7 o'clock.

Jiang Feng opened the door.

The guests rushed in!

The news that Jiang Feng will not open the door at noon has spread

"Give me two more buns!"

"I want one more fish"

"Give me 2 copies!"

These customers had the mentality of just having this meal today, and all of them asked for a little more than usual.

Mo Ni and the others quickly arrived at the counter.

"Boss Jiang, will you still open a store after you get married?"

"That's right, the Rong Shuang family is so rich, you won't be trapped and won't come out, right?"

They looked worried.

The guests also looked at Jiang Feng nervously.

Without the food cooked by Boss Xiao Jiang, they would be dead!

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"It doesn't matter, the wedding shop will still open after the wedding."

"Opening a store is not only a matter of money, one has to find something that makes one feel at ease."

Open a shop here.

Jiang Feng is very down-to-earth.

The guests breathed a sigh of relief.

The neighbors smiled happily and liked Jiang Feng more and more.

"Very good!"

"Boss Jiang, you are indeed the best!"

"My dear, you speak so elegantly."

"long! You are so cute today!"

Mo Ni and the others also felt relieved and ordered.

They also ordered a lot more.

In less than 15 minutes,

Mo Ni and the others walked out one by one, holding on to the wall.


Jiang Feng prepared everything. Sold out.

Customers who didn’t buy anything should turn back in three steps.

"Boss Xiaojiang, then we will wait for you the day after tomorrow morning."

"I’m sure I can open a store the day after tomorrow, right?"

"My limit is to last until the morning the day after tomorrow. If you don't come by then, I will really starve to death."

"Can you bring some more chili oil with you?"

Jiang Feng smiled and chatted with them.

"The store will definitely open the day after tomorrow morning"

"Bring more so that you can mix some noodles when you go back to make them last longer. Anyway, I’m going to make new ones today."

The last batch of guests are also leaving one after another.

Today, the guests brought more chili oil.

The chili oil prepared for the whole day yesterday was taken away in the morning.

They all pointed to this thing to survive.

Jiang Feng closed the store.

Jiang Youyou was a little excited:"Dad! Get ready! Let's go out and play when we're ready!"

"Okay, wait patiently"

"Hehe, dad is the best! Yoyo loves her dad so much!"

Jiang Feng first fried the chili oil to be used tomorrow and stuffed it in a basin.

Then Jiang Feng started making phoenix tail cakes.

There were two kinds of fillings, a total of 24.

After they were done, 12 of them were put into one that he bought yesterday. in a double-layered gift box with red background and gold pattern.

Jiang Feng packed the other 12, and also brought 15 steamed buns and 30 wrapped uncooked buns.

They are ready

"Okay, Yoyo, let’s go home first"

"good! Daddy hugs!"

Jiang Feng still carefully checked the water, electricity and gas, then hugged Jiang Youyou, closed the store and went out. When

Mo Ni and the others saw Jiang Feng leaving, they posted a message on WeChat Moments a little reluctantly and asked the driver to drive away.

"It’s so uncomfortable. I can’t eat anything cooked by my boyfriend at noon or at night."

"I'm so upset. I'm so upset. The male idol is going to meet his parents."

"The dog food smells so good! But it was too uncomfortable not being able to eat Jiang Feng's food."

Many people below responded to the message.

There was a lot of wailing.

"Depend on! what's the situation?! Are you closed at noon and evening?!"

"I specially bought new clothes and planned to go to the boyfriend’s shop for dinner at noon, but he ran away?!"

"wc! I didn’t eat in the morning, so I was just waiting for lunch. The male god won’t open a shop?!"

At this time,

Jiang Feng had already taken Youyou and sat in the car.

He looked at his phone.

Rong Shuang sent a message:"I'll drive first. I'll reply to your message later, husband."

Jiang Feng didn't send her a message.

Just concentrate on driving.

Jiang Feng drove and took Youyou back home first. He opened the door and went in.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were sitting on the sofa watching"Merit".

The two of them were supposed to be there yesterday afternoon. It was time to go back, but they took a special leave.

If the meeting didn't go well, they could comfort Jiang Feng, so as not to have to worry about their son.

Seeing Jiang Feng come back, Song Jin asked,"Are you ready to go?"

"Well, let’s change clothes and set off. There’s a bit of traffic in the past now. It’s probably around 12 o’clock when we arrive."

"OK, go quickly."

