‘Shocked, Ye Zhan, the head of the Ye family in the imperial capital, actually did such a thing! '

Another almost similar title, but still very eye-catching.

The original video has exposed exciting tidbits, and now there is another one that makes people very curious.

"Could it be another piece of tidbits about Master Ye?"

"The head of the Ye family has so much fun, there must be a lot of gossip!"

"By the way, who did he offend? Why did he get caught and exposed?"

"You can learn a lot by walking around and observing the tricks of the Ye family!"

The ancient warrior is also a human being. He is still very interested in this kind of gossip news. Without saying anything, he opened the post and watched it. It is also a long video, but multiple videos are spliced ​​together.

The beginning of the picture is in a gorgeous room. , a woman was covered with a blindfold, stockings stuffed in her mouth, her hands were tied behind her back, she was twisting her body, making a"wow" sound from her mouth, and seemed to be struggling.

Good guy, is this another special plot mode?

Seeing this beginning, the ancient warrior was almost sure that, just like the previous video, the Ye family leader liked to play this special game.

But as the video continued, the Ye family leader appeared in sight, with a look of lewdness on his face. Laugh, that wretched appearance is shocking.

The stockings were taken off, and the head of the Ye family laughed and said:"Little beauty, I will pamper you today, your husband, I have made arrangements, and I will go to see the Lord of Hell first!"


It sounds like something is wrong?

The keen ancient warrior seemed to hear something different. When he heard the woman's words again, he immediately understood

"You old bastard! Let me go, let me go, call the police, I want to call the police! Husband, husband, where are you? Where are you?……"

The voice was shrill and heartbroken, and the blindfold became moist because of it.

But Ye Zhan didn't care at all. He rushed over and held the woman down forcefully. What followed was a tragic scene.

This time, Ye Zhan was not like the previous video. His actions were very rough, and the woman resisted from the beginning. By the end, she was covered in scars and couldn't move.

When he looked carefully, blood was already flowing out of the corners of her mouth, and there was even scarlet liquid flowing out of her eye mask.

Obviously, this is not a special plot, but a real scene of violence!

And the woman who was raped had died of anger.

No wonder she didn't struggle or curse anymore in the end. It turned out that she was already dead.

The head of the Ye family, he actually violently tortured an ordinary woman to death, and even killed her husband before committing the violence.

Such a bad thing happened to the head of the Ye family?

When the ancient warrior saw this, it was difficult for him to react, and he really couldn't understand it.

Then the scene changed, and in another room, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl sat on the bed in panic, her face full of panic, and she covered her eyes with her hands.

In the room, Ye Zhan was naked and had such a perverted smile on his face.

Could it be that... the ancient warrior was shocked, could he also attack such a young girl?

Facts have proved that their guess was correct. Ye Zhan not only attacked the little girl, but also at the last moment, he pulled the little girl's mother in and forcibly molested her. When the incident happened, he locked the two of them in the room and ignored the two of them. Shouting, begging for mercy sadly.

In the next period of time, Ye Zhan would come several times a day.

After about a week, the two could not bear the heavy humiliation and were tortured to death.

"Ye Zhan, that old bastard!"

"Is this the head of the Ye family? A thug, right?"

"More than just thugs, they are simply beasts, worse than pigs and dogs!"

"He was so unconscionable that he could kill such a young girl!"

The ancient warrior gritted his teeth. Watching these scenes really stimulates the heart.

The video is very long, a full ten hours!

In these ten hours of video alone, as many as thirty women, women, and young girls were harmed by Ye Zhan.

The most unacceptable thing is that at the end of the video, there is a paragraph

‘This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are more videos to be released soon, so stay tuned! '

More videos mean more people are being harmed by Ye Zhan. How can people bear this?

The Guwu forum exploded in an instant, and the popularity remained high. The popularity of Sancaimen's announcement was also completely suppressed.

The number of comments on this video alone has reached 100,000, which is a terrifying number.

Without exception, the messages were all condemnation and contempt for Ye Zhan.

There is no doubt that Ye Zhan is now the target of thousands of people.

Ye Zhan in the video still looks like the leader of a top force. Most of the women he selected were ordinary people, and some were female ancient warriors.

Without exception, those who were harmed, except for those who died in the video, the rest are still missing.

You don't need to guess to know that their ending will definitely be tragic, and Ye Zhan will definitely be tortured to death in various ways.

Some people also found that some of the women in the video looked familiar, as if they were their friends, relatives, etc.

Ever since, another post appeared on the forum

‘Fight against the beast Ye Zhan! '

The title is very simple, but in less than a minute after it appeared, tens of thousands of people have already viewed it and left comments

"We must defeat Ye Zhan's unscrupulous thing!"

"That thing with a dead household registration book must be sent to hell! When Ye Zhan does these things, the top management of the Ye family must know that they must not let them go. They are accomplices!"

"So many people have been harmed, and many of them are from the secular world. Ye Zhan, who wants to annihilate his descendants, completely tramples on the rules of the ancient martial arts world and is trampling on the rules of the ancient martial arts world!"

There is only one situation when ancient warriors can take action against ordinary people, and that is when ordinary people threaten the lives of ancient warriors!

Apart from that, they must not take action against ordinary people. This is to maintain the stability of the ancient martial arts world and the secular world.

Rules It has existed for thousands of years, and almost no one dares to break it. Now Ye Zhan not only broke the rules, but also trampled them many times.

According to the rules of the ancient martial arts world, if such a person is found, he must be punished. Everyone As more and more people entered the post, the call to punish Ye Zhan became louder and louder, even causing the monitoring system to issue a warning, and Henry Chu was also alerted

"To cause such a big thing? It would be better if Sister Yan and the others were exposed first, otherwise they would still be kept in the dark."

Xuan Chu's face was a little gloomy. He really didn't know about Ye Zhan's harm to so many people, because it was never mentioned in the plot line. The investigation he asked the monitoring system to conduct basically focused on Ye Zhan and Ye Zhan. Those are the things that happen between mortals.

But I didn’t expect that Ye Zhan had done so many outrageous things before.

"If that's the case, then I can't keep you here."

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