Song Jin looked at Jiang Feng and took out his mobile phone:"I found another video for you about making bouillabaisse. Take a look."

In the past two days, Song Jin sent Jiang Feng no less than thirty videos, all of which were instructive. Making bouillabaisse.

She also had the right idea. She was looking for videos shot abroad.

This should be more authentic, right?

They all look like chefs with blue eyes and yellow hair, and they all look quite old.

She firmly believes that in professions such as doctors, teachers, and chefs, older people have higher experience and level than younger people.

The idea is correct.

However, Jiang Feng watched these videos and found that none of them tasted like the local ones.

But Song Jin meant well.

Jiang Feng was a little helpless, but he still took the phone, looked at it a few times, and said,"Okay, I know, I'll try it later."

Song Jin glared at Jiang Feng:"You brat, you are perfunctory with me."

Jiang Feng said. Sipping the claypot rice, he said with a smile:"No, how dare I perfuse you? It's really good.""

"Okay, we must win to give our Chinese food a reputation. I heard that the foreign chef is very arrogant."Song Jin said with a strong desire to win.

Rong Lijun and Jiang Jianye chat often now, and the two have quite a topic.

Jiang Jianye knows Corricchio's disdain for Chinese food, and Song Jin naturally knows it too.

Is this still possible?!

In other words, Song Jin’s cooking skills are not as good as Jiang Feng’s. If she were at Jiang Feng’s level, she would be right up there!

Jiang Jianye was calmer, looked at Jiang Feng and asked,"How are the preparations going? I heard that I want to make soup stock. Is your stock ready?"

Jiang Feng took the claypot rice from his wife's hand, put it on the table, and pointed to the next door:"It's cooking."

The soup tastes more fragrant, but Jiang Feng didn't cook it here.

In case the guests were greedy and wanted to try seafood, Jiang Feng didn't prepare it for the guests, which would inevitably disappoint the regular customers. He simply went to the side to cook it..

Let them not even smell the smell, so they won't be greedy.

Jiang Jianye asked:"Don't you need to stare?"

"No need, just add water and control the temperature. Let’s eat first."

Before opening the store, Jiang Feng added water and then lowered the temperature.

The temperature of the soup should not be too high. Just keep it slightly open, about 90 degrees. Slowly boil the water to make the soup thicker.

There should be more than half a bucket of water left now, which is enough.

"Okay, let's eat first."Song Jin sat down and took a deep breath, obviously still a little nervous.

"After waiting for a while, Lao Rong said he would come too. Jiang Jianye sat next to Song Jin and looked back at the door of the store.

Rong Shuang said,"You don't have to wait for him. Just give him something to stutter when he comes."

Jiang Feng touched Rong Shuang's head:"Wait a little longer.""

Rong Shuang's beautiful brows wrinkled slightly:"But you have been working all afternoon."

She herself was fine.

But Jiang Feng was hungry, and she was very unhappy.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

The two children have such a good relationship.

Rong Shuang also really loves Jiang Feng.

That's okay.

The two of them felt very comfortable as parents.

Jiang Feng still had to wait.

Rong Shuang had no choice but to wait with Jiang Feng.

In less than three minutes,

Rong Lijun opened the door and walked in, holding a bottle in his hand. wine

"Why didn't you eat? Rong Lijun was a little surprised,"Lao Jiang, didn't I tell you to eat first?""

Jiang Jianye said with a smile:"The children said they would wait for you.

Rong Shuang said,"Jiang Feng will wait." Rong

Lijun's heart warmed slightly, and he ignored his daughter's expression and said,"I wasted a little time on the road."

Song Jin greeted:"It's okay, sit down, it's time to eat." Rong

Shuang looked at the wine in Rong Lijun's hand and said,"Jiang Feng will compete later and drink?""

She felt a little sorry that her husband had been hungry for three minutes, and everyone could see that she was unhappy.

Jiang Youyou's eyes were bright, and she quite liked watching her mother look fierce, especially when she was protecting her father.

She is now She wants to take good care of her father with her mother.

Of course, the matter of making money still has to be left to her father. She can spend money with her father and stay with her father.

The expression on Rong Lijun's face is similar to that of Rong Shuang Similarly, he said casually:"I wanted to take a few sips, so I brought the wine."

Rong Shuang still wanted to say a few words.

Jiang Feng shook Rong Shuang's hand under the table.

Rong Shuang looked elsewhere and ignored Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun and Jiang Feng looked at each other. The father-in-law smiled.

Although Rong Shuang looked unhappy, Rong Lijun felt that he was in a good mood.

Before Jiang Feng appeared, if Rong Shuang had any dissatisfaction, he would not even tell him as a father. He could say When he came out, he was better than before when he was too lazy to communicate. The more Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng, the more he liked him

"I'm a little nervous."Rong Lijun said,"Today's victory or defeat is quite important."

Before, Rong Lijun thought that it would be okay if he lost.

But the more he thought about it in the past two days, the more he felt that losing would be very bad for Jiang Feng.

He thought that a perfect person like his son-in-law would have mental problems if he lost. ?

The more he thought about it, the more nervous he became.

Money was a trivial matter, but he was really worried about Jiang Feng. He wanted to win more and more!

The more he wanted to win, the more panicked he became. So he brought wine.

After a few sips, he felt more at ease.

Jiang Jianye patted Rong Lijun on the shoulder:"You have thought of me, and I am also nervous."

"Let's drink some, don't drink too much"


Rong Lijun opened the wine, and each person poured a small half glass of red wine, about two taels.

For their drinking capacity, this amount is not much, and it will not affect watching the game later, and Rong Lijun will not be able to taste it. Affected by what

"Dad, can you eat?"


The family of six had finished dinner, and it was already half past seven.

Jiang Feng stood up and said,"I'm going to take a look at the soup stock."

"I am coming too!"


The whole family hasn't seen Jiang Feng's soup stock yet, and they are very curious about what Jiang Feng's soup looks like!

Jiang Feng took them to the next door, entered their fingerprints, and opened the door.

The door of this new store has fingerprint recognition and facial recognition. , Shengrun Group specially made it for Jiang Feng. No store on the market uses this kind of door.

Backed by the entire large group, Jiang Feng’s store uses many things. Anyone who knows the business will be surprised when they come to see it.

Either Those that do not retail, or are simply not available on the market.

Rong Lijun used the power of the group to organize it for Jiang Feng.

As soon as the store door opened, a strong smell of seafood hit his face instantly!

Jiang Youyou's His eyes lit up instantly:"Dad! It smells so good! Yoyo wants to try it! Give Yoyo a sip!"

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