Jiang Feng went back to the room, changed into his suit, and then changed Jiang Youyou into a white shirt, jeans with suspenders, and white shoes.

"Dad, does the little cutie look good?"

"of course"

"Hehe, Yoyo is daddy's daughter, so of course she is good-looking, and daddy is even better-looking!"

"Be good, let's go. Do you want to go to the bathroom first? It's estimated to take more than two hours' drive"

"go! Wait for Yoyo!"

She trotted to the bathroom, washed her hands, and walked out

"Then we'll go first."Jiang Feng said,"You can cook the buns at noon and heat them up."


"If it's convenient for you later, you can send Tang Hemei some food."

"no problem."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he took Jiang Youyou out, put on his sunglasses, and drove off.

Jiang Youyou was super happy, sitting in the back seat, dangling her feet, just like Rong Shuang did.

There was a baby in the car."Why Not".

It was sunny outside and the air conditioner was on in the car, so it wasn't hot at all.

Jiang Feng passed the intersection of Minwang Street and was soon blocked, so he slowly followed the traffic flow.



"Youyou likes you to drive Youyou out, wherever you go.

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"Dad also likes to be with you.""

"Na Youyou has always been with daddy!"

The father and daughter chatted and moved forward slowly.

At 10 o'clock in the morning,

Rong Lijun's plane landed.

Wang Zhe asked:"Are you going home first, or going directly?"

"Just go there."

Rong Lijun has already taken a shower and changed into new clothes in advance.

It's too late to go back home, so he can just go to the hotel.

"Then me……"Wang Zhe rubbed his hands in anticipation.

When you meet your daughter's boyfriend, you won't take me with you, right?!

I can move!

Rong Lijun patted Wang Zhe on the shoulder:"Let's go together"

"ah? Isn't it necessary for me to go?"

"Wait at the door and handle company matters on the way. You will still be paid overtime pay."

Wang Zhe looked uncomfortable.

Rong Lijun was a little happy.

The two were in the parking lot.

The driver had already driven the Cullinan and had been waiting here for a long time.

After getting in the car,

Rong Lijun closed his eyes.

He endured it. It's a late night, I'm a little tired, and I'm actually not in a good mood.

Wang Zhe is beside me, dealing with various things in the company, looking at his watch, a little absent-minded.

At this time, it's almost time for Boss Xiao Jiang to open a store, right?


I'm so greedy.!

At 11:45,

Rong Lijun arrived at the place first and parked the car.

The driver and Wang Zhe were waiting in the car.

Rong Lijun got out of the car himself.

A waiter came to greet him:"Mr. Rong, please come inside."

Rong Lijun is an honored guest, and a special person will come to pick him up."

"Has my daughter reserved a private room?"

"OK, I'll take you there?"


Rong Lijun entered the private room, sat down, and sent a message to Rong Shuang.

"Where have you been? I've already arrived."

Rong Shuang didn't reply.

She was still driving.

Rong Lijun didn't rush him. He took his mobile phone and looked at the company's financial report.

At 11:52,

Jiang Feng drove to the parking lot.

There was a person in charge of parking to guide him. Jiang Feng parked the car

"Let's go, Yoyo"


Jiang Youyou was not nervous at all when she was going to see Rong Shuang's father.

With her father here, she had nothing to be nervous about.

The father and daughter got out of the car.

They took just two steps.


Someone pressed the horn.

The two of them turned around..

A luxury car slowly turned around and drove over.

The waiter quickly ran over and guided the car to park.

"Hello, Miss Rong, welcome."

The waiter helped open the car door.

A pair of slender legs stepped out of the car.

Light blue high heels stepped on the ground.

Rong Shuang put on sunglasses and walked out of the car.

She went to tidy up her hair. It was slightly curled. Her long wavy hair was scattered casually on her shoulders, making her skin even more pink and tender.

The waiter looked stunned.

Several men with female companions next to him also turned their heads almost at the same time!

Beautiful women, and luxury cars.

This is so eye-catching!

Jiang Youyou opened her mouth wide:"Dad! It seems to be my mother?

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"It's her.""

"Mom is so beautiful!"


The father and daughter just chatted for a while.

Rong Shuang took off her sunglasses, stepped on her high heels, ran a few steps, and threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms!

"husband! I miss you so much! She raised her head with a coquettish look on her face and said,"Yuyou, Mom, it feels so uncomfortable not to see you for a long time.""


