All twenty or so people were thrown down by Qin Shou, and immediately the Dragon Guard began to fill back the soil.

The people in the pit screamed miserably, but Long Wei's movements were not slow, but faster, because they still had a lot of things to do.

Henry Chu actually knew the identities of these people a long time ago. They were not members of the Howard family, but official members of the Sun Never Sets Country. Killing them would cause a lot of trouble.

But it was precisely because they were official members of the Kingdom that the Sun Never Sets that made Chu Xuan murderous and he had to kill them!

The Sun Never Sets Country is still obsessed with evil. The reason why the Howard family dared to dispatch ancient military troops is because of the official support of the Sun Never Sets Country.

If not, would the Howard family really dare to directly send ancient military troops to the Xia Kingdom?

No kidding!

Although Howard is arrogant, he is not arrogant enough to compete with a powerful country.

Therefore, there must be support from the country for the Howard family to dare to be so arrogant.

At this time, I chose to kill these twenty or so people just to show the official face of the country where the sun never sets.

No matter who you are, if you dare to extend your claws to the Xia Kingdom, you must be mentally prepared to have your hands broken.

As for what to say about condemnation, hehe~ wait until you find the body, or come up with enough evidence!

Besides, this small island is in the high seas. If you have the ability, come here~

With this in mind, Henry Chu killed them without any psychological burden.

After backfilling the big hole, the Dragon Guards lined up neatly, waiting for Henry Chu to give orders.

Henry Chu identified the direction and said:"The Howard family's special plane will land from the northwest, so arrange it there. When the special plane lands, it needs a certain distance for buffering. Let's start from this point!" As he spoke, he led the dragon guards to rush. In the past, after arriving at the designated place, I looked at the wide runway and felt a bad taste in my heart.

"Dig a big hole under the runway and make the runway concrete a little thinner. Take action now!"

Chu Xuan's order was very strange, but Long Wei followed it with absolute loyalty. Immediately, there were people acting on both sides of the runway, starting to dig down from the sides.

Since they were all masters of ancient martial arts, they used their true energy to dig holes, which was like a human excavator..

In an instant, the soil flew up and piled up a hill next to it.

However, the soil was quickly dragged away by other dragon guards. If you look down from a high altitude, you can't see any flaws at all.

Digging a hole under the runway is definitely It would be more time consuming, but fortunately there were so many Dragon Guards that they quickly dug a big hole. They advanced more than a hundred meters along the runway.

Chu Xuan stood above the runway and kept observing the surroundings. He made some calculations in his mind, finally nodded and said:"Not bad, not bad, the distance is about the same, there should be no problem."

Captain Longwei already knew what Chu Xuan meant, and there was a black line hanging on his forehead.

In the past, there was a little red guy digging holes to bury the country where the sun never sets, and then he dug holes to bury the country's special plane?

As expected of a young master, his methods are really one-of-a-kind. There is no way for anyone to survive.

Think about it, you were fine on the special plane, waiting to come out and show off your skills after landing.

However, it was violently bumped the moment it landed, and was immediately buried underground. What a psychological shadow it would cause. , Will you dare to fly in the future?

Qin Shou quietly went to see the big pit below, and his face was pale when he came back

"Mr. Chu, you are so cruel."

I can't believe it at all. If this wave goes on, will the ancient warriors of the Kingdom of the Sun Never Set still be able to get up?

Chu Xuan is young. In the big pit, he specially prepared some rock pillars.

In order to get these rock pillars, He also made a large circle around the island, and then used his innate strength to cut the rocks into sharp needle shapes and dragged them under the big pit.

I am really looking forward to the scene after the transfer and landing!

"It’s almost time, hide everything!"

Xuan Chu looked at the time. It was almost time for the Howard family's special plane to arrive. He quickly asked the Dragon Guard to hide it so as not to expose any flaws.

As for the transport plane, Henry Chu directly ordered it to return to the Pengcheng base for the time being and wait to pick them up tomorrow morning.

It was already At night, he quickly came to the tower control room and waited patiently.

About half an hour later, a special plane appeared near the island, and at the same time, the captain's voice came from the tower.

【It’s finally here~ I must let you land! 】

The captain asked if he could land, but there was no code or anything like that. Perhaps he was too confident in the officials of the country where the sun never sets, thinking that nothing could go wrong.

Henry Chu disguised his voice and spoke in a Chinese accent, perfectly deceiving Captain Hanhan.

At this time, the captain received the instruction to land and operated the aircraft to prepare for landing. At the same time, the beautiful flight attendant's voice also appeared in the cabin.

"Dear gentlemen, this flight is about to dock. There will be some bumps during the landing. Please don't panic and wait patiently for the plane to dock. Thank you~" The voice was repeated three times, and the drowsy ancient warrior suddenly became energetic. Finally, he became energetic.

We're about to land!

This trip is really far, and my waist is almost broken.

If the Howard family hadn't been very smart and arranged for them many beautiful stewardesses to entertain them on the special plane, I'm afraid they would all be in a mood. Yes.

Yes. As far as the Howard family is concerned, as long as they can stabilize the ancient warriors supported by the family, they can use any means.

The honey trap is one of the simplest and least expensive strategies.

"What nonsense are you talking about, land quickly, I have already sharpened the knife!"

"Haha~ bumpy? If you can bungee jump 300 meters casually, does this little bump count?"

The ancient warrior sneered. It was just a little bump, just a piece of wool.

Soon, the transfer plane slowly landed on the runway, and the tires quickly glided forward after landing.

And the moment it landed, the special plane did start to vibrate violently.

The voice of the flight attendant Appearing again, the ancient warrior is still very calm.

Although the landing is a bit bumpy this time, he is not afraid at all.

We have already landed, what else can happen? Is it a flat tire?


And in the cockpit, the plane The commander was very confused, always feeling that something was wrong.

He was too familiar with this special plane. Logically speaking, it couldn't be so violently bumpy when it landed. It was just a small vibration at best.

But now, it feels like an earthquake. What?

Outside, the special plane was still gliding forward, but a large number of cracks had appeared on the runway.

Immediately, it collapsed!

"not good! The runway seems to have collapsed? Earthquake, earthquake!"

The captain felt the plane shaking violently, and at the same time the ground in front of him collapsed.

He was instantly desperate. There was an earthquake just after landing, and the runway actually collapsed?

What kind of crappy construction is this?

It's really beautiful. The quality of China's projects is the same as that of Curry China's construction. It cannot be trusted. It's so scummy!

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