Chapter 605

Bakufu, courtyard . Sakakibara Yasumasa and the Tokugawa Clan's other great generals were already drawing closer . The guards and sentries along the way collapsed in whimpers, as if they were reaped straw . A while later, Sakakibara Yasumasa and the ghost martial cultivators were already bubbled into the imperial court like a black tide . They had innately superb martial force . Each person was capable of fighting a thousand soldiers . With this many people gathered together, it was obvious how powerful they were .

Suddenly, Sakakibara Yasumasa stopped his advance, halting in the corridor leading to the royal court .

"General Sakakibara, why have you stopped?" Honda Tadakatsu said . He was known as the Tokugawa Clan's number one ghost martial cultivator .

Shuffle, shuffle .

The others also came to a stop one after another .

A wave of water was frozen by a mysterious substance .

"Look out!!!" Sakakibara Yasumasa tightly gripped his spear and assumed an aggressive stance . A sort of indescribable feeling of danger made the hackles of the Tokugawa's fierce tigers rise . Their hands clenched their weapons, their eyes reflecting a ferocious gaze .

Even from far away, Su Xing and Wu Siyou could sense this level of pressure .

Before they even heard it, to be able to have this level of power, this made Su Xing's blood unable to help but stir .

Finally, the black night slowly parted .

A slender figure expressionlessly walked out, neither fast nor slow .

She had no killing intent . That person strolled in the bakufu's royal court, as if she was viewing the flowers, her gait graceful . She looked beautiful, but the long saber in the girl's delicate hand clearly showed her hidden danger .

Closer and closer and closer, the moonlight cast away the dark night, revealing her distinct figure .

Su Xing could not help but be startled .

The figure of the woman who approached was extremely slender, and her long hair flowed like a waterfall, hanging down to her ankles . A warrior's pure white long gown covered her, freely matching the heroic air she exuded . Her absolutely beautiful face fit her brilliant eyes that were like deep waters . The gentle and beautiful moon did not diminish her beauty .

Her figure leaned, wafting a subtle fragrance . Each petal of sakura danced under the moonlight like red butterflies flitting among red flowers, dancing beside the young girl .

So beautiful!!!

Sakakibara Yasumasa and the others could not help but take a step back when they saw the girl appear .

The girl stopped . Her eyes slightly drooped . The long saber in her hand was very lengthy, at least two meters by Su Xing's estimate . It was like a spear in terms of length . Although it was said that an inch of length was an inch of power, it was rare to see a long saber that could drag along the ground .

No need to guess . To be as mild as a flower yet as frigid in temperament as ice, there could only be one person in all of the Ghost Kingdom .

"Uesugi Kenshin!!!" Sakakibara Yasumasa inhaled sharply, unaware that his hand was somewhat trembling .

Uesugi Kenshin said: "Tokugawa generals who have come charging into the bakufu in the dead of night with who knows what reason in your minds, may Kenshin hear it . "

"Enough of your farce . You only pretend to be a god of war . You plotted against my brothers, yet you still dare to put on an act . " Tokugawa Four Heavenly King Sakai Tadatsugu furiously shouted .

"Are you drunk, general? Kenshin does not know what nonsense you are spouting . " Uesugi Kenshin indifferently answered .

This arrogant attitude made the fury of the originally frightened group surge again .

"General Uesugi, perhaps you can help Lord Ieyasu . This Empress has never shown her face . Everyone in the world is uneasy about this . " Sakakibara Yasumasa calmed down .

Uesugi Kenshin's face was like a dry well, nothing stirred . "Generals, if you have no business, then please turn back . Kenshin shall not pursue your loss of control over drinking . If you generals take one more step forward, then Kenshin shall view this as a revolt and will retaliate!"

"What can you do if I take one step forward!!!" Takagi Kiyohide jeered loudly . He took a step forward, hsi hands gripping a large mace, like a tiger eyeing its prey .

Thereupon, the young woman stopped . She slightly bowed in courtesy, as naturally as water sprinkling onto plants . Her slender jade fingers gripped the shaft of her long saber neither quickly nor slowly . In between, she raised her hands, turned her wrists, and rubbed her palm . All of her movements were clearly distinct and simple that they made someone overlook them .

And then?

And then Takagi Kiyohide's mocking face turn into an ashen expression of terror .

Her blade unsheathed then sheathed .

Before anyone could react .

