One Punch Man World

"A reckless man with no strength!"

"No skills at all! The battle is not gorgeous at all!"

Fubuki won't recognize Vega!

It's a waste to give him such a guy who has so much power but doesn't know how to use it!

If he can join Fubuki's team, I wouldn't mind helping him improve his strength!

Saitama on the side always feels like this Is Silly Girl looking after him?

What skills are needed for fighting?

Isn’t it over with just one punch?

If one punch doesn’t work, just use two punches!......

Princesses connect the world.

On a plain somewhere.

A group of wolves that look full of wisdom are surrounding the center and looking up at Lanya


The wolves howled collectively, and they regarded Lan Ya as the wolf king.

Just as they were looking at Lan Ya with admiration,...

Not far away, a bushi girl was leading a boy towards the wolves....

They are going to attack the wolves!......

The world of Sword Art Online.

Empire of Darkness

"Lord Lanya will be the totem of our clan from now on!"

The chief of the werewolf clan's awe for Lan Ya goes deep into his bones!

Not only him,This is true for every werewolf clan, and even other orcs regard Lan Ya as the patron saint of the clan!

Lanya's powerful strength impressed them!

It's a pity that they can't go to another world, otherwise they will definitely follow Lanya!......

Inuyasha world

"Turn yourself into the magic element itself?"

"Then you can also turn yourself into a whirlpool of demonic energy! ?"

Gang Ya's eyes suddenly lit up. He seemed to have found a new way to become stronger. He could even get rid of the Four Souls Jade!

As long as he escapes from the demon body and becomes a soul body!

But how to do it?

Is it possible to commit suicide once?

What a smart idea. ~......

【Screen continues】

【Vega, who fled in embarrassment, came to another battlefield, hid behind a boulder, and quietly watched the battle between them....】

【His companions were unable to resist under the control of Nine Demons, and were severely injured and unable to move....】

【Vega just stared at her silently, then came to him, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, used his power, and began to corrupt his companions...】

【"You guy! What do you want to do!"】

【The companion was shocked and angry, why did he attack her!】

【"Jie Jie, leave your power to me!"】

【Only at this moment did Vega understand that only through constant evolution can we become stronger!】



【The last roar of his companion was accompanied by the sound of teeth tearing flesh, and Vega completed his evolution....】

【"evil ways!!!"】

【Jiumaluo's beautiful eyes were full of disgust. Vega's behavior of devouring his companions was a taboo in her opinion!】

【"Jie hahaha!!!"】

【There was a sound of bones cracking from Vega's limbs, and the dark demonic aura wrapped around his body, and his power increased unprecedentedly!】

【This feeling of power...】

【Vega is immersed in his own world and cannot extricate himself...】

【"Damn it!"】

【Jiu Moluo also noticed that the aura on Vega's body was ridiculously strong and was not something she could deal with!】

【Just as she was thinking about how to save...】

【A girl's figure appeared in the void and ordered Vega to go back...】

【Vega did not obey the order and turned around to leave....】

【Nine Demons were lucky enough to survive....】......

Empire of the East

"You bastard! How dare you eat me!"

Aurlia's eyes were full of hatred. She never expected that she would die in the hands of her own people in the end.

Is this guy still one of the three handsome monsters?

He is just a monster who will do anything for power!

"Jie Jie! You should be lucky to be swallowed by me!"

"Otherwise you will still be defeated by that fox!"

Vega didn't care. In this world of the jungle, devouring is just a normal thing!

Besides, his behavior will definitely be forgiven!

Orlia clenched her teeth, and her anger made her face look ferocious. Incomparable!

But she had no choice but to leave with a gloomy face...

"I can defect too..."

Thoughts of betrayal arose in her mind...

They will have no future here and will only become tools for fighting!

Jura Forest

"Fortunately you were not impulsive!"

"Otherwise you would have become a corpse!"

"What a stupid fox!"

Lanya glanced at the golden fox beside him, and said reproachful words from his mouth.

"Ying Ying Ying!"