The waiter felt as if he had eaten a hundred and eight lemons at this time!

Several men also looked envious.


What a good luck!

Even though my wife is so beautiful, she is still acting coquettishly.!

When I first got out of the car, she was obviously a rich woman who didn’t want to be near strangers, but in the blink of an eye she jumped into someone’s arms!

I’m envious!

Envy is still envy!

The female companion they brought also had a sour look on her face.

How come such a handsome man is already married and has children?


Jiang Feng patted Rong Shuang on the back and said with a smile:"Hello, Mr. Rong."

Rong Shuang rolled her eyes at Jiang Feng with dissatisfaction, and quietly pinched Jiang Feng's waist with her small hands.

"Wife, you are so beautiful."Jiang Feng changed his tune instantly.

"snort."Rong Shuang laughed with satisfaction and let go of her hand.

She couldn't bear to really pinch her husband.

"Don't tease me with this, I am your wife, no matter what."She looked into Jiang Feng's eyes and said

"good. Jiang Feng nodded,"Let's go, we'll be late.""

The three of them walked in together.

The waiter quickly led the way and treated Jiang Feng very well.

On the way.

Rong Shuang said,"I'll go in first later. You and Youyou wait outside. I'll send you the News, you go in again. Jiang Feng nodded:"

That's okay.""

He believed that Rong Shuang had his own ideas.

His wife said she would wait a moment, so she would wait.

Outside the private room,

Rong Shuang straightened her clothes, pulled Jiang Feng's neck, and kissed him.

The waiter lowered his head, It felt like eating eight hundred lemons.

Not only was President Rong getting married, but she also liked her husband so much. It was so sour!

After the kiss,

Rong Shuang was about to enter the private room.

The waiter opened the door quickly.

Waiting for Rong Shuang to go in.

The waiter looked at Jiang Feng:"Would you like to follow me to the VIP room to have a rest?"

"There are various drinks and snacks there, as well as free toys. Jiang

Feng smiled politely:"No, I'll just wait here for a while. You go and do your work.""

The waiter has a better impression of Jiang Feng.

He is married to President Rong, and his attitude is still so friendly.

There is a reason why he is favored.

"Then I won’t bother you. If you need anything, just come to us."


The waiter left.

Rong Shuang entered the private room, walked through the corridor, and then arrived at the dining table.

Rong Lijun raised his head. Rong Shuang stood with his arms folded and looked at each other.

The atmosphere between the father and daughter instantly changed. They became cold!

They looked at each other for a few seconds.

Then Rong Lijun spoke in a majestic tone:"Your boyfriend is so rude, he's almost late."

"He was at the door. I asked him to wait a moment while I came in to see you first."Rong Shuang's voice was cold, and when she was protecting her husband, she was full of temperament.

Rong Lijun frowned:"You are wasting my time."

Rong Shuang said:"Let me make it clear to you first. After he comes in later, no matter what dissatisfaction you have, you are not allowed to say it in front of him."

"After we meet, you can negotiate with me privately."

Rong Lijun leaned on the chair and said nonchalantly:"No."

If it weren't for Rong Shuang's unlucky boyfriend, maybe Rong Shuang could have gone to see Jiang Feng earlier.

As a friend, he, a father, could also make a living.

This brat is like a slap over his face. Job!

He still has to be patient?

He has to wait until they meet before talking to Rong Shuang alone?


Rong Shuang frowned slightly:"Let's talk about the conditions?"

"After dinner, go meet someone. You can be friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Don't go."Rong Shuang said,"I have a husband, I am a preschool teacher, and I only need him as a male friend."

"Then there's no point in talking about it"

"I can forgive you for not showing up to Mom's funeral. Rong Shuang was silent for a moment and then spoke.

Rong Lijun was silent for a moment, nodded and said,"Okay.""

Rong Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left the private room.

"Let's go, it's settled"


Jiang Feng picked up the gifts and followed Rong Shuang into the private room.

After walking through the corridor,

Jiang Feng arrived at the dining table.

When he saw Rong Lijun, Jiang Feng showed a little surprise.

Rong Lijun's eyes also widened. She suddenly sat up straight.

Before Rong Shuang noticed anything strange, she took half a step forward with her long legs, covering half of Jiang Feng's body behind her.

"This is my husband, Jiang Feng"

"This is our daughter, Jiang Youyou."

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