
Wang Quan:"Huh?"

Ling Wanghou:"I, Qing Wanghou, am the backer of Qingfeng Group!"


Just when he was about to deal with the Qingfeng Group, the other party's backer came out?

Want to challenge me?

He was gearing up:

"Just got a bunch of compliments and blessings!"

"Just in time to give it a try! Wang

Quan said excitedly:

"You choose the time, let's start the fight!"

The young prince was speechless.

Young people nowadays start fighting when they get up?

Don't they know that harmony makes money?

The young prince chuckled:


"When you become the master, we can work together to explore the other world!"

"Fighting and killing is not good!"

King Quan was surprised. It was the first time he saw a master-level powerhouse who loved peace.

"Don't you want to fight me?"

"Then you admit defeat?"

Royal power, comes up as the Platinum Master.

He is arrogant!

He wants to use Qingfeng Group to establish authority with one master, or even several masters.

So: he is quite rude in his words.

The young prince is not angry either.

She, the veteran Platinum Master.

Experience There are too many things to do.

She smiled and said:

"This time my daughter caused trouble for you, but she was actually plotted against.

Wang Quan said:"So, you want me to stop?"

The young prince said,"No, you can do whatever you want!""

"If you can solve the Qingfeng Group, that's your ability!"

"If you can't solve it, it has nothing to do with me."

"However, I have a request!

Wang Quan frowned:"Let the princess go?""

Qing Wanghou:"I will give you two treasures, you kill me in the main world!"

Wang Quan was speechless.

This request is very unique.

If you kill the opponent, you can get the treasure.

You can also take advantage of the situation to establish your authority.

He likes it.

However, he is curious:

"Why do you want me to kill you?"

The young prince chuckled:

"Someone is plotting against me. I want to plot against her and go back and destroy her."

More than an hour later.

The two ended their secret conversation.

Wang Quan received two special killer weapons:

【Golden Years: Years can bring hope, but they can also bring death!】

【After using this item, you can obliterate the platinum level master!】

【Disposable prop! 】

Wang Quan has seen this kind of prop.

The mysterious mall, tens of billions of simulation points and a first-level forum permission can only be purchased.

Very expensive!

Very powerful!

Except for these two big killers.

He also received a treasure:

【Yu Linglong: The bell rings, the combat power is doubled, and the inner world is available】

【——That year, it was windy and drizzle, I saw you off! 】

Linglong rain is the reward given by the prince of Qing Dynasty.

This treasure alone shows that it can be used in the other world.

It can increase the combat power in the inner world. King Quan likes it.

At this time: the sky is bright.

All the people kneeling outside were gone.

No one from Qingfeng Group came.

Many organizations are watching.

At this time:

The eldest princess of Qingfeng Group saw a master.

The master smiled and said:

"My adults have heard about you!"

"My family and your mother are good friends, and she sent me to help!"

The eldest princess is happy.

Just now, her mother looked down upon the prince and clearly expressed her support for her.

Now: her mother's friend takes action again.

The other party is also a platinum-level master.

Two platinum-level masters take action.

The so-called emperor and all those with authority cannot be hurt at all. She didn't do anything.

The eldest princess was arrogant.

She asked her subordinates to shout on the forum and asked the emperor to come to pay homage to her.

Be her slave!

As soon as this post came out: many powerful people frowned

"The platinum masters are so domineering!"

"The emperor is a powerful person, although he is not yet the master!"

"However, he is a person with authority, authority, and a title!"

"He is also the boss of a fourth-level organization!"

"Let such a strong man meet an ordinary person?"

"Too much!"

Many masters are dissatisfied.

But: they dare not speak.

Because: the platinum master is countless times more powerful than them.

They can't afford to offend him.

When Zi Yihou saw the news, she immediately contacted the king.

She cut off part of her memory and didn't know the secrets.

She asked what happened to Wang Quan.

She also said:

"I know the backer behind Qingfeng Group!"

"I'll take you to admit your mistake to her, and hope she'll be more tolerant!"

Wang Quan shook his head.

The young prince gave up the Qingfeng Group.

She used Qingfeng Group as a gift to congratulate Wang Quan.

Wang Quan wanted to use Qingfeng Group to establish his authority.

So: no one else needs to intervene in this matter.

At this time:

Wang Quan opened the hegemonic organization chat box

"Can you clean up Qingfeng Group?"

Wang Quan spoke.

The internal chat group of the organization was silent.

Shao Xu:

Qingtian:"Promise to complete the mission!"

Lian Nishang:"Make sure to complete the task!"

Other 5S level experts said one after another:

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Wang Quan smiled.

These boys are still useful.

At this time:

Qingtian said:

"His Majesty, the Emperor, has ten members to do the task of domination!"

"Three hours later, they returned!"

"When the time comes, let’s do it together!"

Wang Quan's heart moved:


The other members are happy in their hearts.

