Xu Xiuli quickly called Xu Na and told Xu Na about Jiang Feng opening a branch next to them.

Xu Na was doing a beauty treatment and sat up in shock:"I'll go there now."

She quickly changed her clothes, stopped doing the rest of the service, and arrived at the third store.

Look into the distance.

The Wugu Youxiang brand has been put up.

Xu Na also saw the small words in the lower right corner, and her face became even more ugly.

"Direct operation 002? He wants to open a bigger store.

Xu Xiuli was a little confused:"What do you mean?""

Xu Na explained:"He wants to make Wugu Youxiang into a brand, just like the hot pot brands."

Xu Xiuli's face looked as ugly as if she had eaten a fly.

When Jiang Feng opened the store next to them, she was just a little panicked.

Anyway, at most, their third store would be opened in another location.

It would not have a big impact.


Listen. When Jiang Feng said that he could make a lot of money by building a brand, Xu Xiuli suddenly felt bad! It was more uncomfortable for Jiang Feng to make money than for her to lose money!

Especially when she saw Jiang Feng doing so well!

She felt a strong sense of jealousy. , filling her mind

"What should we do now?"Xu Xiuli asked sourly.

Xu Na's face didn't look good either.

The last time she asked the anchor to go to Heijiang Feng, he was scared away.

Xu Na discovered at that time that Jiang Feng was no longer the same as when he was divorced. Yes!

Before the change, she must have thought that Jiang Feng was a good-tempered soft persimmon who could be bullied casually.

Now she is a little afraid to take action directly.

Xu Na thought for a moment and said:"I will send a few more chefs to the third store. From now on, the bun wrappers and fillings in the three stores are all handmade."

"Don’t buy raw materials in batches anymore. Buy them three times a day and get the freshest ones!"

Xu Xiuli was a little reluctant.

"Isn't this exactly what he said? Want me to listen to him? Is he worthy?"

These words are full of sourness!

Even though Xu Xiuli knew that Jiang Feng was getting better and better now and had more connections and money than them.

But she still spoke harshly and looked down on Jiang Feng even more!

Otherwise, how could she still be so superior?

Xu Na was also unhappy, but she was more thoughtful than Xu Xiuli:"I don't want to do this either.""

"But they did this. Now we are in direct competition with them. We must do what they do."

Xu Xiuli's face was uncertain, and she finally nodded:"That's okay."

The two of them discussed it.

Xu Na immediately called and dispatched chefs from several other stores.

She did not have Jiang Feng's vision for building a brand, nor did she have the idea of ​​​​recruiting talents.

Almost all the chefs in each store were Maintain a sufficient state.

Just enough is enough.

In her eyes, the chef is called a part-time worker at best, and a cow or horse at worst.

She doesn't pay these people to rest. Work more and you can maintain it. Just stay in the store and run the business.

Arrange people to the new store.

She told the chefs her request and said perfunctorily:"If you do a good job, you will get a raise."

As for what it means to do a good job, she has the final say.

The arrangements were made properly.

Xu Na and Xu Xiuli went to a nearby Starbucks, ordered two cups of hazelnut syrup American style, and sat down.

From their position, they could Seeing the situation in Jiang Feng's store.

At this time, the people arranged by Jiang Feng also rushed over.

Unlike Xu Na's people, Jiang Feng had already announced his preparations to open a branch.

These chefs and clerks have always Knowing that they were going to a new store.

After receiving the notice, they did not feel uncomfortable at all, but were a little excited!

At the entrance of the new store,

Xu Mingqiang came out to greet the clerks

"Hello, is this Mr. Xu, right? My name is Liu Yufei, and Boss Jiang has arranged for me to be the new store manager. Xu

Mingqiang said with a smile on his face:"Okay, welcome, let me introduce you to the basic situation of the store.""

"Come on, please come in."

While talking,

Xu Mingqiang observed the status of these clerks and was a little surprised.

These clerks are in excellent condition!

It can be seen that they are very motivated!

Xu Mingqiang entered the store, gave a brief introduction, and then became curious asked:"Did you work in the previous store?"

"right. Liu Yufei said,"I am a friend of store manager Yu. The working hours are shorter. They all worked in the previous store." Xu

Mingqiang said with a smile:"Then when you come to the new store, you will have fewer people, so the work will definitely be harder.""

He is inoculating these clerks.

Otherwise, if they imagine that the work in the new store is too wonderful, they will soon be exhausted when they actually work. Their enthusiasm will be dampened.