The Nine Demons turned their heads in dissatisfaction and leaned into Rimuru's arms in grievance, as if to say that this wolf was bullying it again!


Lan Ya suddenly showed his fierce look and showed his fangs. This bastard is again Act like a spoiled child to Lord Rimuru!

You bastard!

You compete with him for favor every day!

"Hahaha, yoxi yoxi!"

"She is still growing, and one failure is nothing."

Rimuru kept comforting Lanya.

He only had one request for his subordinates, they must live!

Regardless of victory or defeat!

This way, even if he loses, he still has a chance to find the possibility of victory!......

【Screen continues】

【Under Michael's order, all those who attacked the Golden Land retreated...】

【Also contains the Demon King...】

【When they ceased fighting, the demon clan was attacking Milim's country....】

【Although there are several awakened demon kings around Milim now, the strength of the insect demons cannot be underestimated. What makes them even more troublesome is that the insect demons have methods that can invalidate magic!】

【"Tsk! It is indeed our natural enemy!"】

【The destructive magic released by Karela did not destroy even a single monster....】

【The insect demons have great restraint on the demons, even the original demons are no exception!】

【"Groot! Release the barrier!"】

【The destructive magic was counteracted, and Karela was not frustrated. Instead, she started to take the next step!】

【As her voice fell, a complex magic circle rose from the soles of her feet, enveloping the entire castle....】

【At the same time, Milim also used magic to strengthen the magic circle!】


【Karela looked up to the horizonCrossing her arms, she had already noticed the change...】


【The dark sky became like day, and the destructive energy group slowly descended from the cracks in space....】

【"That is?!!!"】

【Fleur and others looked at the destructive energy ball appearing in the sky in horror. This power was enough to level the entire country!】

【"The final collapse destroys the wave!!!"】

【Karela looked solemn, no one knew the power of her magic better than her!】

【The manic energy ball fissioned rapidly, and dazzling white light shone on everyone!】

【In an instant!】

【Waves of destruction swept across the entire continent, and the shocking shock wave destroyed everything!】


【The solid magic circle is facing the baptism of destruction!】

【Everyone in the castle looked at the outside world with pale faces....】

【The lush forest turned into a scorched earth!】

【"Wow haha! It's blocked!"】

【Milim was the only one in the audience who laughed heartily. Although Karela's magic was very strong, it was still a million points worse than hers....】

【Everyone could only be thankful that it was Karela's magic that released the magic before, and not Milim's magic, otherwise everyone present might have died....】

【"I didn't expect that the opponent's space control could be used to this extent!"】

【The person who sent Karela's magic to another world and then sent it back through the cracks was the powerful one hiding in the Insect Demon Clan. As long as it was there, the nuclear strike magic would have no effect!】

【Everyone had no choice but to rely on close combat to find a way to break through. They came outside the castle and saw that the densely packed insect demons did not retreat at all!】

【"Hahaha! Fight with all your heart!"】......

Demon Realm

"What a nasty bug!"

"My nuclear magic is useless!"


Karela is still as irritable as ever....

The insect demon clan's restraint on the demon clan is really too great!

If Diablo is here, he should be able to find a way to deal with the insect demons. After all, he has the most dealings with the insect demons!

This situation of not being able to release magic at will really made her unhappy!

"snort! no! I can't help it!"

Karela put on a sullen face and quietly came to the Golden Land....

She wants to release the anger in her heart here!


Do you have that serious illness?!

If the insect demons offend you, go find them in another world!......

The world of the wise man's grandson

"How to fight such an opponent?..."

"He couldn't even cast such a powerful nuclear magic at will!"

Xian can no longer think of a way to deal with the insect demons....

Close combat?

From Zeqion's physique, we can see how amazing the defense power of the insect demons is!

Even his shock wave sword may not be able to break through the defense!

Moreover, the insect demon clan’s army numbered in the millions, not to mention those little bugs hiding in the dark!

If he faced this situation...

I'm afraid it's been eaten up long ago...

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