Before everyone in the world could react, the light curtain disappeared again...

This ended quite suddenly!

"What about the World Destroyer Dragon?"

"What happened to that guy?"

This other timeline is finished, what about the first timeline?!

They haven't watched it yet, and it ends like this?

Don't they know there is a beginning and an end!

This bastard light screen owner is so stupid!

Suddenly, the world was full of abuse The sound is flying in the sky ~......

Reincarnation in the Slime World

"Did I resurrect myself?!"

"This is too raw!"

Rimuru never thought that he in another timeline would let Mikami Satoru survive....

Although this is more reasonable, how do you say it?...

A dream?

Well, it’s a relatively perfect ending....

"Will I remain the same until the end?..."

Rimuru sighed deeply. In the end, there was no way to break away from the shackles of being a slime....

It seems that we can only form an unparalleled combination with Lord Ainz....

Old bones:"???"

I always feel like something is wrong, but I can’t put my finger on it..........

Over-lord world

"Will I return to my original world one day?..."

"Continue working as a part-time worker Suzuki Satoru?"

Lao Gu was confused. He had just arrived in this world and really wanted to go back.

After all, it was a strange world and he didn't know anyone, so naturally he was a little panicked....

But as time went by, he gradually forgot and got used to life in a different world, and found that this was the place that suited him.

After all, there is only one reason why he wants to go back, and that is his companions...

As long as you're with your friends, it doesn't matter which world you're in...

But they really want to come to this world...

Will it still be just for playing games like before?...

He couldn't be sure and didn't dare to bet.........

Ordinary professional world

"I must return to my hometown!"

"No one can stop me!"

Nagyun Hajime saw that Rimuru could return to the previous world, and he was determined to go back!

So what if he becomes the strongest, all he wants is a stable life!

Isn't it good to be a salty fish?

"Let's go back together!"

All the girls looked at the man in front of them in unison. They were determined to follow him for the rest of their lives.

Wherever he went, they would follow him!......

Good blessings to the world.



"Rimuru has become a god, but I am still living in debt...."

Kazuma was lying on the old bed, feeling the cold wind from late at night...

As time travelers, the gap between them is so huge!

He also wants to have such a reliable companion!

But this is always a fantasy...

"Kazuma, do you want to go back?"

Megumin nervously expressed her uneasiness. She knew that Kazuma was never from this world, and maybe he would return to the previous world one day.

She and Darkness were very scared, and there was also a day when they would have to say goodbye....

"Well, of course I don’t want to go back!"

Kazuma is not the return of the Dragon King. Isn't it good to just quietly be a scumbag in this world~

He doesn't have the power to destroy the world. If he is caught and used as a guinea pig, he will not be a Barbie Q."!......

Jobless reincarnation world

"It’s okay if we never return to our previous world!"

Rudeus has never considered returning to the original world. He only has a sense of hatred in his heart!

In this world, there are relatives and companions!

There is nothing in that world, only indifference!

That world is rotten to the core. This world is not worth his return!

"Rudy, are you okay?"

Lu Qixi patted the boy who was as tall as herself.

I'm afraid it won't be long before he surpasses her....

Time flies so fast...

"It's okay, I just thought about the stupid things I did in the past..."

Rudeus shook his head vigorously, patted his cheek, and then showed a hearty smile.

He has decided to live well in this world!

In the future, he will have many descendants!

But they are much better than Bimuru and the others!

Hey hey ~

Rimuru:"You think you are very humorous?"......

Shen Yong World

"Rimuru saved the world, I can't fall behind!"

"Completely prepared!"

Seiya clenched his fists. He is now at the peak beyond human beings. He has learned all the skills of the gods! He can no longer improve, and there is no point in continuing to train.

The time to kill the Demon King has finally come.!

At this time, Lista’s roar came from the distance!

"Holy! The devil surrendered! Lista ran all the way and even wanted to pounce on Seiya.

But Seiya had already seen through her intention. She ducked sideways and said disgustedly:"Don't even think about hugging me!""

"Um? What did you say?"

"Too much! The Demon King surrendered to the God Realm!"

