It's not uncommon for a person to regret a fleet, but this kind of person is generally directly bombed into scum by the fleet in the end.

The designers who designed these weapons had said that it was impossible for humans to face these weapons directly, but the figure in front of them was completely beyond their imagination.

A sword, just a sword, made their fleet directly cut a hole.

This kind of terrifying power is estimated by the captain to be the strongest weapon in the world, and even cannot be reached.

Moreover, the captain also saw that the opponent's sword light passed countless distances in the sky, and only then did it turn into a strong Dao and dissipate.

He is from the Thousand-Eyed Star Bird Clan, and his instinct is to be able to let them see farther distances, and the Dao rules he cultivates are also similar to the Dao rules, and now he is naturally able to see farther distances, only he understands how condensed the sword just now is.

What he is riding now is the largest wingworm in the entire fleet, which is the body shape that only the king of the wingworm clan can have, and at the same time, this wingworm looks bulky, but it is equipped with an extremely powerful protective barrier on it, even if it is the full bombardment of the wingworm of the same level, it can resist for a minute.

But the sword that the other party just had, he estimated that the wingworm under his feet couldn't resist this sword at all, and the huge size of his wingworm was completely a huge target.

It will only put him in a situation that becomes ~ extremely dangerous.

Prepare me for the little wingworms, I can't stay here anymore.

He shouted, opening his mouth to his lieutenant.

"What are you doing, hurry up!"

Looking at the adjutant who was completely stunned, the captain roared angrily, thinking in his heart that the other party's psychological quality was too poor, although the other party was strong, so many of them were not insects, and it would take a lot of effort to kill them all.


The adjutant's voice trembled.

"I'm really ashamed of you, our fleet has spent so long cultivating you, is your psychological quality so poor?"

The captain hated that iron could not be made of steel, and was about to speak, when he saw the adjutant's hand pointing behind him.

"What's going on behind you?"

The captain looked back impatiently, and the whole person was stunned, only to see that the void that was originally extremely dark was already completely lit up at this time.

However, what shone on this void was no longer those Dao rule beams just now, but a tide of sword intent.

The captain could see clearly through his Dao, and countless sword intents formed thin sword rays in the sky, and then the sword rays were layered on top of each other, forming a tide again.

Fear was directly engulfed in the captain's mind.

This tide directly covered this void, and if every sword ray was like the sword blade just now, then there would be nothing left in this void.

Even mosquitoes can't just escape.

And just as the despair spread in the captain's heart, the tide of sword intent was already moving, and the terrifying sword intent erupted from the void and swarmed towards the fleet.

Countless Void Races manipulated the Flying Insects and scolded, they tried to use the Flying Insects' most powerful attack to be able to block the charge of this sword intent tide, but in fact, it didn't have any effect at all, and this sword intent directly cut off the pillars of light condensed by these Dao Immortals.

Then, as if destroying tofu, the whole wingworm was easily chopped directly.

And the huge wingworm where the captain was was already innumerable and the personnel began to be agitated, and his surface showed a huge and incomparably large barrier, which was the absolute defense that could only be displayed by converting the power of all attacks and used to defend the situation.

At this moment, everyone hoped that this defense would save their lives.

This huge wingworm was located in the center of the entire fleet, and there were three layers of defense from this sword intent tide.

And when the tide fell violently, the outermost and most vulnerable line of defense disappeared directly into the tide of sword intent, and no information could be sent at all.

All means of communication are simply ineffective.

And then there is the second layer of defense, and some people see the fragility of the first layer of defense, and their psychology has completely collapsed.

It is only when people are truly confronted with a completely irresistible force that the most primitive fears in people's hearts will be hooked up.

And at this moment, the roaring tide of sword intent was like a natural disaster, and these martial saints were like ordinary people, at a loss, only trembling and instinctively fleeing could try to eliminate the fear in their hearts.

But under such a horrific attack, everything seems so powerless.

The second layer of defense was almost no resistance, and even those who fled did not flee far, and were twisted into pieces by the tide.

After the second layer of defense, there is the third layer of defense, which is the most elite existence in the entire fleet.

They are most effective with shields and weapons.

But in the face of such terrifying sword intent, all weapons were meaningless, and even the attacks they sent out were directly shattered by the tide.

Directly swallowed by the tide of sword intent without any sense.

In the blink of an eye, the giant wingworm where the captain was located was already close in front of him.

The roar of the sword intent tide was already close to his ears, and the captain clenched his fists, praying in his heart that this so-called absolute defense system could give himself some effect, but the fact is that in the first second, this system was indeed able to resist the impact of the sword intent tide, and even the captain could see that a few traces of sword intent were directly extinguished under the effect of the protective shield, but in the next second, countless sword intents emerged from behind.

The entire shield was also broken at this moment. []

The entire tide of sword intent only came to a halt for a moment.


No one could hear the captain's exclamation, and his body was directly turned into powder in the sword intent.

The others, who were so busy with themselves, did not notice the captain at all, and they exclaimed and cried out in fear, feeling fear for what had happened today.

The tide of sword intent buried them, and in the end, they were directly turned into dust in the void.

However, the tide of sword intent stopped directly after crushing the largest wingworm.

Some of the Void races were only a few meters away from the sword intent tide, and they trembled, and their excretory organs were even directly broken.

Then they saw that the tide of sword intent was like a low tide, completely disappearing into the void.

And the terrifying figure at the beginning also disappeared from the spoon.

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