After getting in the car.

Rong Shuang called Song Jin.

Song Jin was reading a novel on the high-speed train and was not in a good mood.

The author of a recent article she was reading only updated one chapter a day, which made me anxious.

Seeing the call from Rong Shuang, Song Jin answered it instantly

"Baby, why are you calling me at this time? We are almost at the imperial capital."

Rong Shuang held the phone and was a little excited:"Auntie, we want to get the certificate today. Do you agree?"

After two seconds of silence.

Song Jin's voice was excited:"I agree, agree, agree!

Song Jin:" Hurry, hurry, hurry!" There's still not enough time! Get it now!"

It's finally time to get the certificate!

Song Jin was looking forward to sealing the marriage!


Rong Shuang's feet were moving around, very happy.

Her mother-in-law agreed!

Rong Shuang continued to ask:"Uncle Woolen cloth? Does he agree?"

Although Jiang Jianye doesn't have much say in the family,

Rong Shuang still respects Jiang Jianye because she loves Jiang Feng very much.

Song Jin didn't even ask:"He agrees, don't worry!

Song Jin:"But, isn't it inappropriate not to see your dad before getting the certificate?" Rong Shuang didn't care too much:"

Jiang Feng called him and he had no objection."

Song Jin felt more relieved:"That's good, go quickly!""


Hang up the phone.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng, pursed her lips and smiled:"Husband"

"I heard it."Jiang Feng also laughed.

The Civil Affairs Bureau is not very far away.

It just so happens that there is a traffic jam now.

On the way, Jiang Feng saw a Victor Suit store and went in to buy two white shirts.

Jiang Youyou also wanted it, but there was no one in the store. Children's clothing.

She sat in the back row a little glumly.

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"When you have time, daddy will accompany you to buy a white shirt, okay?""


Jiang Youyou is very easy to coax. She

'll be happy just by drawing a big pie.

Rong Shuang was beside her with a somewhat excited expression:"Mom can also buy you some toys. What do you want?"

"I want a figure! Conan's!"

"Mom will buy it for you!"

"good!"Jiang Youyou waved her two short hands and gestured,"I need a big cabinet in my room for me to use!"

"I also want to buy a lot of orange figures!"

"purchase. Jiang Feng said,"Choose what you like.""

With his income, it's not a big deal to buy Jiang Youyou some figures or something.

As they chatted, the three of them found a photography shop near the Civil Affairs Bureau, which mainly took pictures of children.

Jiang Feng didn't know if this shop could Taking wedding photos.

There are not many photography shops along the way. It takes a lot of time to turn around and look for them.

If this shop is not open, it is hard to say whether I can get the certificate today.

It is almost four o'clock.

Open the door. Go in.

The girl at the front desk’s eyes lit up:"Hello, do you want to take a photo?"

This family is so good-looking!

It makes you feel good when you look at it!

The store manager has explained before that if you encounter a shop with a particularly good appearance, you can get a discount or even free of charge, as long as the photos taken can be displayed.

Jiang Feng shook his head and said,"We Can you take wedding certificate photos here?"


The young lady at the front desk was stunned for a moment.

Are you bringing me to take ID photos?

But her professionalism is also good. She quickly came to her senses and said,"If you can take the photo, come with me.""

She took Jiang Feng's family of three to the studio on the second floor. There were several shirts with completely black collars. They were a little dirty, but there are many public clothes like this.


I bought them myself.

Jiang Feng Somewhat lucky.

The two of them changed their clothes.

The photographer came over soon.

"Come on, you two come a little closer. You don’t have to be so far away. You need to get the certificate now."

"Do you think it's better to grin or keep your mouth closed?"

"Tsk, you look good no matter what. Are you a star? This is too photogenic."

The photographer boasted as he took the photo, brought it to the computer, repaired it briefly, printed it out, and put it in a small photo paper bag.

"How much?"

"30 yuan."

Jiang Feng paid the money.

The photographer said from the side:"With your appearance, it's a shame not to be a model. These muscles are really nice."

"Interested in considering it? The remuneration we give to models here is quite high.

Jiang Feng smiled and refused:"No need.""