If ten members become the masters, then: they will have greater confidence in dealing with the Qingfeng Group........

Members of the hegemonic organization boiled.

After joining the organization, the first collective task is to deal with the Qingfeng Group.

Many people feel uneasy.


Qingtian and Lian Nishang, contact them privately

"Those who dare not take action against Qingfeng Group should withdraw from the organization now!"

"Those who dare to take action should gather in Sin City now!"

"Wait for His Majesty the Emperor's order to completely wipe out the Qingfeng Group."

Qingtian spoke forcefully.

Many 5S-level experts were silent.

Qingfeng Group is very strong.


"Our hegemony is not weak either!"

"We now have three treasures and dozens of 5S level experts"

"We are on par with Qingfeng Group!"

At this time:

Wang Quan placed Yu Linglong within the hegemonic organization

【The hegemonic organization adds a treasure!】

【Members, you can spend a certain amount of simulation points to summon the projection of this treasure! 】

Hegemony members.

After seeing Yu Linglong's characteristics, I felt more confident.

This Yu Linglong is very, very strong.

Can directly increase combat power.

Although it can only be increased by half.

But: it’s also pretty remarkable.

Many 5S level experts began to move towards Sin City.

They must prepare to fight.

At the same time:

If there are 5S level experts, please contact your friends:

"The hegemonic organization has ten spots, will you come?"


"However, our organization is about to take action against the Qingfeng Group!"

"Are you still coming?"

"Excuse me......I can't afford to offend Qingfeng Group!"


Many people contacted their friends, hoping that they would join the hegemonic organization to increase their chances of winning.

But when they heard that they were going to target the Qingfeng Group, most of them refused.

But even so, the ten quotas were quickly used up.

Newcomers The 5S-level powerhouses have a grudge against the Qingfeng Group.

They have wanted to deal with the Qingfeng Group for a long time.

Now, they find an opportunity.

Naturally, they have to take action.

However: most of the 5S-level members have insufficient confidence.

Their progress is very slow.

Only Qingtian and Lian Nishang are the fastest.

They are fearless.

They believe in the royal power.

As time goes by, soon, the following appeared on the forum:

"The hegemonic organization, Concurrent Sin City, wants to take action against the Qingfeng Group!"

"Top secret: The hegemonic organization wants to fight against the Qingfeng Group!"

All kinds of gossip are flying all over the sky.

Many organizations are quietly observing.

However, many masters above the gold level do not take it seriously.

Because: everyone knows: behind the Qingfeng Group is a platinum master.

The power of the platinum master , making ordinary masters despair.

What's more, the emperor, the boss of the hegemonic organization, is not a master.

Such a person, no matter how defiant he is, would not dare to provoke the platinum master

"The emperor and the hegemonic organization can only surrender!"

"However, I heard that Zi Yihou had contact with the emperor!"

"Presumably, if Zi Yihou intercedes, their situation will be better!"

At this time: an organization called the Extremely Evil Path quietly contacted the eldest princess

"We've got the exact news!"

"The hegemonic organization wants to take action against you!"

"Let's join forces to kill the hegemonic organization!"

The Extreme Evil Path is a subordinate force of another Platinum Lord.

This Platinum Lord is called Qing Fengtian!

He has been pursuing the Qing Prince.

But the Light Prince despises him.

This time: a Platinum Lord who plotted against the Light Prince: Jun Yingluo, contact him.

Ask him to help:

"If the Qingfeng Group gains the upper hand, destroy the Qingfeng Group and detain the eldest princess!"

"If the hegemonic organization has the upper hand, destroy the hegemonic organization!"

"You target the hegemonic emperor!"

"I deal with the young prince"

"When necessary, you have to help me remove the resurrection authority of the Light Prince!"

"When I kill the young prince, you can use the resurrection item to resurrect her. Let her be your plaything!"

At first, the platinum master Qing Fengtian refused to agree.

Because: what he wanted was not a woman who looked exactly like the Qing Wanghou. What he wanted was the Qing Wanghou himself.

The resurrected Qing Wanghou was not a Qing Wanghou.


Jun Yingluo took I bought a prop.

That prop can restore all memories.

"I can make a young prince with all the memories serve you humbly!"


At this moment: it was the platinum master Qing Fengtian who agreed.

That's why: the extremely evil organization appeared.

All this:

Wang Quan didn't know, and the young prince didn't know either.

She only sensed part of Jun Yingluo's calculations.

She didn't sense Qing Luo. Fengtian exists.

After all:

Qing Fengtian has no murderous intention towards her.

There is only a terrifying and abnormal love.


Qing Fengtian’s existence does not activate her special talent perception..At this point: the Crown takes action.

He first asked about the mark:

【Can the birth of an ordinary master be widely publicized?】

【Spending 100,000 simulation points can carry out a large-scale publicity! 】

Wang Quan nodded.

He ordered a big promotion.


He thought for a moment.

