Chapter 696: Back to the Roots (1)

Jiang Ran thought to himself in his heart, he had to go out of the secret realm this time, otherwise if these children didn't come next year, he would probably be trapped and die here.

The two talked for a while, Jiang Ting came along the road, and saw the spiritual fire of the Jiang clan exploding in the air, knowing that this was summoning the same clan, and couldn't help but speed up a little.

After a short time, I walked to a green field, and I could already see more than ten pieces of clothes, a few of which were very familiar, Jiang Ran recognized that it was Jiang ~ from the family.

Jiang Ting had a cold face, standing side by side with Jiang Ran, those young people had always known her temperament, and they didn't come to talk, but they frequently looked sideways at Jiang Ran, as if they didn't know why they could make friends with that cold beauty. There were two people who had a crush on Jiang Ting, and they even cast jealous eyes, seeing Jiang Ran like a thorn in the back, it was really miserable. Jiang Ting didn't realize it, but he still had a gentle attitude and talked to Jiang Ran.

After staying up for more than half an hour, the ground suddenly shook, and five portals appeared in the air. The portal is ten zhang high and ten zhang wide, and the pestle is like a gate to heaven in the air, which is extremely shocking.

Such a tall portal can be clearly seen from any place in the secret realm.

Jiang Ranwu shook to himself, but the portal suddenly changed.

I saw that the five gates burst into light in unison, and one of the white lights suddenly fell, generating a huge and incomparably light shield, encompassing all the Jiang family members. Then as soon as the mask was lifted, all the people were rolled up.

Jiang Ran was nervous in his heart, lest the light sense was wrong. Fortunately, the white light hit his body with a slight heat, and there was no pain, so he naturally took off into the air and floated up.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting was also a little relieved in his heart. Since there is no sense of impropriety in this cover, there is no doubt that this person is a person from the Jiang family.

After only about a breath or two, the light mask fell to the ground and dispersed, and everyone was down-to-earth. In front of him was the head of the family, Jiang Wen, who had just withdrawn the jade sword.

At this time, the barriers of the five families are clear, each occupying a position, the Tian family and the Jiang family are far away, Jiang Wen waved his hand and said: "Go back quickly, don't stay here, you must be careful on the road." "

Everyone responded in unison, "Yes." "

Jiang Wen beckoned Jiang Ting to come to him to ask questions, Jiang Ting didn't want to talk to Jiang Ran more, so he just said "rudeness" and immediately passed.

And Jiang Ran quietly fell at the end, gradually distancing himself from others.

This time, due to the severity of the situation, those spirit birds were all sent out for the use of the foundation building monks, so everyone took advantage of the wind control technique. And because he wants to save spiritual power, he doesn't use magic weapons, and he is quite close to the ground.

This move corresponded to Jiang Ran's thoughts, he used a concealment technique for himself, and evaded the attention of a few accompanying elders, and with the help of a giant tree he encountered on the road, he hid silently. When the predecessors walked farther away, he immediately used the technique of Mu Escape and hurried away in the other direction.

Later, Jiang Ting finally told Jiang Wen about the secret realm, and Jiang Wen was also very interested in his life-saving benefactor, but Jiang Ting was about to lead Jiang Ran in front of the head of the family, but he never saw him again.

Jiang Wen was extremely surprised: "Since he left, no one has noticed?"

Jiang Ting sighed: "That person's escape technique is exquisite, I don't know where to find it." He helped me, but he covered his face, it was clear that he was from my Jiang family, and I didn't know why he wanted to do this. "

Jiang Wen's eyes sank, and then he said: "There is no malice, and I don't care about him." It's just that if you see this person again in the future, you might recognize him?"

Jiang Ting thought for a while and said, "This person's breath is close to nature, and he is very recognizable." "

Jiang Wen nodded approvingly: "That's it." "

Not to mention how Jiang Wen and Jiang Ting were born, Jiang Ran finally broke away from the Jiang family, there was no danger, and he traveled day and night all the way, and he was hundreds of miles away. When he was sure that there was no one to chase, he put away the hiding on his face and smiled slightly.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Jiang Ran sat cross-legged in the shade of the tree, and now he also knew that walking was dangerous, so it was better to be careful in everything. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, he cultivates wood-based spells, and he can escape at any time by leaning on the trees.

Jiang Ran knew that he had a demon vine in his hand, and his self-defense should be safe. However, this thing is too evil, and he has not yet found his own way, if he is not extremely vigilant, he is afraid of shaking his heart and falling into the devil's way.


This is the end of the secret realm.

Jiang Ran whistled into the air, the young eagle that accompanied the blood vine had already grown up by now, Jiang Ran was going to name Xuan Ying, only to see Xuan Ying suddenly fall straight down and land on his shoulder. []

This eagle has been hovering high in the sky, and it has never been noticed by Jiang Ting and the others, but fortunately, because of Jiang Ran's blood, it can come out of the secret realm with it. Now it's time to return.

Jiang Ran touched its feathers, and saw that it was very bright in black ink and gold, and when he looked at himself again, he was wearing a long robe obtained from the secret realm, which was not a good fit, so after several battles, it was extremely embarrassed. After thinking about it, I realized that this Jiang Sheng had been in the secret realm for many years, and he had no suitable clothes to keep around, so he really had to tidy up.

Now I have to go to a market to have a look, and then I will make a plan.

Speaking of this monk's land, the barter is gold and jade on weekdays, and if the value is higher, the spirit beads are universal. Jiang Ran has no long things, but fortunately, he has picked a lot of spiritual grass in the secret realm, and there are Xuan Ying and Demon Vine to hunt the Demon Pill of Demon Beasts in the storage ring, and at this time, he can sell a few plants first to exchange for usable things.

Besides, Fang City is either under the name of big forces such as the big faction and the family, or it is formed by gathering all the scattered cultivators for a long time. However, the former is sheltered, and the latter is rarely secured.

Having said that, Jiang Ran had never left the door of Jiang's house before, so naturally he didn't know where this was, let alone where the direction was to Fang City, so he said a few words to Xuan Ying. Xuan Ying was obedient, and when he heard the words, he flapped his wings and flew into the air in an instant.

After a while, the eagle flew back quickly, and after a few eagle howls, Jiang Ran understood and let it go.

Jiang Ran remembered that in Jiang Sheng's memory, he learned through the common sense of this Haotian small world, and learned that this realm is vast, and in ancient times, there were powerful people who divided the huge land into two, and the continents in the east were inhabited by monks, and there were mortals who lived together, but there were no emperors and generals in such realms, and all forces were occupied by cultivators. And there are also continents in the south, but there are only mortals, who do not know that there is a holy place of cultivation in the east, so they have to camp dogs and fight for power and profit.

Therefore, the eastern continents are full of spiritual energy, while the southern continents are inferior because there are no monks living for a long time, and the mortals are turbid. It's just that although the southeast is divided into immortals, there are nine continents, namely Xizhou, Luzhou, Quzhou, Xiazhou, Qizhou, Yuzhou, Lanzhou, Fanzhou, and Lingzhou. Among them, the east is called Shangzhou, and the south is called Xiazhou. The monks called the mortals of the upper Jiuzhou as mortals, and the mortals of the lower Jiuzhou as the southern people.

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