After finishing the morning business, Jiang Feng's points once again exceeded 1 million.

Jiang Feng used up his points and drew a prize

"Congratulations on obtaining Yunnan-Guizhou cuisine skills (full level), Shandong cuisine skills (full level), theological knowledge (full level), physical knowledge (full level, subject to the level of human science and technology), chemical knowledge (full level, subject to the level of human science and technology) ), luck (full level) (the person you like will be affected by your luck)"

"You have initially entered the full-level human realm, and the points consumed in the lottery have increased."

This time, two cuisines were drawn.

A large number of techniques and dishes poured into Jiang Feng's mind!

Each dish seemed to have been cooked by him countless times, forming a muscle memory.

In addition to the skills, there are also these The origin and knowledge of dishes.

In addition to cooking skills.

There is also a lot of knowledge!

Theology includes all skills related to gods at home and abroad.

It does not seem to be of much use in daily life, but it can well understand the development of human beings. Now, the spiritual beliefs that I have experienced.

The more I understand, the deeper my understanding of human beings will be.

Just after understanding these metaphysical things, a lot of physics and chemistry knowledge appeared in Jiang Feng's mind.

When he was in school, Jiang Feng His grades are not bad. Both physics and chemistry are good.

Otherwise, he would not be able to get into a good university. Jiang Feng thought the knowledge he learned at the beginning was quite simple.

However, within a few seconds, this knowledge gradually became outrageous!

And there was a lot of it. It's an undisclosed technology!

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

The knowledge of physics and chemistry he mastered could only reach the current level of mankind.

However, the current level was higher than he imagined!

There are various technologies at home and abroad!

If the materials allow, what Jiang Feng can do is even beyond his imagination!

You have to be careful.

Jiang Feng secretly made up his mind that unless it is absolutely necessary, he must not say or use this kind of thing.

Otherwise he will Eighty percent of it has been sliced ​​and studied.

In addition to this knowledge, there is a more metaphysical thing.


Jiang Feng has always felt that luck is a real thing.

There must be laws in this world that humans have not mastered, but He is not a god as defined by humans.

Jiang Feng liked the last reward very much.

He even liked it a little more than the previous rewards.

After digesting all the knowledge,

Jiang Feng came back to his senses and glanced at the time.

It was exactly 3 seconds.

Only It took him 3 seconds to master so much knowledge!

Compared to those who studied hard, Jiang Feng was much more relaxed.

Jiang Feng took a look at the points required for the next draw.

10 million.

A direct increase of 10 times.

But Jiang Feng can also understand.

The more knowledge he has, the harder it is to learn new things.

He has now entered the threshold of a full-level human, and the lottery is probably about to end.

Anyway, he makes more money now.

10 times is 10 times Well, it’s not a big problem.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied with this harvest, and took Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang to the vegetable market.

From a distance, the parking space was full.

After all, it was the weekend, and there were many people taking a break. There were many people visiting during the time.

However, as soon as Jiang Feng came over, a car left!

The location was very good and he could easily park in.

Is this perfect luck?

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

After getting off the car, a family of three arrived. At the vegetable market, I bought the raw materials for lunch.

When I bought the materials, it was no different from usual.

The things Huang Hai and the others gave Jiang Feng were always the best, so naturally there was no big difference.

After getting in the car,

Jiang Feng just tied up. Good seat belt.

A message from Xu Liren was sent over:"I just got the news that the housing book has arrived. I will deliver it to you at noon. Jiang Feng was a little surprised:"

Both of them are down?""

No matter how calm he is, he is still happy after getting his own real estate!

Regardless of the price, who doesn't like a big house in the city?

Xu Liren:"Yes, I'm very lucky, it's faster than we usually get down."

Jiang Feng felt a little happy.

This max-level luck is really good!

Jiang Feng:"Okay, let's meet at noon. I just want to make claypot rice. I'll cook some for you, and you can bring some back to your sister-in-law and children. When Xu

Liren saw the claypot rice, his saliva immediately began to secrete, and he replied excitedly:"Okay!"

Xu Liren:"Give me an extra portion. I haven't eaten in the morning. I'm so hungry.""

Yesterday Xu Liren had planned to come to Jiang Feng at noon.

He deliberately didn't eat breakfast. He only drank milk and two biscuits for a cushion! He must eat more at noon!

Jiang Feng:"No problem, here it is. You prepare three portions, and you take the rest with you anyway, and you don’t feel bad about yourself.

Xu Liren:"Okay!""

I just made an appointment with Xu Liren.

News from Xu Mingqiang was also sent over:"I just received news from the second landlord. He is also willing to rent to us."

Xu Mingqiang:"I heard that I am a customer who has eaten Wu Gu Youxiang and has a good impression of your store."