It is better to set your expectations before working. The feeling decreased.

Liu Yufei became even more excited:"That would be the best!"


Xu Mingqiang originally prepared a whole set of rhetoric, but he was immediately confused by Liu Yufei's words!


Liu Yufei said with emotion:"Boss Jiang is very good to us. There is not much work in the store. But the food allowance given every day is not less at all"

"The same goes for wages. In the agreement we signed, we are allowed to leave our jobs at any time, and salary increases are also based on periodic increases."

"We have long thought about it, and we must work more quickly to live up to Boss Jiang's kindness to us."

Xu Mingqiang was stunned for a moment.

Good guy!

The treatment is so good?!

Xu Mingqiang was even a little envious.

Rong Lijun was also good to him, but there was still a job-seeking clause in the contract.

If he left Rong Lijun's team, He will not be able to engage in related occupations within 5 years. Although

Jiang Feng did not give much money, he really treated these employees as human beings!

Xu Mingqiang said with emotion:"No wonder you are so motivated.

Liu Feiyu nodded:"If you explain clearly, we will start working?" Or you talk and we listen while we work."

The cleaning staff next to them also nodded.

"Yes, it's time to clean it up. There's a lot of dust here."

"The furniture is a bit new, and it still smells a bit. I’ll buy some odor purifier later. I’ve used it at home before, and it’s pretty good."

"If we open the store at noon, we are a bit pressed for time, so we have to hurry up."

Xu Mingqiang was stunned for a moment, with a weird look on his face.

Good guy.

When he was working on new projects before, he had to arrange what the employees should do and guide them on the right track. It would be better to come here to Jiang Feng.

These clerks are all rushing to do the work. Live!

He's in the way!

"Okay, then you just get on with your work and I'll leave in the afternoon. Don't worry about me."Xu Mingqiang said with a smile.

Liu Feiyu nodded, turned around and said,"Just follow the previous work process in our store. Thank you, everyone, let's start working."

"Lao Li, go shopping with me"

"Xiao Liu and Lao Zhao, you two go clean the kitchen and confirm the firepower of the kitchen utensils."

All the clerks said in unison:"Okay!"

After that,

Liu Feiyu took another older chef out and went to buy vegetables. The other clerks began to clean up quickly.

Everyone was very quick.

Xu Mingqiang looked on and soon discovered Something happened that surprised him.

These clerks did not have a clear division of labor.

But everyone wanted to do more work!

They originally asked the cleaning staff to do the cleaning work until the afternoon, but they actually only used two It was ready within hours!

"You are too positive!"Xu Mingqiang started chatting with a cleaning lady in her forties.

The eldest sister smiled and said:"Yes, only when the store is done well can we make money."

"Boss Jiang will give you dividends?"Xu Mingqiang couldn't hold it back and asked.

The eldest sister looked at Xu Mingqiang strangely, as if she were an idiot:"I'm just a cleaner, what kind of bonus will you give me?"

There seems to be something wrong with your brain.

Xu Mingqiang's whole body is numb.

He, a top academic with a full scholarship, was laughed at by a cleaning lady in her forties...

Just this once!

Xu Mingqiang will never do it again He was laughed at by ordinary employees!

However, in fact, when he said this, he himself felt that it was outrageous.

He simply asked:"Then why are you so motivated?"

The cleaning lady said:"Because Boss Jiang adds meat to us every day. If we make too much, we can take it back to our children."

Is that what Xu Mingqiang wanted to say?

The entire team members are provided with food and accommodation by Rong Lijun, and 800 yuan of food supplements per day.

But the cleaning lady seemed to have guessed what he was going to say:"You guys are so powerful People, the treatment is definitely good, but I am over forty and graduated from junior high school.……"

"That is to say, Boss Jiang treats us as normal people, and he can take back every meal for his children."

Xu Mingqiang suddenly understood why Jiang Feng could make these people die.

He himself made a lot of money.

When he looked online, he always felt that there were more and more rich people.

BBA wasn't even a good car, and the per capita Porsche started.

But there are really very few people who are truly rich.

The vast majority of people are just ordinary people.

The median salary in the Imperial City is only more than 6,900 yuan.

Xu Mingqiang was still in their building and saw an internship salary of 5,500 yuan. graduates.

This is the imperial capital.

And those are fresh graduates, many of whom have outstanding abilities.

Those in their forties with little academic qualifications are even worse. It is difficult to find a job, let alone get any good treatment.

Jiang Feng put They treat them as human beings.

As long as they work hard,

Jiang Feng's treatment is not bad.