Start posting.

This time, he wants the whole world and all the imitators to know - the name of King Quan.......

【Hegemony declares war:】

【I am the lord of the mountain city, the great emperor, the platinum master, the sixth-level authority, the sixth-level authority, and the master of the fifth-level hegemony - King Quan!】

【There is Qingfeng Group, challenging me!】

【I want to destroy it! 】

A new post appeared on the forum.

This post is colorful and sparkling.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted countless people to watch.

When they saw the content of the post, they were shocked.

Lord of the mountain city?

Great Emperor?

Platinum Dominator?......

A series of names that make many low-level imitators drool with envy.

Ying Hongzhuang is also reading the post.

She rubbed her eyes hard. stunned.

Royal power?

A person with level six authority?

Lord of the mountain city?

The hegemonic master who made a big fuss some time ago? this......Incredible!

Ying Hongzhuang couldn't believe her eyes at all.

Wang Quan is the same batch of imitators as himself.

He works hard and works as a bodyguard for others.

Get benefits that ordinary simulators don’t have.

There is family support.

Now, he is just a C-level simulator.


How did King Quan become a platinum master?

"I must be dreaming!"

"I was wrong!"

"No, I haven't woken up yet!"

Ying Hongzhuang covered her head and squatted on the ground, dumbfounded.


The simulaters who had left the mountain city were also confused.

The kingship of the lord of the mountain city?

Sixth level authority?

The title of Great Emperor?

We are dreaming!




Someone slapped me wildly.

His boss was so funny:

"how? Jealous?"

The simulator cried and said:

"I used to be neighbors with the Great Emperor Wang Quan. Do you believe it?"

The S-class strongman mocked:

"Do you deserve it?"

"He is a great emperor, a platinum level master!"

"Are you qualified to be a neighbor?"

"Even if you are dreaming, you are not qualified!"

"Only I am qualified!"

The simulator cried:

"I come from a mountain city.

The S-class strongman was stunned:"Really?""

"More real than real gold!"

The S-class strongman looked strange:

"You damn mountain city person, why didn’t you follow any of the adults?"

"Actually came to this small organization?"

"Are you crazy?"

The simulator who ran away from the mountain city burst into tears:

"At the beginning, you said you had 5S level experts in charge!"

"If I join you, I can become a successful person!"

"We are not a small organization!"


S-class strongman, slap him:


"The boss of our organization thinks about following Mr. Wang Quan as a dog leg every day."

"What the hell are you?.....well!"

"you're done......Your life is over!"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"You abandoned the big shot and came to this place?"




The mountain city simulator cried even more sadly.

At the same time:

Li Song and Emperor Beifeng also saw the post sent by Wang Quan.

They were stunned.

They were the first batch to know about the emperor. They were the first batch Those who were rewarded by the royal power were the first ones to make deals with the royal power.

"A few days ago, he asked me how I became an S-class warrior!"

"Unexpectedly, he became the master now?"

"Is it the beginning of the Platinum Dominance?"

"This is too outrageous!"

The two of them had mixed emotions.

Especially Emperor Bei Feng.

He watched Wang Quan grow step by step.

He watched Wang Quan's name increase in brilliance to the extreme again and again.

But: he did not expect that in just a few months,

Wang Quan would grow from a The rookie became a platinum-level master.

That was a platinum-level master.

He had never even seen a black iron master before.

Now: he can proudly say:

"I have traded with platinum-level masters!"

"I was rewarded by a platinum-level master!"


They didn't fully embrace the royal power!

They did not join the hegemonic organization in time. them.....Missed.

At this time:

Dragon of the Holy Alliance also saw the post.

He shuddered.

Sweat breaks out on forehead.

He felt incredible: a few days ago, the other party was not the master.

Now, he suddenly became the master?

Or a platinum-level juggernaut?

I had targeted him.

Although I apologized!


I feel like it’s not enough.

Dragon, sweating like rain.

Now he wants to spend everything he has to please the king.

"but.....What should I do to please him?"

"By the way, Qingfeng Group!"

"Wang Quan is a platinum master who can deal with the platinum master of Qingfeng Group!"

"I, the silver master, took action to help destroy the Qingfeng Group to please the royal power."

"By the time/......."

Dragon, get up and rush towards Sin City quickly.

At the same time:

Zi Yihou also saw Wang Quan’s post.

She looked at the forum name of King Power.

Look at your forum name again

"I, the gold-level master"

"Royal power, platinum level master!"

"Fortunately I didn't deal with him at first!"

"Fortunately I paid the price in the first place!"

"Fortunately, I just asked him to help!"


"He, a newcomer"

"Become a platinum-level juggernaut from the start!"

"No wonder the analog mark is broadcast all over the world!"

"Royal power is extraordinary!"

"It seems......I must deepen my relationship with him!"

"But how do I deepen my relationship with him?"

Zi Yihou fell into deep thought.

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