Xu Mingqiang:"The price is really not expensive, and the other party is very quick. I can buy the three stores today."

This progress is faster than Xu Mingqiang imagined!

Especially in the third store, several people, including him, were fighting. Originally,

Xu Mingqiang planned to spend money to buy time, so he directly increased the price.

But the other party suddenly asked, are they going to open a store? What kind of store?

After hearing that it was Wugu Youxiang, he immediately offered it to them without any extra money.

Xu Mingqiang asked the reason.

The landlord said that his mother had bad eyesight and was very discriminated against. Their family had lived there when he was a child. His life was very bad.

Later, he worked hard, left his job to start a business, and saved a lot of money before he got better.

In Jiang Feng's store, he hired employees who were very similar to his mother.

So the landlord had a good impression of Jiang Feng. Rent whatever you want! Rent whatever you want!

Only increases by 5% every year!

As long as Jiang Feng wants to renew his contract, he can do so!

Anyway, the landlord is not bad at such a store.

This isn't just good luck.

Xu Mingqiang felt that this could only mean that Jiang Feng was a really nice person. He always met the same good people and was willing to help each other regardless of money.

Jiang Feng replied:"Okay, very good, please hurry up."

Xu Mingqiang said instantly:"Don't tell us trouble, you just have to do things with money, not to mention, it feels really good to work for you."

Xu Mingqiang:"I have seen the kind of bosses who don't understand and pretend to understand. They have to interfere in every place. You are much better than them!"

Jiang Feng couldn't laugh or cry, feeling a little embarrassed by being licked.

However, Jiang Feng did not forcefully change Xu Mingqiang's way of speaking.

Everyone survives in a different way.

Some are tough and some are smooth.

To be honest, Jiang Feng had only been working as a laborer for a short period of time. Apart from being a little aggrieved when he married Xu Na, his life was going smoothly.

There are many people who work harder than Jiang Feng.

So Jiang Feng didn't want to be superior and felt that Xu Mingqiang's way of doing things was not good.

As long as your mind is not bad and you work hard, that's all.

Jiang Feng replied:"Hurry up."

Xu Mingqiang:"Okay!"

After the negotiation was completed.

Jiang Feng put away his mobile phone and said to Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou with a smile:"Our house book is here."

"Brother Xu will bring him over at noon. Let's collect the real estate certificate of the store, and he can go through the transfer process."

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were instantly excited!

Their faces were full of happiness!

"Dad, we have a house again!"Jiang Youyou raised his hands, wishing he could roll over.

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Yes, thank you grandpa."

If Jiang Feng didn't have Rong Lijun and bought a house by himself, he would have had to deal with it for more than a month just for the loan.

There are also various risks.

It's very good now, there is no trouble, and even the lawyer he contacted is from his own family.

It's very good. good

"Grandpa is the sixth best in the world!"

Jiang Youyou's arrangement was clear.

Jiang Feng laughed.

Rong Shuang put her hand on the back of Jiang Feng's hand, with some expectation on her pretty face:"Husband, we will soon be able to register for a household registration!"

The head of the household, Jiang Feng!

The household member, Rong Shuang!

Thinking about her makes her very happy!

Jiang Feng held her hand with his backhand:"Thank you too."

When Jiang Feng was at his most depressed, Rong Shuang wanted to be with him without hesitation.

Although it seems now that she was indeed not short of money.


Jiang Feng didn't care about this. He only cared that Rong Shuang was there when he was sad. Next to him,

Rong Shuang felt Jiang Feng's seriousness, but she became a little shy, her pretty face turned red:"Let's go back to the store first."


Jiang Feng smiled and drove them back to the store.

The car's battery level has dropped to 29%.

It can still drive another 100 kilometers, but Jiang Feng is a little anxious about the battery and plans to recharge it.

At this time, in the parking lot It should be full.

Jiang Feng planned to give it a try and see if good luck always comes.

So Jiang Feng drove the car to the parking lot outside and prepared to find a charging pile.

Sure enough, it was just as Jiang Feng imagined.

He just came over.

There was a tram that was fully charged and drove away.

Jiang Feng just parked the car and started charging!

It was so happy!

When looking for a parking space in the city, when going to a more prosperous place, it often takes ten minutes or even longer to find a parking space!

And many times, you have to park far away!

It is really a pleasure to find a parking space smoothly every time!

Carrying things,

Jiang Feng arrived at the store.

It was just 10 o'clock.

The store There were already a lot of people queuing up at the door.

Next to Zhou Weishan, an old man came, who looked to be 70 years old.

Jiang Feng was very calm and said hello politely.

