senluo Hall. Fairy Butterfly said:"Brother Wukong, everything is done, it's time for us to say goodbye." Wukong jumped to his feet and said:"Little Mei, leaving like this is an advantage for the King of Hell!" King Yama said sternly:"Bima Wen! Haven't you caused enough trouble in the underworld? What do you want?" Wukong gritted his teeth and stared, yelling:"Hmph! It's too cheap, how can we stop it! Hua Xiaomei deserves compensation for the severe torture she suffered, and she must pay the price.! Otherwise, it is unfair and unfair. How can I, the old grandson, give up?" King Yan Jun of Chujiang said:"Great Sage, all the kings and brothers have already apologized, and you still have to compensate and pay the price. It is too much." The urban king said :"Great Sage, what compensation can the Yin Dynasty make!? Even if the bank in the underworld is completely compensated to you, those tens of trillions of coins, if you take them to the earth, are just a mountain of waste paper, what's the use!" said the Song Emperor Junjun"Great Sage, I will give you all the gold and silver treasures of Senluo Palace, and I will give you the gold and silver stored in all the banks in the underworld. If you take them to the Yang world, they will all turn into ashes."

Hua Xiaomei said:"Dear Lords of Hell, , if you give us the real gold and silver in the world, the little fairy will definitely not accept it. The little girl has suffered and been tortured, and it is difficult to write down." Qin Guang Yan Jun cupped his hands and said:"Great Sage, Butterfly Fairy, as the author If you ask for any compensation, we, the King of the Ten Palaces, will comply with it." Wukong was so happy that he jumped forward and backward, stretched out his head and neck, and said calmly:"Okay, okay, Qin Guangjun, you are the boss, you keep your word!" Qin Guangjun said:"I, the king, are the leader, so of course I will say what I say!" Wukong pointed to the other nine kings and said:"Hey! You, the nine kings, listen carefully. The leader of the kings said it again. Please repeat it: 'What kind of compensation should be made, please make it clear. The kings of the ten palaces will do as they are told. Nine Lords of Yama! Do you have any objections?" The nine Lords of Yama all shook their heads and said repeatedly:"No...nothing."

Wukong stood up and said,"Okay, wonderful. Alas! My old grandson has made it clear that there are thousands of treasures in the underworld, and none of them will be compensated. We only want one thing!" Qin Guangjun asked:"Which one do you want?" Wukong simply said:"Dingyin Divine Sword." The kings were shocked when they heard this, and they whispered among themselves anxiously, at a loss.


There are treasures in the Milky Way and the East China Sea, and a divine sword is hidden in the underworld.

Mortals can't lift it, but fairies can carry it with ease.

Three thousand bladed mountains support the sky, and eighty thousand miles of ocean waves surge.

Try to see who is panicking? The calm traveler smiles hiddenly.

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