The mechanical arm suddenly fell, and the mechanical arm containing true energy seemed to be able to tear the air apart.

Under the violent sound of breaking the air, Silver Fox was full of confidence.

With this power, wouldn’t it be easy to kill Ye Fan?

However, at this moment, Ye Fan suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a dazzling white light burst out from his body.

It was a light composed of true energy, which was extremely dazzling.

The arrogance composed of infuriating energy looks like a Super Saiyan, very cool.

But that's not the point.

The key thing is that after the flames exploded, a solid shield was formed. boom!!!

The silver fox mechanical arm fell down, and there was a muffled sound when it hit Qi Yan.

Immediately afterwards, the mechanical arm shattered into tiny pieces.

The expressions of Yin Hu and others changed suddenly. They were actually blocked?

Wait, isn't he unable to use the power of ancient martial arts? Now it can be used again!

Something's wrong, something's really wrong!

In the arrogance, Ye Fan opened his eyes wide and gritted his teeth and said:"Remember, one day they will find them back! All traitors will be crushed!"

After saying that, he jumped out of the window and ran away in the blink of an eye. disappeared from sight.

The faces of the three Yinhu people were gloomy. When they wanted to chase him, they could no longer find the whereabouts of Ye Fan.

"what happened?"

Po Jun frowned. He still knew too little about the power of ancient martial arts.

Silver Fox and Man Niu also shook their heads. They had no idea what was happening at the moment.

There was no way, Ye Fan only gave them the practice skills. , but did not elaborate on the strength of the ancient martial arts.

Maybe he was hiding his clumsiness before, or maybe it was some special way to save his life.

At this time, Ye Fan had already escaped from the villa community, and blood was constantly flowing from the corners of his mouth.

He wanted to kill Silver Fox directly Three people were killed, but he was not sure.

Although the ancient martial arts power was restored, it was only temporary.

Over time, the power would disappear quickly.

He was not sure that he could kill the three people in the first time, so he could only Run away.

{Wait, all of them are waiting for others!}

{I will definitely kill you, definitely!}

Ye Fan is incapable of being furious, he only hates that the power cannot last, otherwise he will definitely capture Yinhu and the others, and then kill them directly to Tan Palace......

Forget it, let’s wait until later to kill Tan Palace.

After all, if you go now, you are basically seeking death.

Chu Xuan’s power is simply not what he can resist now.

Even if the sudden appearance of this power allowed him to recover a little, But in his heyday, he was no match for Henry Chu. Now, wouldn’t he hand the knife to others and put it on his neck very considerately?

Hearing Mark’s inner voice, Henry Chu sighed deeply and casually took the butler’s head. Throw it aside.

Can the housekeeper escape successfully?

Of course it is impossible!

Ye Fan already knows that the matter has been exposed, so there is no need for the housekeeper to live. It is an explanation to Jian Qing and Qiu Yuxin.

As for Ye Fan's life, it will be decided later. When the right opportunity comes, kill him.

Or you can catch him in front of Jian Qing and the others, let them vent their anger and then kill him.

A ray of Yang Wu Lei turned the butler's body into ashes, and then walked towards the villa. Go in.

At this time, the three Silver Foxes are still angry. Ye Fan has escaped, which is a fatal blow to them.

If Ye Fan's ancient martial arts power is completely restored in the future, he will not let them go.

After many years in the Dragon King Palace, they know What is Ye Fan's attitude towards traitors?

Once a traitor appears, he will not only be killed, but will also experience various cruel tortures before death.

They don't want to fall into Ye Fan's hands.

So what should they do now?

Let’s run away, we can only run away.

But when they were about to pack their bags, Henry Chu appeared

"It's you?"

Seeing Henry Chu, the three Yinhu people became cautious.

It turned out to be the person Ye Fan had always wanted to deal with, Henry Chu.

Why did he come here?

Looking at the three cautious people, Henry Chu smiled and said:"No need I'm anxious. I mainly want to inform you of something."

"whats the matter?"

Yinhu will never trust Henry Chu, even if Jian Qing lives in Tan Palace now, he will not believe it.

Henry Chu shrugged and said:"The truth has been exposed, and what Ye Fan once did has been exposed. Then as chess pieces, you have lost the meaning of your existence."

"What's the meaning?"

The three of them felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and their scalps felt numb.

If I remember correctly, Ye Fan was hit by him again and again.

Now that Ye Fan's number one enemy is in front of them, what can they do?

"The meaning is very simple. As a chess piece for me to dismantle the Dragon King Palace and disgust Ye Fan, the effect has been achieved, and it is very good. Ye Fan already knows that you are traitors, so you have lost the meaning of being spies, and of course you will be destroyed."

"You want to kill us?"

Man Niu opened his eyes wide, he actually came to kill them?"

"Ye Fan is your enemy and also our enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

Silver Fox tried to persuade, while slowly moving back

"No, no, the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Especially people like you who kill innocent people. I don’t know how many innocent people died at your hands, so we can’t be friends."

"Although I am not a good person, at least I will not attack innocent people, especially the old, weak, women and children, so there is no reason to attack."

"When you were in the Dragon King Palace, you trafficked people, drugs, arms, subverted the political power, and directly or indirectly caused the death of countless people."

"How do people like you have the qualifications to be called my friends?"

Xuan Chu rarely said a lot and clarified his position.

Although he is the ultimate villain, he only targets the protagonist.

Apart from these things, he really has not done anything evil.

Even in the plot line, Same.

The ultimate villain in many novels is like this. Just because he is too powerful and stands on the opposite side of the protagonist, he is said to be the ultimate villain. But if you look carefully at those novels, 90% of them have never said this. What evil deeds has the ultimate villain done?

Many authors have very rough settings for villains. As long as they are the protagonist’s opponents or enemies, they are villains.

Such simple and rough settings really make people unable to complain.

Unfortunately, Chu Xuan is such a person in the plot line setting.

Apart from being against the protagonist, who can find fault with him? He is so inhumane and unscrupulous, how can he let Li Yan in the plot line do it for To save his life and compromise, even at the expense of subverting the Chu family?

"Chess pieces who have completed their mission, you can go on your way. Go to hell and repent to those wronged souls!"

The words fell and golden light bloomed.

The silver fox immediately retreated backwards, but when the golden light dissipated, three heads flew high.

Then the lightning flashed and the three heads were blown to pieces.

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