At this time, on a high platform in the distance, many tutors from Tianxing University were also paying attention to everything here.

"Well said, even if you face a stronger person, you must have the courage to swing your sword!"

"Xu Rong, your student’s teaching is excellent, and his future achievements are limitless. Yang

Lin, the vice president of Tianxing University, couldn't help but nodded in praise.

Next to him, a middle-aged woman looked at him with a smile.

"Yudie is a child with a strong personality, and sometimes he will even resort to unscrupulous means, but he is still kind-hearted and can face difficulties and fears without shrinking. My hard work and cultivation over the past few years have not been in vain."

"Having said that, is this Xia Yi's strength too terrifying?"

A tutor looked at Xia Yi standing in the middle of the fighting stage in the projection and couldn't help but marvel.

"At the early stage of the Mortal Realm, he actually crossed two great realms and easily defeated the genius of the Prince Realm!"

"I have never seen such an evil young man"

"It is indeed unbelievable that all the top 100 geniuses on the genius list can be forced to join forces."

Yang Lin stared at Xia closely.The figure said faintly:"Maybe he can defeat the projection of the Human Emperor!"


"Why do you feel like I've become the ultimate villain?"

Xia Yi looked at these talented people who were on the fighting stage and shared the same hatred with the enemy. His expression gradually became solemn and he respected his opponents.

"Come on then!"

Suddenly, Yan Tu and others began to attack with all their strength.

250 In Yan Tu's hand, a wide-blade butcher knife appeared. His strongest sword technique, Tu Sheng's six styles, was displayed one by one. The knife was bloodthirsty, domineering and cruel.

On the other side, Fang Yudie suppressed the injury and used the sword move just now, with a look of determination on his face.

The other geniuses also showed their strongest moves, hoping to complete their victory in one battle.

Faced with this, Xia Yi stepped forward and body Among them, three thousand giant elephant particles boiled, and various hell tribulations circulated, and the power of the supreme god and demon body was completely revealed.

"The gods will eventually become dusk, and all the demons will eventually die, but I am the only one who will be eternal!"

In Xia Yi's hand, the Spear of Judgment condensed.

At this time, the Spear of Judgment, with its bright golden sacred light, was imprinted with dark and dense calamity texts. The thoughts of gods and demons were intertwined, and its power was even greater than before.

"Judge the heavens and destroy all realms!"

The spear was swung with unparalleled power, and all the geniuses' attacks were swept away.

Then the spear's remaining power fell on all the geniuses without losing any strength.

Those geniuses who were not ranked among the top ten vomited blood and flew out of the fighting platform.

As for those geniuses who ranked in the top ten and achieved the realm of princes, their realms were shattered, as if they were struck by thunder.

Then Xia Yi swung out two more spears, including Yan Tu, Fang Yudie, and Kuigang, all of the top ten (chbi) The geniuses were seriously injured and fell onto the fighting platform one after another.

"Three shots determine the talent, I have never seen such a fierce person!"

Underneath, the onlookers felt numb at this time.

The strength that Xia Yi has shown since he appeared on the fighting stage is really shocking.

"Do you think it is possible for his strength to defeat the Human Emperor's projection?"

One of the onlookers said suddenly.

The projection of the Human Emperor is the projection of himself left by Tian Qing, the most amazing and talented sixth-generation Human Emperor in the human race.

Although his realm is only in the early stage of the princely realm, it perfectly shows the human emperor's projection. All the combat power of Qing Renhuang when he was in the realm of princes.

Every generation of human emperors in the human race are respected beings of the same level, especially the sixth generation human emperor Tian Qing. When he was young, he was in the same realm of Gaia.

Even in Wan Among the clan, they are all the leaders.

Every student of Tianxing University who has reached the realm of princes is qualified to challenge the projection of the Human Emperor.

But from the disappearance of the sixth generation of the Human Emperor to now, no one can defeat the projection of the Human Emperor.

Even if The seventh-generation Human Emperor Jichen and the eighth-generation Human Emperor Qi Zhong failed to defeat the projection of the Tianqing Human Emperor when they were in the princely realm.

And the projection of the Human Emperor is also related to an extremely precious treasure.

Only in the Only by defeating the projection of the Human Emperor in the same realm can you qualify to obtain this treasure.

It is said that this treasure can even affect the survival and prosperity of the human race.

Therefore, after the Emperor fell from the sky, I don’t know how many geniuses want to defeat the projection of the Human Emperor. , to obtain the legendary treasure.

However, no one has been able to do it so far.

And the combat power shown by Xia Yi at this time gave them hope!

Xia Yi is still only in the Mortal Transformation Realm. It is so powerful that it can crush all geniuses.

If you wait until you break through the Dharma Realm and even the Prince Realm. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wouldn't it be even more powerful? Even if you fight against the projection of the Human Emperor, you will have a great victory Hope.

Not only these students thought this, but also the instructors who were watching quietly from a distance at this time.

However, Xia Yi’s next move was beyond everyone’s expectation.

He saw him He looked into the darkness, stared at all the teachers here, and said:

"Dear mentors, I apply to fight against the Human Emperor’s projection!"

Xia Yi naturally knew about the human emperor's projection, and he made this request resolutely.

All the teachers were shocked at this time.

This Xia Yi is crazy!

He actually wants to fight against those in the early stage of the princely stage with the early stage of mortal transformation. The projection of the Human Emperor.

The projection of the Human Emperor is comparable to that of the geniuses on the Genius List.

It is a truly emperor-level existence, which perfectly demonstrates the invincible combat power of the princely realm.

If Xia Yi also breaks through to the princely realm , they felt that there might still be hope to defeat the Human Emperor's projection.

But now that they were only in the realm of transformation, none of them thought that Xia Yi could win.

Yang Lin walked out of the room and came to the fighting stage in an instant, looking at Xia Yi

"Xia Yi, are you sure you want to challenge the Human Emperor's projection now? Why not wait until your realm breaks through to the princely realm before challenging it?"

"No, I'm going to challenge now."Xia Yi said firmly.

Seeing that Xia Yi was stubborn, Yang Lin could only shake his head helplessly.

"Well, I hope you emerge victorious!"

As he spoke, a token appeared in his palm and was thrown into the sky.

"The Human Emperor Arena is here!"

In the sky, a majestic arena covering a hundred thousand miles in radius and full of the power of the emperor emerged.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the Human Emperor Arena!"

A mentor looked at this arena and couldn't help but sigh.

The Human Emperor Arena is a battlefield set up by Tian Qing and the Emperor.

Only warriors in the early stage of the Prince Realm or below the Prince Realm can enter..

And the projection of the Human Emperor is in this arena.

"Do you think Xia Yi can win?"

Another instructor asked

"There is absolutely no hope."

The instructors all shook their heads.

"This Xia Yi is too impetuous and arrogant. If he can endure his temper, concentrate on practicing for a year or two, and raise his realm to the realm of a prince, he may have great hope of defeating the projection of the Human Emperor."

"But now, it is a bit unrealistic to cross two great realms and defeat the projection of the Human Emperor by virtue of the early stage of Mortal Transformation!"

"Although Xia Yi is said to be a peerless genius, he can defeat the members of the genius list who are in the princely realm by transforming into the mortal realm."

"But the Tianqing Renhuang is also a peerless genius. He once killed a strong man at the peak of the King Realm in the early stages of the Prince Realm, and his combat power is equally tyrannical."

"So there is almost no hope!"

At this time, all the instructors agreed that Xia Yi could not win.

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