"Is Young Master Chu going out?"

Seeing him coming down, the heroines immediately ended the topic.

Don't let Mr. Chu know about the heroine group, otherwise he will definitely think of many things. He may even guess things like his inner voice!

To be on the safe side, They can only hide it.

Even if they live together in Tan Palace now, it is normal to establish a group, but maybe Henry Chu is thinking too much?

"Oh, go out for a walk."

Henry Chu replied casually, without saying what he was going to do.

It was just a slap in the face of the protagonist, why take them there?

Although bringing a few top goddesses to appear in front of the protagonist can make the other party depressed to the point of vomiting blood.

But it's not necessary, really Yes!

Because the biggest blow to the protagonist right now is that Windsor didn’t help him.

Windsor had already gone to the hotel, even humming a tune in the car, and didn’t take the protagonist’s matter seriously at all.

It was clear that she didn’t want to help, Something should have happened.

As for what happened, he has to wait until he understands it before he can know.

Now, just take Han Yunshan and Qin Shou to slap the protagonist in the face.

Both of them have unique functions, especially Han Yunshan, who was in Jiangcheng before Ye Fan probably still remembers his sexy operation.

I called the two of them, and they both agreed completely.

Especially Qin Shou, who is still very depressed since Chu Xuan asked someone to send him the video.

Chu Xuan I have said before that no matter what happens to Qin Fang, the Black Knife Troops had better not get involved, otherwise it may cause a devastating disaster to the Black Knife Troops. In other words, Chu Xuan wants to deal with Qin Fang!

And if the Black Knife Troops do it because of Qin Fang, If Fang and Chu Xuan were on the opposite side, then Chu Xuan would definitely wipe out the black knife troops.

At that time, he didn't know what Qin Fang had done. Later, Chu Xuan said it was because of Ye Fan.

Because Qin Fang was doing something for him. Ye Fan is on business!

So so far, he has not mentioned anything about Qin Fang in the Black Knife Army.

However, as the surveillance video was sent to him, and with some information, he finally understood why Chu Xuan said that.

Chong The Black Knife Force will definitely not forgive the fact that Qin Fang went to fight Black Knife.

Because those who left the Black Knife Force eventually went to fight Black Knife, which was a sign of contempt for the Black Knife Force.

Then they slaughtered dozens of people from the Rose Gang, It’s even more intolerable.

The Black Knife Force is an army, a force that bleeds and fights for the country and the people. How can it wander into the underground world and become a weapon for others to conquer the underground world and gangs fight against?

Killing dozens of people, there is irrefutable evidence, even if the Black Knife Force wants to If you want to protect him, you can't protect him at all.

What's more, Chu Xuan is here!

Once the black knife troops go to protect Qinfang, then Chu Xuan will have a legitimate reason to attack the black knife troops and wipe out the entire black knife troops!

Now Chu Xuan When Xuan called, he left the base without saying a word and quickly arrived outside Tan Palace.

"What orders does Mr. Chu have?"

Qin Shou said seriously.

"How are you handling the Qinfang matter? There's nothing unusual about the Black Knife Troops, right?"

Chu Xuan asked lightly. Although Qin Fang was expelled from the Black Knife Force, he still had some friends in it.

If those friends knew that he had been caught, they would definitely get into chaos.

Qin Shou said seriously with a straight face:"The video of Qin Fang killing dozens of people has been released in the base, and there is no movement from the Black Knife troops. And an order has been issued that anyone who dares to cover up Qin Fang will be expelled from the military!"

Dismissal from the military is the most severe punishment for those in the Black Knife Force.

Who wants to leave after finally joining the Black Knife Force?"

"Ah That's good. I'll go to Yao's house with me later and watch a play by the way."


He didn't ask what he was going for, and he agreed directly.

As long as Chu Xuan was with him, basically nothing would happen.

Who knows that Chu Xuan is a top expert? He was shocked when he was in Jiangcheng.

Very much. Han Yunshan came over soon, and he was a little cautious when he saw Qin Shou.

The Qin family is also a top family in the magic city, and it is a red family!

Han Yunshan, the heir to a medical family, felt a little flustered inexplicably when he saw Qin Shou.

Especially when he was a child. He was beaten violently by Qin Shou many times, and he even lacked the courage to face him.

"Don't panic, we will all be our own people from now on. Let's go now and go to Yao's house to have some fun."

The understatement made Han Yunshan relax, and he was also shocked in his heart.

Is Qin Shou even a member of Young Master Chu?

This is a bit scary!

Even though Qin Shou rarely hangs out in the circle of the Magic City, he is in the Young Master of the Magic City. The status in the circle is unshakable.

Perhaps only the elders of the ancient martial arts family can compete with him.

Although the Qin family is not an ancient martial arts family, they are related to the Tang family!

Relying on the Tang family, They can directly crush many ancient martial arts families.

You need to know that there are also gaps between the ancient martial arts families.

On the Yao family side, Yao Qiguang has brought Ye Fan over, and without saying a word, he went straight to the big villa in the middle of the manor.

The lobby of the villa Inside, the faces of Yao Tianqing and others were livid, and even the clan elders had ugly faces.

The Yao family had already experienced a turmoil, and that was when the three Yao Tianqings attacked the clan elders and completely abolished the clan elders' power.

Today, the Yao family has complete power. It was in the hands of the head of the family.

The clan elders had already looked away, and they could just take care of themselves in the Yao family from now on. But they didn’t expect that Yao Qiguang, the deposed first heir, would come back and bring an outsider with him to forcefully take over Yao Tianming’s family. The son was seriously injured.

Yao Tianming's son was the next head of the family, but he was injured by the people brought by Yao Qiguang. What's more, what they didn't expect was that Yao Qiguang brought this outsider here to force him into the palace. Not only Not only do they want to regain their qualifications as heirs, but they also want to be the head of the family!

They can't bear it!

The clan elders absolutely can't bear it!

Because they were the ones who suggested abolishing Yao Qiguang before. If Yao Qiguang becomes the head of the family, won't he kill them all?

The most unexpected thing for them is , the person Yao Qiguang brought was very extraordinary, he turned out to be the legendary ancient warrior! Is this guy crazy when he brought an ancient warrior to force him into the palace? Yao Tianqing had a gloomy face, is it okay for a filial son to bring an ancient warrior to force him into the palace?

Control it. This is the first time that this situation has happened to the Yao family for so many years and the Yao family has inherited it for so many years.

Looking at the filial son standing in front of him with an expression of indifference, disdain and contempt, I really want to open his Tianling Cap and see what is inside. What the hell

"Treason! Do you really want to rebel by bringing such an indifferent person to your home?"


Neither a man nor a woman?

Ye Fan was standing there casually, but when he heard these words, he couldn't sit still.

He, the majestic Dragon King, a powerful ancient warrior, was actually said to be neither a man nor a woman. Something?

In an instant, his face was filled with clouds and murderous intent surged.

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