Yu Qing was a little flattered.

He always felt that he was just a little brother. After following Jiang Feng, he didn't feel that he was very powerful.

No matter how powerful Jiang Feng is, it is still Jiang Feng who is powerful.

He and Zhao Zhigang had discussed it long ago. They must not think that they are powerful just because Jiang Feng is powerful, and they must not cause trouble to their master.

Jiang Feng helped them when they were not doing well and taught them so many things. They knew that their talents were average and they didn't want to make Jiang Feng face. At least they couldn't cheat their master.

In Yu Qing's opinion, Jamie is not as powerful as his master, but he is much more powerful than them, and he is also very famous.

Yu Qing really didn't expect that such a celebrity would take the initiative to add him as a friend.

He is even more excited now than when he first joined his wife as a friend.

Both Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang added Jamie’s contact information

"Two photos?"


The three of them got together and took a few photos.

Jamie signed their names and then said,"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first and return the bowl.""

While squatting here just now, Jamie also learned some of Jiang Feng's rules.

There are not enough people in Jiang Feng's store, so the guests default to putting their bowls back after eating. Jiang Feng can have more time and cook more. Food.

The regular customers feel sorry for Jiang Feng, and they also want Jiang Feng to make more steamed buns.

Jamie thinks it is amazing.

The regular customers in Jiang Feng’s shop are very willing to think about others, and are willing to take on some troubles for others.

They are very good. Collective consciousness.

It seems that these regular customers who eat here in Jiang Feng are all in the same group.

When Jamie was in Europe, people were also very polite, but after experiencing it carefully, Jamie felt that there was a big difference.

Foreign politeness, pleasure Helping others is more like a manifestation of self-cultivation.

Helping others is to benchmark your own quality.

If it is really troublesome, most people will not help.

The people here are different.

They like to chat and don’t have so much politeness. , sometimes they ask questions that people don’t know how to answer, but they are really willing to help if there is something.

Jamie suddenly felt that this place was much better than he imagined.

It seemed to be quite suitable for his life.

He also had a boldness The idea.

How about opening a store in the imperial capital?

After he became famous, he has become his own boss. Now he has four stores, two in France and two in London.

Originally, he did not plan to open any more stores.

He It’s different from Jiang Feng’s.

Jiang Feng has positioned himself very clearly, which is cheap, clean, and delicious.

Jamie’s stores all follow the exquisite route. A side dish costs 199 yuan, but the taste is better..

Ten cents can buy three cents of taste, which is better than other stores, but much more expensive.

This method is very profitable.

Jamie's net profit can reach more than 300%, which is scary.

But the disadvantages We just can’t open too many stores.

We have to maintain the taste to ensure that these rich people come here to eat often.

These people are rich, but they are not taken advantage of.

If it really doesn’t taste good, they won’t order it. The so-called style and fame pay for it.

Four stores can make enough money.

Jamie originally planned to work in four stores until retirement.

But now he has a new idea.

Come to the Imperial Capital to open a store!

The more he thinks about it The more excited he is!

It’s best to get closer to Jiang Feng!

He knows that he can’t compete with Jiang Feng, and his target users are different from Jiang Feng.

If he opens a store in the Imperial Capital, his main target customers will still be foreign businessmen on business trips, and A rich man who wants to try new things.

As long as he can maintain basic operations, he can stay in the imperial capital forever!


Jamie was thinking as he arrived at the store and put the bowl on the counter.

"The porridge was very tasty and everything was very tasty. Jamie said with a tone of reverence and emotion.

Jiang Feng said casually:"It's delicious. Welcome to come again.""

"I will come often. Jamie nodded quickly.

Jiang Feng returned the money to Jamie and said,"Thank you for helping me coax my two apprentices. I'll treat you to the meal today.""

My two apprentices usually don't have any other requests.

It's rare to make them happy.

Jiang Feng thought about it and thought it would be better to treat Jamie to dinner, otherwise he would seem a bit stingy.

Jamie didn't shirk, and thought about it. , asked:"Can you sign for me again?"

Countless people want Jamie's autograph.

But Jamie wants Jiang Feng's autograph!

Jiang Feng thought for a while and said,"If you're not in a hurry, just wait a little longer and I'll sign one for you after I close the store."


Jamie doesn't have anything to do today. He was injured while making Wensi Tofu. He wants to take a break in the past two days and go back abroad in two days. It's quite comfortable to bask in the sun outside.

Just in time, he also wants to talk to those chefs Let's chat for a while.

It's very interesting.

He really finds it interesting to chat with those people. He can even learn some skills that he didn't know before.

It's quite amazing.

I can only say that there are too many chefs in Chinese food, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Jamie walked out of the store.

Jiang Youyou leaned into Rong Shuang's ear and asked in a low voice:"Mom, what were dad and that uncle talking about just now?"

Rong Shuang translated the content of their chat with Jiang Youyou.

Jiang Youyou's eyes were bright:"Dad is really powerful now. All these foreign people are asking for his autograph."

In her opinion, being asked for an autograph is a very powerful thing!

Although she knows that her father is very powerful, but such a person wants his father's autograph, which means that his father is more powerful than she imagined!

Rong Shuang said with a smile on her face With a gentle smile, he hugged Jiang Youyou and said,"Of course, he is your father and my husband."

The mother and daughter looked at each other and chuckled.

Jiang Feng was in a good mood after listening to their words.

Without the entanglement of Coricchio, Jiang Feng felt very relaxed at work today.



All the things prepared in the morning were sold out.

The last batch of customers left reluctantly.

"See you at noon, boss Xiao Jiang"

"Are there any new dishes for lunch? Forget it, stop making new dishes, I still want to eat steamed fish"

"Thank you for your hard work, Boss Xiaojiang. See you at noon. Goodbye Youyou. Goodbye Teacher Rong Shuang."

Jiang Feng greeted them and cleaned up the kitchen.

All the guests had left.

Jamie walked in and asked excitedly:"Can you sign your autograph for me?!"

He just heard some more about Jiang Feng's deeds.

For example, he just learned that Ge Fangzheng is a frequent visitor to Jiang Feng's place!

Ge Fangzheng is notoriously difficult to deal with.

Jamie's food was also eaten by Ge Fangzheng, and at that time Jamie also met with Ge Fangzheng.

In front of Jamie, Ge Fangzheng commented on Jamie, saying that his level was above the top, but not at the top.

At that time, Jamie was still a little unconvinced.

Although he also knew His level has not yet reached its peak, but he was still a little unhappy to be said like this.

But later, Jamie felt more and more that Ge Fangzheng’s evaluation was right.

Especially when Ge Fang was saying goodbye to Jamie When I was there, I told Jamie about four chefs and said that their cooking was better than Jamie’s.

Jamie had tasted the dishes cooked by these people.

They were indeed better than him.

It was also because of Ge Fangzheng’s evaluation. , Jamie’s level has improved a lot again, which is why he is interested in Chinese food.

It can be said that Jamie doesn’t like Ge Fangzheng very much, but it is true thatI am very convinced of Ge Fangzheng.

And Ge Fangzheng is also famous for not wanting to eat in the same restaurant too many times.

Because it rarely tastes like what's made in the store, Ge Fangzheng thinks it's so delicious that it's worth eating many times in a row.

There are always some flaws.

Ge Fangzheng is actually a regular customer of Jiang Feng's store!


A boss is a boss. Can such a person become a regular customer in the store?!

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