When these big guys post on Moments.

Jiang Feng drove to the vegetable market.

The fish stall owner has prepared 19 bighead carp heads for Jiang Feng.

This kind of fish has a big head and is best suited for steaming fish heads and making fish head puff pastry.

The meat is very tender and tastes very fresh

"I know you have high requirements for the ingredients. It was delivered less than 20 minutes ago and has been refrigerated for you. Let's see if it works."

Jiang Feng took a look.

The eyes of the fish were still very clear, and the texture of the fish meat was also very good.

There were also a lot of fish bones picked out in the bag, at least nearly twenty kilograms.

The fish stall owner said with a smile:"They shaved off the meat, and I brought the fish bones for you to make soup or something.

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"Thanks." The fish stall owner swallowed his saliva and said,"Why are you so polite? Take it away quickly. I can't wait any longer.""

Jiang Feng asked for 19 fish heads in bits and pieces, 3 for Rong Lijun, 4 for Huang Hai and the others to try, and 2 for He Guangyi and Uncle Jiang to keep.

The other 10 were sold.

He He didn't keep it for himself, and planned to wait until night to eat with Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou.

Taking the fish head, he also bought some round rice noodles.

Rice noodles or noodles should be placed under the fish head with chopped pepper.

The steamed fish soup is served with With chopped peppers, pickled peppers and oil sauce.

The taste is even better than the fish head.

In addition to the things for the fish head,

Jiang Feng also bought some fresh green beans, long beans, and some more ribs. I plan to make another steamed dish.

I bought tea seed oil and local chicken skin chili just to make these dishes.

Liuyang steamed dishes are quite famous, but these local steamed dishes tend to be oily and salty.

So Jiang Feng I chose two vegetarian dishes and one meat dish, so that the guests could enjoy the special aroma brought by the tea seed oil and Hunan black soya bean without being too greasy and unpleasant to eat. After buying it,

Jiang Feng returned to the store and started to pack it up..

First mix the noodles and stuffing, cook the porridge and mung bean paste, and boil out the chili oil for tomorrow.

Put everything away.

Jiang Feng starts to blanch the vegetables and make a small bowl of steamed vegetables first.

The steamed vegetables can be steamed first, and then It can be eaten after heating it up.

Put some oil in the water and blanch the beans and green beans to make the vegetables brighter green.

While the vegetables were blanching, Jiang Feng began to prepare the sauce for steaming the vegetables.

Liuyang steamed dishes are very particular and require sufficient matching of ingredients and flavors.

It is also a meat dish.

If you are steaming pork belly, you only need to add salt, chicken essence, chili and tempeh.

But the pork ribs have a stronger meat flavor, so you need to add some extra seasoned pork. Smoke and white vinegar.

Jiang Feng is very good at this kind of detailed seasoning.

It's ready.

Jiang Feng looked at the time.


Jiang Feng steamed the dishes one by one.

Hunan province tempeh, using Hunan province's local Long brand soy sauce and a few others Light soy sauce, steamed vegetable juice with ginger and scallions, and chopped chicken skin and chili peppers.

Add the tea seed oil last, and be sure to coat all the chili peppers with oil.

Otherwise, the steamed smell will be very pungent..After steaming and serving,

Jiang Feng started to process the fish head.

It is not difficult to clean up the fish head. Cut it into two parts and use a knife blade to scrape off the black film in the fish head.

After processing, apply a flower knife to make it easier to taste.

19 pieces Put the fish head aside for later use.

Jiang Feng took out the chopped pepper and washed it with water.

The salty smell of chopped pepper is very strong. If you don't wash it, the taste of the dish will not be balanced.

If the chopped pepper has enough flavor, it will be too salty. , if the salt taste is just right, the minced pepper taste will be lighter.

After washing, this problem will no longer exist.

The fish heads are very big, Jiang Feng took out two basins.

In addition to minced pepper, a small amount of minced garlic and Grated ginger, some sugar to neutralize the special pickled flavor in the chopped peppers, plus oyster sauce, light soy sauce, and pepper.

A little dark soy sauce for color.

Add some rice wine to increase the aroma, and press the fish head itself The fishy smell.

Add some starch at the end to allow various seasonings to be better wrapped on the fish head, making it easier to absorb the flavor.

When marinating the fish,

Jiang Feng cooked the rice noodles, took light soy sauce and peanut oil, mixed the rice noodles, and gave it a simple The base flavor.

It is ready.

The fish is also marinated.

Jiang Feng took out the large plate that had been prepared in advance.

The rice noodles were on the bottom, and the fish head split into two was spread on it. The ingredients for marinating the fish were evenly placed on the fish head..

Pour another half spoonful of meat oil on the bottom of the plate.

This can be regarded as the soul of Hunan cuisine.

It must be fragrant enough.

Add a few spoonfuls of soup made from fish bones, as well as a little minced chili pepper and chili soaking water to provide a bit of acidity that doesn't take away from the flavor.

It's a little bit sour, and it's hard to taste it without tasting it carefully, but it tastes very appetizing.

