Just when I was here, I suddenly heard a loud roar. When he turned around to look, he saw a spider spirit with a big round door stumbling across the Naihe Bridge. He laughed like crazy and said:"Hahaha, Zhong Fanzi, little turtle! If I catch you, I'll chop off your legs first. Butterfly, little bird." Birds with venom are bound to be caught. Hahaha, you are afraid of being beaten by me. You escaped yesterday, but you cannot escape today!"

Zhong Kui shouted loudly:"Big poison! Can you touch this iron book of this judge?!" After saying that, he waved his sleeves, and the"Iron Book of the Underworld" had already taken action, spinning gusts of dark wind and flying towards the spider spirit. The poisonous creature didn't show any weakness, opened its big mouth, and actually bit the iron book. In an instant, there was a loud noise, and the ten-thousand-word killer weapon flew out at once, like a thousand knives, piercing the belly and six internal organs of the poisonous monster. The crisp sound of the fangs being broken was mixed with the screams of the spider spirit.

At this moment, how could the butterfly spirit stand by and pull out the two swords that heard the sound, and fiercely pierced the spider spirit. The two swords hit Big Mouth's tongue, but it was rolled into powder by the large blade-like tongue teeth. Wensheng Sword could never recover. But that murderous weapon with ten thousand words can sting a poisonous spider with five belliesAfter getting dirty, drill deeper and deeper until the iron shell-like spider skin is penetrated, and only then can the poisonous blood flow out. The poisonous spirit of the spider struggled to the death, dying. It lasted for a full moment after burning incense before paralyzing to the ground and dying again.

There is a poem to prove it:

Wonderful sight, one thing falls, and the poisonous spirit of the spider finally perishes.

It is a shame that justice prevails in the world of the sun, but evil spirits are always caught in the underworld.

Judge Zhong Kui recited a mantra and said:"It is dead. It will die forever and will never be reincarnated! From now on, this kind of poisonous spider will never appear in the world again." The flower butterfly said:"Your Majesty Judge, what kind of poison does it belong to? Spider?" Zhong Kui said:"It is a poisonous thorn spider. Didn't you see that it has thorns all over its body? It even has short thorns like small knives on its tongue." The ghost of the butterfly said:"It's so powerful! If it weren't for the great powers of the senior judge, my little girl Die, I will definitely die. If I die, I will die. I don’t care. I’m just afraid that my brother Wukong will live alone and be miserable for my little sister."

Zhong Kui recited the incantation again, put the ten-thousand-word assassin’s mace into the iron book, and held it with both fingers. With a pinch, the book-sized"Iron Book of the Underworld" became one inch long, half an inch wide, and thick as a little finger. With a shake, the small iron book in the wide sleeve flew into the god's pocket. The King of Ghosts laughed loudly and said:"Hahaha, I have said it before, I don't like to hear words of praise. What do you mean by 'great supernatural powers'? That's wrong! Sun Dasheng, the man with great supernatural powers, has this little ability of the little judge. , just a tail."

Huadie saluted and said:"Senior, no matter how powerful Wukong is, he can't make me transcend, and he can't introduce me to the"Supernatural Sect", but the judge can do it. Sir, my little girl I’m begging you." After saying that, he knelt down. Zhong Kui stroked his beard and said:"Butterfly Soul, the little judge's power is limited. Any major right or wrong in the underworld must be approved by the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace. If Miss Butterfly Soul can persuade the King of the Tenth Palace to issue an official document, the little judge will act according to the rules. Butterfly Soul Sister said:"I heard that the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace is very powerful and will not easily kill the soul. He must refuse to leave the palace, create a deadlock, and do bad things. What should I do?!"

Judge Zhong Kui of the Yin Division said:"Well, In the hope that you, a colorful dead soul, will join forces with me, this little banzi, in addition to being a big poison, I am willing to give you some advice. Please get up and speak." Butterfly Soul said:"Thank you, senior." He stood up and said"Uncle En, please give me some advice for the suffering souls." Zhong Kui said,"Girl Colorful Butterfly, this requires your cooperation with this judge." Butterfly Soul said,"How to cooperate?" Zhong Kui smiled and said," My little girl, as long as we invite the Great Sage Qitian to come to the Yin Division, everything will be solved." Butterfly Soul said:"It's just what I want. The little girl wants to see Big Brother Wukong, but he is on the way to the West to learn scriptures. One is in the Yang world, and the other is in the Yin world. How can we invite him to come to this world?" Zhong Kui stroked his beard and said,"Silly girl, as long as you two are destined to cooperate as the little judge said, then Sun Dasheng will definitely come to the underworld." Butterfly Soul said:"My little girl is willing to cooperate, please. Sir, please teach me." Zhong Kui said:"Silly girl, tonight, if you miss Sun Wukong fiercely and recall the whole process of kindness and righteousness with him, that fool will be awakened by the dream of love. As for Zhong, at this moment, I'm reciting my farewell for you, please don't make any noise!" Hua Butterfly nodded in agreement and stood aside to watch quietly, not daring to make any mistakes.

But when he saw Zhong Kui, the judge of the Yin Division, blowing a breath, a stick of incense erupted in his hand, and he silently said in his mouth:"Master Zhang is above, and down below, Judge Zhong Kui of the Yin Division, please teach me: Please ask the Great Sage Qitian for the spell." After a while, , after the incense stick burned, Zhong Kui thanked him and said:"Yes, yes, you don't have to be embarrassed. I will invite Sun Wukong to enter your dream, and your body and soul will enter the underworld!" He blew again, Holding a stick of high incense in his hand and making fireworks, he murmured:"Summon the Great Sage Qitian to come to the underworld, holding a golden hoop in his hand, with blazing eyes and golden eyes, wearing a straight cotton robe and tied at the waist. Wearing a tiger skin skirt and a pair of suede boots, you are as urgent as a law!" Then, he held the incense and bowed three times.

He also chanted the incantation and said:

The magical power is manifested in a thousand changes, and the treasure stick beats down the demons and kills thousands.

The spiritual talisman has a sense of connection with the ten palaces, and the magic has seventy-two strange changes.

Kill the evil spirits directly to clear the underworld, and invite the great sage to the altar.

The monkey god is as anxious as the law, and the soul sister is reunited with you.

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