Over-Lord World

"The strongest warrior in mankind?...I'm afraid she already has Taqimi's strength...."

"Rimuru can't escape now..."

Lao Gu rubbed his chin. He was greatly weakened by skills and even the space was blocked....

Basically no chance of escape...

If you are a warrior, you are not that worried....

But for a magician like him, it is undoubtedly a devastating blow!

The same goes for Rimuru, he has almost no powerful warrior skills...

Heroes like Hinata are natural enemies to him....

"It seems that I have to be careful about someone using this trick in the future....".........

Shen Yong World

"Not cautious enough...He didn't even use anti-enchantment magic...."

"You shouldn't stop, the open space is a perfect place for enemies to use large-scale skills...."

Seiya shook his head in disgust. Rimuru was still not cautious enough and thought too little....

If it were him, Hinata would have no chance to cast the barrier...

The corners of Lista's mouth twitched slightly. Not everyone is as sick as you....Be cautious enough to guard against even your own people...

And you are also a brave human being!.........

Good blessings to the world

"It’s so tricky!"

Megumin's face was solemn. She felt an unprecedented sense of crisis!

If this world also had such a barrier that restricted magic skills, wouldn't it be impossible for her explosion magic to be released to her heart's content?!

When she thought of this, she felt Extremely anxious, he quickly pulled Kazuma and ran to the wild...

If you don't use explosion magic for a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over!........

Reincarnate into the slime world.

Free combination headquarters

"The future does go according to my plan..."

Yuuki sat on the chair and watched everything calmly. If it weren't for the exposure of the light curtain, the slime would have died in Hinata's hands by now....

But...Now the fucking plan is completely messed up....

Hinata will not follow the information he gave her and stop blocking that slime....

Fortunately, he had eliminated the source of the information before....

They shouldn't be able to guess that the information was given by them, right?............

【Screen continues】

【Hinata looked at Rimuru calmly. She underestimated him, but he was able to withstand her soul-piercing attack....】

【She swung the holy sword, rushed forward, flicked the sword out of Rimuru's hand with one hand, and then kicked him away!】

【Before Rimuru could react, Hinata appeared in front of him again and stabbed him mercilessly on the head....】

【At the critical moment, Rimuru turned his head to avoid the sword...】


【The colorful sword light fell to the ground, causing a shocking explosion, and a dazzling light pillar rose from the ground, as if the sky was shattering!】

【Rimuru rolled several times in the air and slid lightly on the ground....】

【Hinata's move was super bad for him!】

【If he was hit by this sword head-on, even the slime's body wouldn't be able to withstand it!】

【The great sage then informed that Hinata's moves affected the soul, and he was hit by three more swords....Must die!】

【Rimuru couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. He didn't expect Hinata to be so cruel....】

【But even so, Rimuru is trying to get Hinata's information about the barrier...】

【Hinata believed that Rimuru would definitely die by his own hands, so he spoke out without reservation....】

【While she was talking and laughing, she hit Rimuru with two swords in succession....】

【And now that there is only one sword left, Rimuru will really know how to send it....】.........

Reincarnation in the Slime World


Mirim was furious, a terrifying aura burst out of her body, and countless cracks were shaken out of the ground....

Is this hateful bastard going to kill his close friend?

She would never allow anyone to hurt her only close friend!.......

Kingdom of Farms

"Hahaha! Did your majesty see it?"

"This monster will surely suffer justice!"

Resim's eyes widened, and his confidence in attacking the monster kingdom doubled!

This is the power of the barrier. Even slimes are so affected, let alone other monsters!

They will be unable to fight back!.........

【Screen continues】

【Hinata pointed his sword at Rimuru. Although his face was calm, the anger in his heart still could not be calmed down....】

【The face used by Rimuru...She is the only teacher Jing who is gentle to her...】

【Rimuru was quite helpless, and inferred from Hinata's words that the other party had completely classified him as evil....】

【and...He learns that the central city of Rimuru is being attacked by others!】

【And they also have a barrier that can weaken monsters....】.........