Recently, there are various seniors almost every day. I heard that Jiang Feng's shop, come over to try the dishes.

Replace it with an ordinary chef.

A big boss like Zhou Weishan will probably be nervous when he comes to try the dishes.

Sometimes, when famous chefs come to try the dishes, they are suspected of looking for trouble.

Even if you are not looking for trouble, cooking for such a famous chef is still very stressful.

But Jiang Feng is very calm.

The two old people ranked in the dozens are top Sichuan cuisine bosses who came here specially from Sichuan and Chongqing.

After eating Jiang Feng's food once,

I decided to settle in the Imperial Capital yesterday.

If I have the ability, there is nothing to be nervous about.

If you concentrate on doing your own thing well, you will naturally be recognized by others.

As for someone looking for trouble.

In this case, It is unlikely to appear in Jiang Feng's store.

After Xu Na reaped the traffic bonus, she actually found an anchor and tried to blackmail Jiang Feng. The anchor she found was also a chef. When she came over and saw the big guys in front of the store, she almost He peed.

He refunded Xu Na's money and told Xu Na not to think about it. He couldn't say anything about other restaurants.

In this restaurant, as long as the chef is a bit capable, has seen the world, or has a heritage, he will She won’t cause trouble with this store.

Xu Na was very unhappy.

How come Jiang Feng is doing better and better?!

Not only is his business good and he makes a lot of money, but now he is also doing so well?!

Back then, she and Jiang Feng The reason for the divorce was mainly because she felt that being with Jiang Feng was shameless and that Jiang Feng was not worthy of her.

As a result, the big anchor she spent a lot of money to hire was a famous chef. When she saw Jiang Feng, she said that Jiang Feng had a higher status!

This anchor gave She gave an example

"This is equivalent to us committing a crime, but sitting in the store are Conan, Sherlock Holmes, Hercule, and Kindaichi……"

Xu Na was silent.

She only knew Conan and Holmes, but she also understood the level of the big guys waiting in line at Jiang Feng's store.

Looking for trouble in the past is indeed courting death.

Except Xu Na.

There are also people who want to cause trouble for Jiang Feng.

Basically, I just look at the door and then leave.

On average, each group of customers in Jiang Feng's store includes two wealthy businessmen or some official boss.

Who dares to cause trouble?

Jiang Feng naturally doesn't worry about this.

Entered the store.

The family of three began to pack their lunch.

Xu Mingqiang was staring at the decoration at this time.

At 11 o'clock.

The employee responsible for customizing tableware called

"I just contacted a cost-effective manufacturer. They had a batch of freshly made tableware, but they canceled the order."

"I took a look, the quality is quite goodWrong, the quantity is also large. As long as it is printed with our name, it will be the same as the one customized by us!"

"Take a look?"

Xu Mingqiang took a look and was a little surprised.

It is indeed very good.

Moreover, this store that has withdrawn from the reservation seems to be a porridge shop. Not only does the tableware it makes are beautiful, but the style is also suitable.

The store also promised that this kind of tableware is not on the market. If Jiang Feng chooses this, it will be their only one and will not compete with other stores.

The kind that can sign an agreement.

Xu Mingqiang sent a message to Jiang Feng.

Tableware is a big deal.

He must discuss it with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng also I think it’s good:"Remember to ask the other party for a discount. We have taken over the offer and solved the problem for them."

Although Jiang Feng is generous, Jiang Feng is not stupid.

Jiang Feng can value a dollar, even if it is cheaper.

Xu Mingqiang has a higher opinion of Jiang Feng.

When doing business, especially volume-based business, he will definitely look down on a few cents. Jiang Feng is really good!

Xu Mingqiang contacted the manufacturer and found out that each bowl was 30 cents cheaper. The two stores ordered more than 6,000 tableware in total. It was 1,800 yuan cheaper.

Not bad.

Enough for the employees to eat several meals. The employees' clothes were ordered quickly.

This factory found a factory that was a friend of Rong Lijun's, and it was engaged in the OEM of affordable luxury clothing that costs thousands of yuan.

It just so happened that the raw materials had been stopped for a few days recently.

Rong Lijun provides raw materials and lets them process them to make 1,000 sets of employee uniforms.

500 sets for men and women, mainly one size, and a small amount of large and small sizes, which should be enough. They can be remade at any time later and shipped out on the same day. The processing fee is 60 yuan per set, and only the basic labor and start-up costs are paid. It

's almost noon. In less than half a day.

Almost all the problems Jiang Feng considered have been solved!

At 11:30,

Jiang Feng opened the door, and the man at the door The boss, who had been waiting for more than three hours, rushed in with the guests.

His eyes were a bit stern and not very kind. He probably wanted to find fault with Jiang Feng.

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