The photographer felt a little regretful and looked at Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang also glanced at him.

The photographer shut up.

Although he didn't know Rong Shuang's identity, he could feel it after meeting many people. Rong Shuang must be They are quite rich.

They are not short of money.

Get their ID photos.

The family of three arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau and followed the guidance and found the window to apply for a marriage certificate.


There were not many people getting married today.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang were quickly queued up , sat down at the counter

"Yo, bringing your children to get married? Who is getting married for the second time?"

The clerk lost the message and chatted casually.

Rong Shuang frowned slightly.

She didn't mind that Jiang Feng was married, but she was worried that the topic would make Jiang Feng unhappy.

Jiang Feng patted Rong Shuang's hand gently.


With this. The person who applied for the certificate was probably only seen once in his life.

There was no need to cause any unpleasantness.

Rong Shuang's mood was calmed down.

Jiang Feng said politely:"I, divorced once"

"Your ex-wife is really blind. The clerk stared at Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou,"You don't want such a handsome husband and children?""

"Fortunately, your current wife is a perfect match for you."

Rong Shuang suddenly felt better.

After taking the fingerprints and checking the identity information, the eldest sister said:"Okay, the certificate will be issued in a moment."

After that, she got up and went to get the certificate.

After taking it back, she stamped it with a steel seal.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang became husband and wife!

The kind with notebooks!

After taking the marriage certificate, the two of them left the Civil Affairs Bureau.

There was no one there when they arrived. Place.

Jiang Youyou became anxious instantly:"Dad! quick! Show it to Yoyo!"

She wanted to see the marriage certificate!

Jiang Feng handed it to her:"Can you read all the words?"

"Dad, are you looking down on Youyou?"

"Then read it."

Jiang Youyou was silent for three seconds and looked at Jiang Feng pitifully.

Jiang Feng knelt down and read her word by word.

After reading,

Jiang Feng applauded:"Youyou is so amazing, he actually knows them all!"

Rong Shuang was also very cooperative and clapped her hands beside her.

Jiang Youyou threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms:"It's just average, hehe."

After coaxing the little cutie, Jiang Feng opened his other arm and said,"My wife,"


Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Feng and rubbed his white shirt hard.

The lipstick was all printed on it.

She was so happy that she didn't want to care about it anymore! This was the first hug after becoming a couple!

People around her didn't care either. Young Master.

Rong Shuang let go of her hand and followed Jiang Feng into the car. Fasten your seat belt.

Jiang Feng looked at the time and sent a message to Uncle Jiang:"Rong Shuang and I came out to collect the certificate. The opening may be late today.

Jiang Feng:"If the guests ask, just tell them."

Uncle Jiang replied instantly:"Did you get the certificate?"! Jiang Feng:"

I got it!"

Uncle Jiang:"Okay!" no problem! This is a great thing!"

Finally got the certificate!

Say hello.

Jiang Feng took a photo of the marriage certificate and sent it to Rong Lijun.

When Rong Lijun saw it, he was in a meeting. He clicked on the photo.

Rong Lijun laughed.



All the executives at the conference table looked at Rong Lijun in shock.

Just now... did the chairman smile?!


They haven't seen Rong Lijun smile in so many years, have they

?! Lijun lowered his head and held his cell phone and said,"My daughter is married to Jiang Feng."


No wonder you're smiling so happily!

Have you got a lifetime meal ticket?!

Half of the directors here have already been to Jiang Feng's store.

Now Jiang Feng's store is so popular among the wealthy circles.

After eating there once, They agreed with the decision to move the company.

They were still thinking about how to line up for dinner.

He has become Jiang Feng’s legal father-in-law!


Rong Lijun posted on Moments.

There was no text, just a photo of a marriage certificate.

Zhao Fuchuan scratched his head at this time

"I feel a little unlucky lately. Why does this old bastard Rong Lijun let me see it first every time he posts on WeChat Moments?"

"But again and again, not again, right? Your luck should be improving."

He took a sip of Longjing and opened the circle of friends comfortably.


The purple clay tea cup fell to the ground!

Marriage certificate?!

Damn it!

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