Xu Mingqiang admires Jiang Feng's character, but frowns.

Favor management model?

This model, at the beginning, was indeed very satisfying. Employees are motivated.

But business history has proven that this model has many loopholes.

Especially when the company gets bigger and bigger, someone has to climb to the top and someone has to stay in their original position.

Hierarchy and human relations management model , conflicts will arise.

If Jiang Feng wants to be a good person and treats the company's employees blindly, especially if he does not punish employees when they have problems, problems will arise!

This is all experience!

Xu Mingqiang asked seemingly casually:" Do you usually get punished?"

"Yes, I have.

Xu Mingqiang nodded:"No, is it...?" Will there be punishment?"

The cleaning lady's eyes were full of sympathy for a fool.

Is there something wrong with this person's brain?

Of course he will be punished if he makes a mistake. Isn't this normal?

Xu Mingqiang blushed.

This was the second time he was laughed at.. However

, he still asked:"Is there anything specific?"

"Of course, if you don't do a good job or treat the customers badly, you will have to deduct money."

"Sister Zhang in the previous store had bad eyesight, so even if she broke the bowl, she would still be deducted. Boss Jiang made it clear to us and would not deduct money indiscriminately."


Xu Mingqiang was shocked!

He thought Jiang Feng was a sympathetic young man who didn't understand anything.


Jiang Feng is not that stupid!

Give him the benefits he deserves, because Jiang Feng has also suffered.

But he should Jiang Feng was not lenient in punishing him!

Because the company needed restraint and hierarchy.

This was too strong!

Xu Mingqiang actually felt that Jiang Feng’s management model was the most suitable model for Wugu Youxiang Catering Company!

He organized what he had just heard After a while, he sent it to Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun was also a little surprised.

He knew that Jiang Feng asked him to cooperate and start a company to help him find new investment directions.

But he always felt that his son-in-law's intention was definitely Okay, it's just that this business is not big, and it is probably not perfect.

After all, Jiang Feng didn't even have time to go to the store. So

Rong Lijun wanted to help Jiang Feng, and he helped Jiang Feng establish a complete management system.

Then Let Jiang Feng earn more money.


Rong Lijun found that what he thought was completely wrong!

He thought he was taking care of Jiang Feng.

But Jiang Feng had already done everything!

He was simply feeding Rong Lijun with a spoon into his mouth Rice!

The management style is mature!

How could he have such a good son-in-law!

Rong Lijun was in a meeting. He couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

The director who was talking stopped talking.

Everyone looked towards Rong Lijun.

Now that he has a son-in-law, his temperament has changed?


Rong Lijun cleared his throat and said:"It's okay, that is, my son-in-law has made a complete project and asked me to become a shareholder. I send money."


Who asked you?

All the directors who have daughters rolled their eyes!

Showing off, right?!

I know your son-in-law!

Why isn't it over yet?!

Rong Lijun looked at his phone and laughed for a long time.

In fact, what he started with was not Jiang Feng's ability.

Jiang Feng was very capable, far surpassing Rong Lijun, and he already knew this. What made Rong Lijun happy the most was Jiang Feng's intention.

The more perfect Jiang Feng did, the more he proved it. The simpler Jiang Feng's thoughts were.

He was just giving money to his father-in-law!

Without Rong Lijun, Jiang Feng could have done it himself!

But Jiang Feng shared nearly half of the profit and gave it to Rong Lijun!

This is really treating Rong Lijun as his own People!


Jiang Feng is often not so honest among himself!

Rong Lijun has seen a lot of father and son rebellions over money! But

Jiang Feng is willing to give money to Rong Lijun!

What a good boy!

Rong Lijun gives Xu Mingqiang sent a message:"Do your business well and try your best to help him."

"You can mobilize the company's resources within the legal scope"

"If anyone dares to bully him, tell me.

Xu Mingqiang replied instantly:"Understood!""

After replying the message,

Xu Mingqiang also helped with the work.

Xu Xiuli and Xu Na looked at the employees working enthusiastically in Jiang Feng's store, and felt a little panicked for no reason.

Why did they feel that the atmosphere in Jiang Feng's store was different from theirs? Completely different?

"It’s okay, the food we cook for lunch will also taste better, so we may not be able to compete with him!"Xu Na was panicking, but she was also looking forward to it!

If she could squeeze out Jiang Feng's store on the same street as Jiang Feng, she would be really proud!


At 10 a.m.,

Jiang Feng's new store will be ready and open for business!

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