On the man's stomach, a thin line practically invisible to the naked eye extended from his neck practically down his entire body . It appeared like a single, ridiculous red line, but no one laughed . Takagi Kiyohide whimpered and fell over, already dead .

Cold sweat instantly slid down everyone's backs .

On the ground, the clanging of a broken weapon .

Two halves of the hammer were surprisingly cleanly split apart .

"General Sakakibara, are you waiting for Uesugi Kenshin to kill us all one by one?" Sakai Tadatsugu roared in fury . Following his bellow, he immediately brandished the weapon in his hand .


Sakakibara Yasumasa ordered . The Tokugawa generals flocked together, and the more than thousand ghost martial cultivators charged . The royal court was submerged in a black tide as far as the eye could see .

"Uesugi Kenshin, do you believe you can stop us!" Sakakibara Yasumasa dashed over, sneering loudly: "A woman should stay inside the house and serve a man's happiness . Allow me to cut down your arrogance - Destiny Crusher!"1

"Mushin Cut!"2

"Spear Hanzou, Houzouin-ryu, Ten Thousand Broken Stones!"3

"Hundred Slashes Exchange!"4

"Flying Swords, Tenpi-ryu, Broken Heart!"5

"Birds Roosting On Spear Slash!"6

The ghost path sword chants were displayed at their limit .

Uesugi Kenshin slowly raised her hands . Each movement was as natural as a fledgling inevitably flying into the sky, a fry inevitably breathing in the water . Each and every movement sublimated into the world .

The young woman's eyes opened, and saber-qi bubbled around her whole body . In a split second, wind blew and clouds dispersed, and moonlight glowed .

Uesugi Kenshin smiled .

"Tennyo Breaks The Sun!"7

Before the battle could even begin, it was already nearing its end . Su Xing watched everything with slight admiration, for this god of war Uesugi Kenshin was formidable as expected . The Tokugawa warships outside Kyoto's bay had already extinguished their lanterns . The bakufu's countless ghost martial cultivators had begun their charge the moment Sakakibara Yasumasa ordered it . Could it be this was what it was like to taste one's own medicine .

Sakakibara Yasumasa and the other Tokugawa generals fought with all their strength to kill Uesugi Kenshin . They knew that regardless of how powerful Kyoto was, as long as Uesugi Kenshin died, everything would crumble . This much was obvious .

In Su Xing's perspective, Sakakibara Yasumasa's groups had brilliant sword technique . Perhaps they could not compare to the arrogant brilliance of the Azure Dragon Territory's Supervoid Sword Saitns, but if it was a direct confrontation with a Supervoid Cultivator, perhaps there would be some leeway . If this many ghost path sword chant adepts took action, even a top-notch Star General would be a bit pressured .

Of course, it was only a little .

It was obvious that for Wu Siyou to be a bit pressured by Uesugi Kenshin, their exit from the stage was already preordained .

"How can this be happening . "

Sakakibara Yasumasa's whole body trembled . The large spear he held in his hand already was somewhat unsteady . The Tokugawa's number one Heavenly King gazed at the icy woman in despair, crying out .

Uesugi Kenshin's pace was lithe and graceful . That long Tennyo Saber drank its fill of blood, yet it was not stained whatsoever . In the young woman's surroundings, Watanabe Moritsuna, Sakai Tadatsugu and the other generals had already become corpses .

Sakakibara Yasumasa originally thought that if Uesugi Kenshin was any stronger, she would be the same level as Sword Saint Kamiizumi Nobutsuna . However, she had relied on her false reputation as a god of war to obtain her current position . The Tokugawa Clan had been honing its strength for the sake of this big push, visiting countless ghost martial cultivators and dojos . Even Sakakibara Yasumasa already had power equal to Kamiizumi Nobutsuna .

But he never imagined that he would have thoroughly underestimated the young girl's strength .

"Just who are you!" Sakakibara Yasumasa roared .

"Is general tired? Then Kenshin shall send general off to a good rest . " Uesugi Kenshin indifferently said .

"Hè . "

Honda Tadakatsu lifted his saber, an iaido slash swift to the extreme .

Bang .

Sparks flew under the moonlight .

The Tennyo Saber easily caught the attack .

But Honda Tadakatsu's Shinkage-ryu swordsmanship was far from finished . His entire person rapidly closed the distance . He added to his sword even more danger, an even more fatal distance, an even faster swing . "Iai Absolute Mind Slash!"

A lifetime of power was sublimated into this blade, impressive enough to render people speechless .

