"Who are going to kill you!"

Wang Quan spoke.

Chu Yue frowned.

"I've always been quiet"

"Why do they want to kill me?"

Wang Quan smiled:

"Because you didn't follow the rules, you actually killed a slave of a big family."

"So, they want to punish you."

Chu Yue was silent.

Wang Quan was curious:

"So, tell me now, what do you do?"

Chu Yue gently wiped the King Quan Sword:

"what should I do?"

"What do you want me to do?

Wang Quan smiled and said,"You have grown up.""

"You should make your own choice"

"Just like Yu Linglong back then"

"I will only give you advice, but it will not hinder your final choice."


The long sword was unsheathed.

Chu Yue flicked the sword and made a buzzing sound:

"I, Chu Yue, the strongest swordsman"

"So many people worship me"

"I'm still fighting against the abyss, against the void"

"Me, high above"

"All living beings should center on me and revolve around me"

"But......These humble guys actually plotted against me"

"they are really.....act recklessly."

Chu Yue's voice was not loud.

However, Wang Quan's blood boiled when he heard it.

"I am a sword slave, after all, I have a bloody nature."

Wang Quan was happy:

"How do you plan to kill them? Chu

Yue smiled and said:

"My Moon Worshiping Flying Sword Technique is already very thirsty."

The flying sword technique of worshiping the moon is actually a kind of flying sword technique deduced by Wang Quan.

Chu Yue has practiced it very well.

But: she has never practiced it in practice.

Now, the opportunity has come. Of course she can't give up.

However, Wang Quan doesn't like her using worship. Yue Fei swordsmanship.

He hoped that Chu Yue would carry a long sword and fight the enemy at close quarters.

The sword light flashed, blood splattered, and corpses lay everywhere.

That was what a strong man should pursue.

Sniping from a distance was boring!


He still respects Chu Yue's choice.

At this time:

Chu Yue took out a small box with secret sandalwood in it.

She pointed her finger on a piece of sandalwood, and the cigarette curled up.

Part of the cigarette turned into a streamer and hung Behind Chu Yue and on her arms. The streamers moved automatically without wind, making Chu Yue look like a flying fairy.

There were cigarettes lingering again, directly wrapping around the King Quan Sword.

The next second: the cigarette drilled into the King Quan Sword.



The King Quan Sword flew into the air and crossed several kilometers.


A man who was jumping on a tall building had the King Quan Sword wrapped around his neck.


The head fell.

The body fell.

Everyone exclaimed:

"what happened?"

"What just happened?"

Everyone didn't know why.

At this time: the King Quan Sword wrapped in cigarettes continued to soar in the air.




One by one, the unlucky guys, before they could figure out what was going on, had their heads cut off by the light of the sword in mid-air..




The corpse fell to the ground.

The faces of the cloaked people on the ground were extremely ugly.

"We had three armies on the ground, in mid-air, and at high altitude, but we lost two of them without even seeing the enemy?"

"How to play this?"

"How did the enemy be killed?"

At this moment:

Someone was hiding on a tall building.

She was holding a camera and filming Chu Yue.

When she saw Chu Yue using a lingering cigarette to control a flying sword, she was completely confused.

Why? What's going on?

Flying sword?

The legendary sword fairy?

This is unscientific!

However, before she could figure it out, a sword light fell from the sky: click!

The sword light strangled her neck.

What a huge human head rose into the sky.




Chu Yue lit one sandalwood stick after another.

Soon: when the third sandalwood stick was burned out, the King Quan Sword flew back.

At this time: all the cloaked men were dead.

"What a bunch of weaklings!"

Chu Yue curled her lips with disdain.

She used your ultimate move when she came up. She originally thought it would be a hard fight.

The result: those cloaked men were too weak.

She didn't even bother to care about them.

"It's really disappointing."

Chu Yue sighed.

She knew that Wang Quan wanted to temper her through some enemies.

Similarly: she also discovered that there was a certain amount of evil in the world.

So: she also wanted to temper herself.

As a result, the whetstone was not strong enough.

"I killed your people. Next time, you will send more masters! Chu

Yue muttered to herself.

In order to wait for the enemy, she stayed on the rooftop.

She had nothing to do and started talking to Snowball.

At the same time: she was also thinking about how to go in the future.

At this time: that group The big guys behind the cloaked man held an emergency meeting

"Our people are dead"

"There are more than three hundred"

"These people kill evil, fight against the abyss, and protect ordinary people with remarkable results."

"Normally, because of their existence, the safety of millions of people in this city is guaranteed!"

"but.....Now because of the arrest of one criminal, they all died."

"it's a shame"

"This is a great shame!"

A leader was roaring.

He was quite angry.

Because no one expected that such a powerful team would actually die...

They died cleanly and quietly.

Those were three hundred extraordinary beings!

Those were not three One hundred pigs.

Even three hundred pigs cannot simply die.

At least....I have to slaughter him for a while!

But: for three hundred extraordinary beings, the interval between death is only one minute.

This is faster than killing a pig

"Someone has to be responsible."

The leader had a fierce look in his eyes.

He stared at his nemesis and wanted to take the opportunity to move to his nemesis.


This nemesis smiled:

"Everyone.....I also think someone has to be responsible!"

"Moreover, the person in charge should be you!"


Many leaders were shocked.

They didn't expect that both sides would come up with their bayonets red and face their biggest opponents.

There will be a good show today.

"The people who died are all your subordinates"

"These people are supposed to kill evil and protect ordinary people"

"However, in order to please the Jiang family, you took the initiative to provoke a powerful transcendent."

"You use the power of protecting the people to please a powerful man"

"You are committing a crime!"

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