Season well.

Start steaming!

Jiang Feng put the fish heads into the steamer one by one.

Depending on the freshness and size of the fish head, as well as the firepower and water vapor, you can decide how long to steam it.

Jiang Feng is ready to steam for 11 minutes.

After arriving.

Wang Zhe just arrived at the store.

Jiang Feng had already taken out the fish head, and a strong aroma of chopped peppers, accompanied by the umami flavor of the fish soup, floated in the store.

As soon as the door opens.

Sun Renhe, who was squatting outside the door, was stunned for a moment.

It smells so good!

This tastes so good!

What's going on? Isn't this guy a big fan of Cantonese and Sichuan cuisine?!

It seems that the cooking skills of Hunan cuisine are not bad. but.

After all, just by smelling it, Sun Renhe could only tell that Jiang Feng did a good job, but he definitely couldn't smell how good it tasted.

He estimated that according to their apprentice's scoring system, Jiang Feng would probably have 60 points out of 100!

Not low anymore!

Apprentices who can pass must basically study for more than four years.

After all, Jiang Feng is not a professional in Sichuan cuisine.

Sun Renhe felt that Jiang Feng's 60 points was already good enough.

Wang Zhe's mouth watered when he smelled the smell of steamed fish:"It tastes good."

Jiang Feng smiled:"Are you driving?"


"Just take the big plate with you for the fish head. There are also 3 kinds of steamed vegetables, 5 servings of each are prepared for you."

"If you don’t prepare anything else, this should be enough to eat."

Each fish head must weigh more than seven pounds.

There is rice noodles under the fish head.

Each portion of the small bowl of steamed vegetables is not large, but Jiang Feng gave a total of 15 portions.

It must be enough to eat.

Wang Zhe He nodded repeatedly:"Okay."

Jiang Feng specially prepared a paper box. You can put the plate with fish heads in it, fold it up, and carry it away.

After covering it with plastic wrap, Jiang Feng gave the thing to Wang Zhe.

Wang Zhe called and called another person Coming over, the two of them picked up their things with some difficulty:"Then I'll leave first."


"Got it."

The two of them left.

At this time, Rong Lijun had arrived in the private room of the restaurant. Sitting across from him were two people, a man and a woman, both in their forties. These are today's customers, Li Kejun and his wife

"Rong Dong, when will the food arrive?"Li Kejun was already hungry and urged.

Rong Lijun looked at his watch:"It should be here already."

Li Kejun's wife looked a little mean:"We don't prepare it in advance, we have to wait.""

"Be careful what you say. Li Kejun frowned,"It would be nice to be able to eat Boss Xiao Jiang's food, not to mention the Hunan cuisine cooked by Boss Xiao Jiang.""

This is a rare opportunity.

Li Kejun really wanted to try the Hunan cuisine cooked by Jiang Feng.

Everyone agreed to cook it.

And he didn't have to wait long.

Li Kejun didn't want his wife to get into trouble.

"You, too, insist on letting him cook Hunan cuisine. Aren’t the Cantonese and Sichuan dishes he cooks delicious? Have we not eaten enough Hunan cuisine?"

Li Kejun's wife turned around and expressed her dissatisfaction with Li Kejun.

This was the reason for her dissatisfaction.

A rare opportunity. With so much profit, she wanted to eat Sichuan food made by Jiang Feng, or Cantonese food. She never did.

I have never heard of Jiang Feng cooking Hunan cuisine. Can he do it well? He wasted such a precious opportunity.

Li Kejun was also a little dissatisfied:"How do you know he can't cook well?"

"Moreover, this is not only about whether something is done well or not, it is very honorable to be able to name such a master and let him cook the dishes we want to eat, you know?"

Li Kejun's wife said backhand:"Hey, your mother, please don't"

"you. Li

Kejun said nothing more and looked at Rong Lijun:"I'm sorry, Mr. Rong, I'm just kidding."

Rong Lijun shook his head:"It's nothing.""

"By the way, how is your company doing lately?"Li Kejun sighed,"We have already planned to give up the real estate company."

Rong Lijun's expression remained unchanged, making it difficult to tell what he was thinking.

He always looked like this in front of outsiders.

"We are the same, retaining the property and construction decoration business and no longer acquiring land.

Li Kejun was a little helpless:"I remember you also invested in photovoltaics, right?" Is the situation not good too? Rong Lijun nodded:"

We have also withdrawn our capital.""

Photovoltaics is originally a popular industry, with strong domestic technology reserves and sufficient industrial chains.

However, the main sales market for photovoltaics was abroad before, but during this period it was subject to various restrictions and the business volume increased significantly.

Rong Lijun is in this business , suffered a lot of losses

"Alas, there is no profitable business now."Li Kejun was a little helpless.

Rong Lijun hadn't spoken yet.

Wang Zhe knocked on the door:"Boss, I brought the things back."

"come in."

Rong Lijun immediately sat up straight, with a trace of gentleness on his face.

