In the seventieth year, Jiang Ran and Hongluan are both nearly 100 years old.

  Since the four great families have taken charge of the situation, there may be some small fights in addition to weekdays.

  Basically, nothing has happened.

  Jiang Ran also stepped into the realm of Dacheng in the Chaoyuan Realm in this year.

  The will of martial arts has been able to condense into the substance, break people's hearts and minds, and shatter mountain streams.

  The intensity of true qi has already begun to produce a qualitative change.

  The essence blood and true qi in the body gathered together, and Jiang Ran's strength also underwent earth-shaking changes.

  If he is now, even if he is facing the Qin Emperor in the strongest period.

  Jiang Ran will definitely not be afraid of it, and he will definitely win with one punch.

  In the eighties, Jiang Ran and Hongluan have both reached the age of 100.

  Hongluan's longevity is also passing rapidly, and she can't break the shackles of longevity as a human without stepping into the Chaoyuan realm.

  Feeling the deterioration of his body every day and night, Hongluan's only nostalgia for this world is Jiang Ran.

  The two of them, an old man and an old wife, sat side by side in the courtyard.

  The starry sky of the White Emperor City is very bright tonight, and the White Emperor City in spring is not too cold at night.

  It's just that Hongluan, whose body bones have deteriorated, is still covered with a blanket by Jiang Ran.

  "It seems that in this life, I am going to leave you and go first. "

  Leaning on the shoulder of the beloved beside him, Hongluan's face also showed a touch of helplessness.

  Talent depends on a person's future achievements, and although Hongluan is extremely talented, he was one of the best at the time.

  But so what, she never got to take that last step.

  Now, when her longevity is approaching, she has no choice.

  "Then in the next life, in the next life, I will continue to come to you. "

  The corners of Jiang Ran's mouth raised slightly, and he brushed Hongluan's white bangs with his hand.

  The two stayed quietly together, quietly looking at the sky.

  Suddenly, a brilliant red light rose from the ground, and a blast sounded in the sky.

  Brilliant red light, accompanied by bright white light, the two colors of fireworks shine on each other.

  The sky of the White Emperor City was illuminated, and the sky full of stars reflected in the distance.

  As the first shot gradually dissipated, the second and third fireworks were constantly thrown into the air.

  Hongluan's eyes also showed a hint of brilliance, and he grabbed Jiang Ran's palm tightly.

  This scene is so similar, just like the night she expressed her heart to Jiang Ran back then.

  Tonight in the entire White Emperor City is as bright as bright as day.

  No one knows why Jiang Ran gathered fireworks from all over the city to choose this night to be released.

  But the people of the entire White Emperor City were happy because of this grand fireworks rain.

  Hongluan also leaned quietly into Jiang Ran's arms, with a satisfied smile on her face.

  In this life, even the people around him knew that the Hong family was a behemoth when he was a teenager.

  Still alone, he came to Hong's house, beheaded Cao Ying, and took her away.

  Strike a strong pose, and no one dares to stand in his way.

  is also this former young man, after breaking through the Chaoyuan realm, he is still wholeheartedly devoted to her.

  Even if he becomes the overlord in charge of a region, he has never married a concubine.

  But these are just things that Hongluan knows clearly in his heart.

  Another picture also appeared in Jiang Ran's heart.

  Once in the Martial Palace, he was nothing, just a child of the lowest family.

  There wouldn't be anyone in the Martial Palace who could afford him, if it weren't for his good strength.

  Anyone can bully him and look down on him.

  But because of the appearance of Hongluan, it was Hongluan who protected him when he was fledgling.

  It was Hongluan who ordered the Hong family to send reinforcements when the Bai family was in danger.

  Once outside the plain of the capital, the wedding hall that shook the sky and shouted.

  Jiang Ran, who had fought bloodily, just to marry her back to the Bai family in person.

  has realized all the things he promised Hongluan in this life.

  Although Hongluan may not remember, Jiang Ran made up for the regret in his heart.

  Slowly, the fireworks gradually dissipated and gradually stopped.

  Hongluan in his arms also gradually fell asleep, and Jiang Ran carried Hongluan back to the room.

  covered Hongluan with a quilt, and the two of them gradually fell asleep on the bed.

  The next day, the wife of Jiang Ran, the ancestor of the Bai family, passed away.

  Unlike the brilliant brilliance of the previous night, the entire White Emperor City continued for seven days.

  Red forging is hung outside the door of every house, not because there is a happy event, but because there is a funeral.

  Hongluan has a good heart, punishes evil and promotes good in the White Emperor City, and often helps the people in the city in the face of famine, man-made disasters, and natural disasters.

  Jiang Ran knew that Hongluan liked red forging, so he deliberately asked people to hang red forging in front of every house.

  personally lifted the coffin with his eldest son and sent it to the ancestral tomb of the Bai family for burial.

  In the 130th year, Jiang Ran was more than 150 years old, and his body was still strong.

  But he could feel that his strength had begun to regress.

  Originally, when he was one hundred and twenty years old, he had already come to the Great Perfection of the Chaoyuan Realm.

  But now that the strength has weakened a little, the qi and blood in the body have begun to regress.

  This is a symbol of human aging, and the children in the clan have found countless natural treasures for Jiang Ran.

  Jiang Ran didn't ask for it, even if he took it, it would just be a lingering breath.

  This was useless, Jiang Ran just used his body that was about to dry up, and began to constantly feel the natural power of heaven and earth.

  I began to feel the different martial arts wills.

  In the one hundred and forty years, Jiang Ran was one hundred and sixty years old, and on this day Jiang Ran left the Bai family.

  Wandering outside, the elderly Jiang Ran knew that his life might come to an end soon.

  chose to use the differences of this world to make his martial will more profound.

  In the one hundred and fiftieth year, Jiang Ran came to the north.

  At this time, the regions that had been ruled by the four great families for a hundred years were in a scuffle.

  The reason is unknown, and Jiang Ran doesn't want to know, he has already contributed too much to the Bai family.

  Even if the Bai family declines again, it is not something he can continue to think about.

  In the one hundred and seventieth year, the war that had lasted for twenty years ended.

  The Qi family in the north and the red family in the west were all destroyed, and the Cao family and the Bai family occupied half of the country and looked at each other.

  In the one hundred and ninetieth year, Jiang Ran returned to the place of the Bai family's ancestral grave.

  Stopped in front of Hongluan's tomb and built a wooden house in front of the tomb.

  Some old people in the Bai family knew that this ancestor had returned to the Bai family, and they all went to visit, but they were all driven out by Jiang Ran.

  He just wanted to accompany Hongluan to the last bit of time when his birthday was approaching.

  Since then, no one has continued to visit the ancestral grave of the Bai family.

  And Jiang Ran was also two hundred and thirty-one years old, and Shouyuan completely dissipated.

  A person beside the wooden house, next to Hongluan's tomb, passed away, ending this world of a lifetime.

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