When Lista heard the news, she was stunned! It was the first time in the God Realm that a demon king surrendered!

And he was an S-class demon king, and he was powerful enough to destroy the planet!

"Isn't it fraud?"

Seiya was stunned. He was cautious and didn't think that the Demon King would surrender so easily.

No! He would never let the threat survive!

He must defeat the Demon King!

Demon King:"???"

Something wrong?

He didn't even want to fight!

This brave man really wants to hit him!......

When Mankai was having a heated discussion about people from another world,...

Lin Chen woke up from his deep sleep again. When he came outside the room...

I was completely shocked by the sight before me....

"What the hell?"

"Is this my house?!"

Why did he look like this when he woke up?!

He saw chaos outside the room, and he couldn't see the end at all. The space was so big that it seemed like he was in the center of the universe. What shocked him even more was that in the darkness...

Eight pairs of eyes as big as stars were staring at him, getting closer and closer!


After a while, Lin Chen finally saw their appearance clearly and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air....

Four monsters hundreds of feet tall were hovering in the darkness!


As one of the monsters roared, four shining lights illuminated the darkness, revealing its true form!

Judging from their characteristics, they should be the four holy beasts that the system rewarded him with before....

How come you have grown so big in such a short time?

What have you eaten?

Could it be that he slept for an epoch?!

It’s so off the mark!

When the Four Sacred Beasts saw their master awakening, they all rushed towards him excitedly.

"Stop! do not come!"

Lin Chen's face turned green with fright, and he hurriedly stopped their behavior.

Otherwise, his small body would have been crushed to pieces!

The four holy beasts stagnated in the air in aggrieved manner, and even made a yelp.....

Before he could ask, the system's prompt sounded in his mind....

【Ding~ The integration of the host’s strength has been completed】

【The host's beast control level has reached SSS level】

"puff!!! SSS level?"

Lin Chen never expected that with this promotion, he would become the top of the world!

Even in this world, no one has ever heard of anyone reaching the SSS level!

No wonder the four holy beasts have grown so big!

What happened in such a short period of time? What happened?

Immediately afterwards

【Congratulations to the host for gaining one billion emotional points, and I ask the host to keep up the good work!】

【Some of the emotional values ​​have been converted into rewards from all realms. Now the inventory has ended and rewards have begun to be distributed....】

【The gold box has been sent to the backpack...】

【At the same time, rewards will be given to the origin of the world, the gate to the world, the function of publishing tasks, etc....】

This was the first time he heard that the system had so many rewards, and this inventory actually had so many emotional values.

"System, what is the use of the origin of the world?"

【The source needed to repair the broken world...】

【Ding~Start issuing tasks: Collect ten groups of world origins and complete the restoration of the world....】

【Mission period: unlimited!】

【Mission reward: Super luxurious gift package!】

【Failure penalty: None! 】

Lin Chen:"???"

He just asked what it was for, why did he just jump out on a mission?

There are even mission rewards!

Big gift package?

Is this something to fool children?

"System, what's in it?"

I always feel like the system is tricking him, but I can't bear the curiosity in my heart.


Is the system floating?

However, he wants to visit another world!

"Hahaha! Now I have really become a traveler from another world~"

In his previous life, he had a dream to go to various anime worlds.

In the eyes of others, this is completely a late stage of chuunibyou....

Now this wish has finally come true!

Thinking about it, I’m still a little excited~

"Oh, by the way, what are you going to post about the new video?"

"Well, since the gods’ response to the gods is so high, let’s make some more videos of abusing the gods~"

The gods:"As a human being?"

So, Lin Chen made a new video overnight

"OK, done!"

After uploading it, Lin Chen teleported into the void and waved forward....

"Kids, let’s go!"

The four holy beasts hidden in their respective voids turned into streams of light and merged into Lin Chen's body.

"Another world, I’m here!"

Lin Chen stepped into the door of the world with excitement....

Not long after he left, the light curtain of all realms also changed....

【The battle between gods and mortals!】

【The World of Godslayers: Kusachi Godou]

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