Uesugi Kenshin was startled . With a beautiful spin, the Tennyo Saber danced along, two stars shimmering upon it . It passed by Honda Tadakatsu's body, and both sides stopped . A cut already appeared on the unblemished skin of Uesugi Kenshin's jade arm, a shocking sight .

Honda Tadakatsu collapsed onto the ground wearing a victorious expression . He ceased breathing .

Sakakibara Yasumasa was in thorough despair .

Uesugi Kenshin's eyes slightly narrowed . Suddenly, she leapt high up, like a launched cannonball . Her long black hair splayed out in the air, and the young woman's figure abruptly vanished . She then suddenly appeared beside Su Xing .

"This is bad . "

Wu Siyou's killing intent had already been sensed by Uesugi Kenshin . Her speed was abnormally fast, and her blade was the first to attack .

"Hmph . " Wu Siyou was already on guard . She stared at Uesugi Kenshin, her hand clenching Noble Frost Demonic Lotus .

High above, Uesugi Kenshin's entire being mixed perfectly with the moon's gentle light .

A beautiful, suffocating feeling .

"Ten Li Demonic Lotus Dragon Slaying!!" Wu Siyou coldly acted . Her sword-qi burst open, drawing a swift curve .

"Bright Moon Slash!" Uesugi Kenshin was like a god . The Tennyo Saber's brilliant saber-qi was swift and severe under the moonlight .

The two uniquely cold and beautiful women traded blows in midair .

Heaven and earth exploded at the same time .

The splendid saber-qi and sword- fought like tigers and dragons, bursting forth without limit . Murderous intent drowned the royal court, plunging directly into the surrounding constructs, shattering them .

Bang .

Uesugi Kenshin and Wu Siyou each received a shock, pushing away from one another .

"As expected, your reputation is fully earned . " Wu Siyou faintly smiled . Her blood could not help but flare .

"That's…" Su Xing was stunned .

Uesugi Kenshin raised her long Tennyo Saber . Under the moonlight, a pair of stars glittered . This was astonishingly like the glow of a Star Weapon . Su Xing only felt his lungs choke, and he did not hesitate to flip open the Birth Treasure Outline .

The pages flipped through the volume with no wind, and Wu Siyou also held her breath .

The final page manifested .

Golden characters formed .

Star Position: Heavenly Crossing Star8

Star Name: Uesugi Kenshin

Nickname: Dragon Of Echigo

True Name: Uesugi Musou9

Star Number: 229

Star Weapon: Tennyo Saber (Two Star)

Star Beast: None

Realm: True Phoenix First Stage

Innate Skill: Commander10

Yellow Rank Special Technique: Bright Moon Slash?

Dark Rank Special Technique: Tennyo Breaks The Sun

Earth Rank Special Technique: Lifelong Prosperity Is But A Cup Of Sake11

Heaven Rank Special Technique: ????

Current Status: Weakened

Details: …

"Star General!!!" Su Xing inhaled sharply .

"You two!" Uesugi Kenshin wrinkled her brow, landing gently upon the ground .

"The killing intent we felt around Koito was you . " Su Xing recognized where this feeling came from .

"Could it be you two have drunken yourselves silly together with the Tokugawa?" Uesugi Kenshin indifferently asked .

At this moment, Sakakibara Yasumasa had already gradually recovered from his panic, "General, sober yet?" Uesugi Kenshin slightly smiled .

As of now, of the Tokugawa's great generals, only Sakakibara Yasumasa was left .

"Just who the hell are you…" Sakakibara Yasumasa was already timid .

Suddenly, a ghostly wind blew, shrieking endlessly . A shadow descended upon the sky above the bakufu . Sakakibara Yasumasa finally breathed a sigh of relief . "Ghost Cavalry King, you come at last . "

"Tsk, tsk, this is honestly a wretched situation . It would be better to allow This King to devour this delicious general . " The Ghost Cavalry King clicked his tongue .

"Quickly kill her . " Sakakibara Yasumasa withdrew to a safe distance .

"Do not worry . First, let This King see just who is stronger, the Star General or her . " The Ghost Cavalry King smiled savagely .

Sakakibara Yasumasa did not understand .

Suddenly, a ray of saber-light fell towards Uesugi Kenshin like a shooting star . Uesugi Kenshin took a step back, a strand of hair severed by the saber-qi .

Sakakibara Yasumasa was astonished to see the attacker was a woman .

Fulfillment Star Zhu Manxiang .

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