Reincarnate into the slime world. central city

"Be on guard immediately!"

"Cheer up, everyone!"

Benimaru's pupils shrank and he continued to give instructions....

Lord Rimuru is trapped by the barrier, so those who attack the Monster Kingdom will definitely use the same move!

Although the city has been heavily alerted, the Jura Forest is too big, even they can't explore it all....

But he didn't know that in the middle of the city, a woman was looking around in confusion....

"Mu Lan, what's wrong?"

Youmu looked at the woman beside him with some doubts....


Mulan shook her head guiltily. Did she follow Clayman's instructions in the future?............

【Screen continues】

【Rimuru was extremely anxious and wanted to rush to his companions immediately! But he can't leave without getting rid of Hinata!】

【"Activate rigidity and body hardening...Use this blow!"】

【Rimuru flew into the air and attacked Hinata with all his strength....】


【Hinata calmly raised her sword to block, and Rimuru's continuous attacks were all predicted by her....】

【As if facing a great sage...】

【At this time, he separated Ifrit from his body, and blazing flames erupted from its palms!】

【"Oh oh oh oh!!!!"】

【Ifrit threw fireballs one after another, but Hinata easily dodged them....】

【Rimuru made a sneak attack from one side, but she saw through them all....】

【Suddenly, Ifrit held her head in her hands, feeling extremely painful...Rimuru hurriedly called it back...】

【I didn't expect Hinata to have the ability to usurp spirits....】

【Just like his glutton self....】


【Rimuru seemed to have thought of something, and planned to use another move to block everything, and slowly put away his sword....】

【"The next move will determine the outcome!"】

【Hinata smiled in surprise, hasn't he figured out the situation yet?...】

【Now she has an overwhelming advantage!】

【Rimuru is doomed no matter what....】

【But just in case, she still plans to show some real skills!】

【Hinata's body sank, and she clenched the sword in her hand. Her eyes became extremely sharp, and her whole body felt like a sharp blade had been drawn out of its sheath!】

【"Sinai! Colorful final thrust!!!"】

【The sword in her hand burst out with colorful light and stabbed Rimuru in the chest at extremely high speed!】

【"Wake up! Gluttony!!!"】

【Rimuru shouted into the air, and for a moment his consciousness fell into darkness...The body gradually turned into a hybrid of monsters...】

【"Ho ho ho!!!"】

【Hinata hurriedly retreated, her brows furrowed. She didn't expect that Slime was still hiding this move!】

【Hinata looked solemn and put away the sword in her hand....】

【Didn't even the Colorful Final Thrust kill Rimuru?...】

【Is it possible that he has no soul?...】


【Hinata took out a talisman seal from her arms and threw it towards Rilu, which immediately divided into countless talismans to form a cage....】


【But it was destroyed by monsters in an instant!】


【The monster rushed towards Hinata, and she continued to dodge the physical attacks one after another....】

【"The spirit calls!"】

【She opened her hands, and five attribute elves appeared behind her and rushed towards the monster....】

【Then she clasped her hands together and kept chanting mantras in her mouth...】

【Complex magic circles appear one after another at the monster's feet....】

【"The end of all things...The spirit collapses!!!"】


【In an instant, endless sacred light enveloped the monster, continuously purifying its body....】

【In less than a moment, the monster was blasted to the point where not even a scrap was left....】

【"I avenged you...Teacher Jing..."】

【Hinata turns and leaves...】

【But...Not long after she leaves...】

【A cute Shi head poked out from the grass, looking around carefully....】

【"Uh-huh - almost died!!!"】

【Rimuru took a deep breath...】

【He had already created a clone during the previous battle....】

【It was his clone that Hinata destroyed...】

【Rimuru didn't stay too long. He didn't know how everyone was doing now....】

【but...The great sage told him that he could not teleport back....】

【At this moment, Tempest is covered by a barrier...】

【Rimuru can only hope that everyone can hold on until he returns....】

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