Jamie was stunned for a moment, remembering what he was thinking at that time, his face felt a little hot, and he felt very embarrassed.

He actually questioned whether Jiang Feng wanted to take advantage of the knife!

How can it be!

Such magical cooking skills can kill him with just one hand!

Do you still need to use this little trick?!

Now Jamie admires Jiang Feng extremely, and naturally knows that Jiang Feng prepared this knife for him just because Jiang Feng himself usually uses this kind of knife.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you. You don't need to use this method to win."

Jamie directly used the honorific.

Although Jiang Feng was much younger than him, it didn't matter!

He was really impressed by Jiang Feng's cooking skills!

When he first saw the chef making Wensi tofu, he already felt that Chinese food The masters seemed to be quite powerful, at least much more powerful than he and Coricchio knew.

Jiang Feng was much better than the master who taught him!


Now Jamie is very convinced and has no other ideas at all.

Jiang Feng nodded and said,"It's good to know, remember to prepare a knife for me."

After cutting the tofu shreds, Jiang Feng's presentation is actually over.

For Jiang Feng, the seasoning is too simple. The main thing Jamie feels dissatisfied with is his knife skills.

The bouillabaisse just now has also proved to Jiang Feng The level of seasoning is so terrifying.

Since I win,

I can naturally get the knife.

Jamie said it himself, and Jiang Feng will naturally not let it go.

"no problem! I'll prepare it for you when I get back, and I'll send it to you as soon as I'm done!"

Jamie said with great excitement.

Being able to prepare a set of knives for a big man like Jiang Feng, Jamie didn't feel bad at all, but felt a bit honored!

He can now understand why someone would want to give him knives, but also let him He used it.

It was quite a sense of achievement for the boss to cook with the things he gave him!

Jamie felt the joy of chasing stars.

Jiang Feng nodded and said:"Then that's it for today, Mr. Colicchio, you can Come and have soup at 7:45 a.m., 1 p.m., and 6:40 p.m., up to three meals a day"

"After I close the store, you can come here to eat."

Jiang Feng is about to end the game.

No one present thinks there is any problem.

Although the game was agreed upon by Colicchio and Rong Lijun, Jiang Feng is just a player.

This is equivalent to the player himself announcing that the game is over. , Let’s go back to our respective homes.

However, Jiang Feng is too strong!

So strong that no one thinks there is any problem with this!

Coricchio asked a little anxiously:"Aren't you going to finish this dish?""

"Do it later. Jiang Feng said.

The cut tofu will naturally not be wasted.

Wensi tofu is a test of heat for chefs, but for diners, it is very nutritious and easy to digest.

Jiang Feng plans to give it to the three of them after everyone has left. The parents made a snack and tasted it.

Corricchio was very shameless and said:"I have nothing else to do, I can wait."

Lena also said:"I want to try it too!"

Jamie nodded repeatedly:"I want to eat it too!" Can you give me two bites? I want to try what your Wensi tofu tastes like. Jiang Feng shook his head:"


Why?" asked Coricchio."

"You are here to cause trouble."Jiang Feng stared at Coricchio and said,"You are instigating the relationship between my daughter and my wife."

"You also look down on Chinese food"

"Although you frankly admitted your failure, apart from this, you are completely my opponent. Why should I cook for you?"

Jiang Feng is very sober.

Jiang Feng is happy to cook for his family.

He is paid to cook for his guests, especially the regular customers, who are very kind to Jiang Feng.

Coricchio is not a regular customer. He's not a member of the family, he's even a rival.

Jiang Feng didn't want him to eat more than a bite of rice.

Tomorrow's bouillabaisse was promised, and Jiang Feng wouldn't refuse.

But Coricchio didn't want to think about these things that weren't promised..

Coricchio was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Feng said it very straightforwardly.

In fact, Coricchio is not a good person, and he comes with bad intentions. Everyone knows it.

But no one said it.

Rong Lijun is a businessman, and the city is very deep. He will speak out his thoughts casually. What he wants is to make money.

Colicchio is indeed looking for trouble, but he does have interests to earn, and he has not touched Rong Lijun's bottom line.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were based on basic respect and politeness, and would not speak too bluntly.

But Jiang Feng was different.

Jiang Feng said whatever he thought.

He didn't like Coricchio, even if Corricio is now Ricchio showed obvious kindness to him.

Even if his relationship with Coricchio improves in the future, he will not forget what Coricchio did today.

Coricchio rarely encounters Jiang Feng is such a straightforward person

"I apologize."

When people thought that Coricchio would be angry and turn around and leave, Coricchio spoke seriously and apologized to Jiang Feng.

"Chinese food is great, and you are also better than I thought. There are indeed too many things hidden in a place as big as yours."

Corricchio's mind has really changed.

He was not lying to Jiang Feng, he was telling the truth.

Looking at the shredded tofu in the basin, Corricchio really felt that his previous thoughts seemed to be There is something wrong with it.

Exquisiteness sometimes does not mean high level.

This kind of thing hidden in a small place, even something that no one knows in the world, often hides the real level.

Colicchio can't even understand this. How on earth is this dish made?

Who would be bored enough to cut tofu, cut it like this!

And there are so many people who can do it so well!


Coricchio just wants to say now, Jiang Feng is awesome!

So powerful!

He really wanted to eat the Wensi tofu made by Jiang Feng, and he even didn’t hesitate to apologize!

Lena looked at Coricchio, a little surprised.

Her uncle, although he usually has a playful smile, is actually very self-respecting and very Don't apologize to others.

He actually apologized to Jiang Feng!

It's so rare!

However, Lena thought about it and felt it was reasonable.

The food Jiang Feng made was so delicious!

If you don't apologize quickly, take two more bites ?!

Jiang Feng thought for a while and said,"That's okay, but you have to lend me your chicken soup."

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