The pursuit of the past few days:

Although the old demon of Montenegro has bloomed.

But: it’s not that scary at all.


The old demon from Montenegro takes action, and his magical powers, spells, and various powers have new changes.

This is beyond the knowledge of the powerful people of the era.

The workings of their rotten brains.

Crazy analysis. boom!

A strong man from the era, with smoke coming out of his seven orifices, roared:

"Her flaw is her future body!"

"Specialized in killing her future body, he can kill her in the future, accumulate injuries, and feed them back to the present."

Many attacks swept through the future body.

The old demon of Montenegro sneered.

The flaw was naturally in the future body.

But: with a thought in her mind, the future body and the past body intertwined in an instant.

The past body died thousands of times.

But: she is safe and sound now. , the combat power is still soaring to the sky.




The earth cracks, and a terrifying torrent of energy rises into the sky.

Billions of energy bloom.

Totems, blood energy, magical powers, treasures, magic, immortal ways, Shinto and other extraordinary systems all bloom..

This is the power of the royal power.

Various extraordinary systems bloom and make up for each other's shortcomings.

If you want to crack it, you must forcefully use energy to attack it.

The faces of the decadent era strongmen are ugly.

They are not afraid of the exquisite methods of the royal power, but they are afraid of the need for this. This kind of power can only be eradicated by head-to-head confrontation.

They are decayed. Although they are powerful, the energy in their bodies is constantly declining. Moreover, they still need to use energy to maintain their lives. They are reluctant to waste energy. Now it's better: they must go head-to-head with the royal power. Every collision and energy consumption made them feel distressed. But: they had to continue to fight. There were thirty-six thousand unbroken backhands. The royal power bloomed together. Erupted together. They were given in an instant. This group of guys brought a devastating blow. In a moment: The faces of these era powerful men were gloomy. However, before they could react, the royal power bloomed with great power: Wow! A dimensional space unfolded. However: this dimensional space is modeled on the current The world was created. It is exactly the same as the current world. After covering the strong men of the era, these strong men did not notice at all. The original bodies of Wang Quan and the Black Mountain Old Demon returned to this world. Only the copies in the dimensional space were left to fight with them. One day

..... ten days..... boom!

This group of Era warriors finally killed Wang Quan and the Black Mountain old demon.

They were so happy that they cut off Wang Quan's head and went to see the abyss consciousness.

Along the way, they wanted to have a good chat.

They even discussed how to sleep in the next era

"I just used the blood of all sentient beings to create a bed of life"

"Sleeping on it can reduce consumption by one ten thousandth."

The strong men of the era asked one after another how to build a bed of life.

This strong man of the era did not hide anything and explained directly.

It can be built with trillions of immortal-level creatures.

They all said that they must build it..

A little bit:

They came to a strange place.

There is no evil here.

It is holy. There is consciousness hovering.

They worship the consciousness and offer royal heads.

The consciousness rewards them with life.


They feel a little strange. They always feel that the abyss is not conscious. Normal.

But: they did n’t dare to think about it carefully.

After getting life, they began to sleep or enjoy life.

A long time passed.

The abyss consciousness never gave them new tasks.

This made them both Happy, but also scared.

The happy thing is that they don’t have to consume energy and face strong enemies.

The scary thing is: without the abyss mission, what will they do in the next era?

Wu Feitu will go.

Soon: their life span will come to an end.

They beg The abyss consciousness gives them a task.

They want to live.

The abyss consciousness said:

"Only one of you will survive."

Next second:

This group of era strongmen who are eager to live bloom their power and fight with each other.

In order to survive, they burn everything and return to their peak state.

This moment: they have reached the peak.

All kinds of powers are blooming to their heart's content..

During the fight: they suddenly felt the space change.

Then: they saw the dead Wang Quan and the old Black Mountain demon, staring at them with strange expressions.

"You are not dead?"

The faces of these extremely sublime Era warriors changed slightly.

They were confused. They clearly killed Wang Quan.

They also checked his body.

But: why is he alive again?

Could it be that.....

Was it a hallucination just now?


If it were an illusion, we would have noticed it long ago.

Among them was the founder of a transcendent system of illusion.

I am confident that there is no creature in the world that can deceive them with illusions.

So: they are amazed.

They simply don't know: the royal power does not use illusionary means.

Instead, they used the dimensional method to copy everything.

In dimensional space, everything is real.

Therefore, they naturally did not see it.

Just now:

They were sublimated to the fullest, unleashing all their power, and forcefully destroyed the temporary dimension of the royal power.

So, I saw the real world.

At this time,

Wang Quan and the Black Mountain Old Demon were quite shocked.

They know that the strong men of the era are cruel.


I didn’t expect it to be so brutal.

It actually blew up the entire dimensional space.

How terrible is this?

"What I imitated was the dimensional space of the abyss."

"A thousand times stronger than the ordinary world"


The royal power is dignified.

These old guys are difficult to deal with.

However: they have been fighting in the temporary dimension space for a long time.



Wang Quan led the Black Mountain Old Demon and rushed forward to kill him.

The two sides fought and blood flowed into rivers.

Shao Shao:

He opened up a temporary dimensional world and put these powerful men in it.


Repeatedly. several times in a row.

The expressions of the powerful men of the era changed slightly.

They really couldn't understand: they were clearly on tight guard.

It is obvious that various means of detection are open to detection.


I am still dragged into the hallucination repeatedly.

What's even more frightening is that these top experts can't see any flaws.

The powerful men of the era once again beheaded the royal power and exploded the dimensional space.

Staring at Wang Quan with a gloomy face:

"Who are you?"

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