Thinking of his son-in-law, Rong Lijun was really in a good mood, and even his expression changed.

Wang Zhe brought up the fish head and steamed vegetables..

Open the plastic wrap, there is still heat.

Looking at the fish heads on the plate.

Li Kejun and his wife were both a little surprised:"This is made by Boss Xiao Jiang?"

"It's... well done!"

As people from Xiang Province, the steamed fish heads they eat outside are either overly salty, not fragrant enough, or the peppers are not used correctly.

However, when the fish heads made by Jiang Feng are served, they feel nothing but fish. It has the aroma of chili and a bit of lard!

It’s the right flavor!

There are rice noodles on the bottom, and it looks like they have been seasoned. It’s quite good!

It’s just that it’s a little far away, and the pot gas still dissipates a lot.

The steamed vegetables are also surprisingly good.

In Hunan Province, steamed vegetables are very common, but there are not many in other places, and most of them taste average.

Even the famous Hunan cuisine master Sun Renhe and others make them. Not as good as Jiang Feng!

"Where's the rice?"Li Kejun's wife was a little anxious.

She took back what she just said!

The Hunan cuisine cooked by Xiao Jiang is well worth eating!

The waiter quickly brought a bucket of rice.

Li Kejun quickly filled two bowls of rice:"Rong Dong, I won't I'll let you go, I'm so greedy"

"please."Rong Lijun swallowed his saliva, but he didn't care on his face.

Wang Zhe poured rice for Rong Lijun and put it in front of him:"Then I'll go out first. Boss, if you need anything, call me."

He still has a whole fish head!

Run away!

Go and cook!

Rong Lijun nodded:"Go ahead."

As soon as Wang Zhe left the private room, a message from Rong Lijun came over:"Leave half of the fish head for me."

Three of them bosses, divided into two fish heads.

You want to eat a whole one by yourself, right?!

There is no way!

Wang Zhe was a little sad and angry:"Boss Xiao Jiang made that for me! Rong

Lijun:"Half is enough for you. Leave some for me. I can't compete with customers."

Wang Zhe:"At most half of half."

Rong Lijun:"Deal.""

After the negotiation was completed,

Rong Lijun put down his mobile phone, took a piece of meat near the fish face, and took a bite.

The fish meat was very tender and had a good taste.

He still grasped the salt very well. The dish itself has a strong taste. Therefore, the salt taste given by Jiang Feng is a little heavier.

It is a good dish that meets the expectations of the guests.

The spiciness of the chopped pepper comes a little slowly. After chewing it for a few times, it gradually comes up.

Swallow the fish.

Rong Lijun I quickly took a bite of the rice, and the salty and delicious taste in my mouth went with the rice. It was delicious! This dish also goes with rice!

And it is quite enjoyable!

Compared with the spicy and spicy flavor of Sichuan cuisine, the spiciness of Hunan cuisine is more direct, and the taste is different, but both are very delicious. Delicious!

Li Kejun and his wife ate some rice noodles under the fish head

"Rong Dong, this is the essence. Boss Xiao Jiang understands it very well."

Li Kejun swallowed.water, and took a sip of rice noodles with the color of light soy sauce and fish soup.

The rice noodles have no thorns and have a good texture, and during the steaming process, many of the flavors are brought into the soup by the distilled water.

Take one bite.

The rice noodles are full of flavor, spicy and fresh, and taste great!

Moreover, the rice noodles are not prickly yet, so you can chew them with confidence!

Rong Lijun picked up the serving chopsticks, picked up some rice noodles, took a bite, and his eyes lit up. really!

Rice noodles are more delicious than fish heads!

Li Kejun suddenly looked at his wife, stuffed something in his mouth and asked:"Hey, mom, are you still scolding me? Did you order the right dish?!" As expected, he was still concerned about what he had just been scolded by his wife. Worried about it.

His wife glared at him.

It's against you, right?

Do you still dare to swear at me?

Li Kejun immediately said honestly,"I don't want you to apologize. Did I get it right?"

"Indeed, boss Xiao Jiang is very powerful."Li Kejun's wife rarely admitted what he said.

The couple has been together for more than 20 years. They are used to noisy and have a good relationship, but they also like to argue.


In terms of Jiang Feng's cooking skills, the couple has achieved Consensus!

It’s so delicious!

Boss Xiao Jiang is really amazing, and everything he cooks is so amazing!

Li Kejun also talks a lot, and said to Rong Lijun:"Drong Rong, I really envy you."

"This fish head is even more delicious than the best I have ever eaten in Hunan Province!"

Rong Lijun felt happy in his heart.

He is a very simple person.

You envy me for having Jiang Feng as my son-in-law, and I feel very happy.

One portion of fish head was eaten quickly.

The three of them were still unsatisfied.

But before eating the second one Before the fish head, they looked at the steamed vegetables.

The green beans and green beans were soaked in oil and looked light.

The ribs were also not heavy in color.

There was a small ball of chili pepper and black beans on top of all the dishes.

Li Kejun Swallowing, he picked up a green bean and put it in his mouth.

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