If you want to turn over, luck is very important, and now Jiang Ran's luck is there, that is, the martial arts simulator.

So Jiang Ran needs to think about his plan for the next life now.

After a while, the firewood in Jiang Ran's hand was carved into a little rabbit.

Then the second, then the third.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and cold winds were constantly howling through the open door.

"Brother, it's late. "

"Aren't you going to work in the restaurant tomorrow?"

Ye Yu cleaned up the house and walked out.

Seeing the wood carving carved by Jiang Ran, his face also showed some surprise.

"Well, I won't go to work in a restaurant in the future. "

"Ming'er took some carvings to the market to sell them. "

"This craft was given to me by a handyman in the restaurant at the beginning, saying that I still have some talent. "

"I should be able to make a living from this craft. "

Jiang Ran nodded, smiled slightly, and stood up after slapping off the sawdust in his hand.

"Brother, go to bed early. "

"I've made the bed for you. "

Ye Yu smiled slightly, and returned to his room.

She couldn't wait to get a good night's sleep in this warm room.

Jiang Ran also quickly cleaned up and extinguished the firewood.

After returning to the room, Jiang Ran also lay in the comfortable and warm bed.

Unlike the stiff wooden bed, there was no air leakage in the room.

Jiang Ran lay down in the quilt, and after a while, sleepiness began to sweep in.


A week later, in the Baiye Town Market, a pair of young brothers and sisters were selling in front of a stall.

In front of the stalls, there are exquisite wood carvings.

The girl is waving, and the boy is quietly sculpting on the sidelines.

The business is not particularly good, but the income for one day is enough for two people.

Jiang Ran practiced the breathing method while deepening his understanding of the brute bear breathing method.

At the same time, I also started to check the cooldown time of the martial arts simulator.

Judging from the current progress bar, a week's work has only reached a little more than half of the progress.

It will take at least five or six days to buffer the progress bar to 100%.

"Brother, I'll buy some buns to eat. "

"Wait for me. "

It was almost noon, and the children of poor families were not in the habit of eating breakfast.

Ye Yu and Jiang Ran remembered that they were going to have lunch.

"You run slower, don't be in such a hurry. "

Jiang Ran put down the carving knife and looked at Ye Yu's back and shouted.

also showed a smile on her face, this sister of her is always so frizzy.


didn't have much to eat.

"Have you heard? A lot of young people have been missing in the town lately. "

"I heard my cousin on an errand tell me today that ten men and ten women are all teenagers. "

"It's a shame, could it be that the town is haunted. "

"I was going to be sad this winter, and I made this fuss. "

"Luckily, I don't have any fifteen or sixteen-year-old children at home. "

The market is the most crowded place, with vendors and pedestrians passing by.

Some of the topics they talked about were topics that were often circulated in this Baiye Town.

The authenticity is not high, because it may be false, but since it will be circulated, there will definitely be a reason.

Jiang Ran also kept an eye on it.

"Fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys and girls..."

Jiang Ran shook his head and looked at Ye Yu at the bun shop not far away.

didn't think much about it, anyway, in this world, his current strength, no matter how it is said that it is no problem to fight seventeen or eighteen ordinary people.

Soon, in the afternoon, the snow was falling heavily.

Many small vendors have already begun to close their stalls.

When the snow falls heavily, not many people want to go out and prefer to burn a fire at home.

Jiang Ran also understood this, and quickly closed the stall with Ye Yu and rushed back.

"Brother, there's been a lot of talk about missing people in the town lately. "

Some said that wild beasts had come and taken them away in the middle of the night, while others said they were haunted. "

On the way back, Ye Yu also raised his head and looked at Jiang Ran on the side.

There was a worried look on his face, and people in ancient times were more superstitious.

He may not be afraid of wild beasts, but he believes in the theory of ghosts and gods.

"How could a wild beast take away so many living people? "

"The ghost's words are not very realistic, don't worry, it should be just some rumors. "

"Look at this official mansion, don't you send many officials out of the house?"

Jiang Ran smiled and comforted Ye Yu a few words.

In his opinion, there may be possibilities, after all, even such things as crossing and systems have appeared.

Even if he was told now that this was a wild world, Jiang Ran would believe it.

But there must be a truth that can convince him, relying on some rumors, after all, it is still not enough.

"Then I'm much more at ease, with my brother here, I'll definitely be fine. "

Ye Yu smiled sweetly and stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Ran's arm.

The two of them depend on each other, in Ye Yu's opinion, Jiang Ran is the most powerful person.

When she was a child, the wild dogs in the town barked at her, and Jiang Ran took a broom to beat away the wild dogs that surrounded her.

"Yes, no matter what happens, my brother is here. "

Jiang Ran smiled and patted the snow on Ye Yu's hair, and the two immediately walked to the house.

I was in a hurry to go to the market last time, and I just bought some firewood.

After that, Jiang Ran and Ye Yu also went to the market a few times, and they also prepared a lot of charcoal at home.

With charcoal, the inside of the house will be warmer, and even if you don't put out the fire at night.

Compared to the safety of firewood, it is much higher.

Although the place where the two brothers and sisters live now is much warmer than the location where they lived before.

But this winter is a little too cold, and the temperature is still decreasing.

can make Ye Yu sleep more comfortably, and Jiang Ran will not be stingy with such a small amount of money.

"Brother, shall we eat some noodles in the evening?"

After returning home, Ye Yu walked into the kitchen and said to Jiang Ran through the kitchen window.

The money in the hands of the two is enough for them to live like a normal family.

The time for a full meal and a hungry meal has passed.

"Okay, let's have some bacon. "

Jiang Ran nodded, put down his things, and reconciled.


Five days went by in a flash.

In these five days, there has not been much change in the lives of the two.

The only thing that has changed is that a group of Taoist priests came to the town, saying that they were to exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters.

It is rumored that it has been snowing heavily for a long time, and it was only stopped by them that they came to open the altar.

Anyway, Jiang Ran didn't believe it, because there were more important things to do today.

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