Over-Lord world. within the kingdom...

"Unexpectedly, there is a guardian of justice in the big tomb...."

Brian is speechless...Cocytus is much more kind than Shalltear.

If it were Shalltear, I'm afraid they would directly experience true fear....

"Nail clippers...Mr. Bryan...And Mr. Sebastian is also a very righteous guardian!"

Climb recalled Sebastian who had disappeared from their sight.

They were equally powerful, but had completely different personalities.

"kindness...indeed so..."

Nail Clipper nodded, feeling in awe of Mr. Sebastian....

"This shows the terror of the Supreme Being, who can rule justice and evil!"

"I don’t know what will happen after the lizard tribe is ruled...."

Ratisi looked solemn...in front of these guardians...They have no ability to resist at all...

What will happen to them if the kingdom is also targeted by them in the future?

But what she doesn't know is...The kingdom has long been targeted by the Great Tomb of Nazarick...............

【Screen continues】

【Cocytus raised his right hand and looked at them quietly...】


【The lizard man rushed out instantly, his eyes full of fighting spirit!】

【At this moment, there was no longer fear in their hearts. Death as a warrior was an honor for them!】


【Their shouts resounded through the sky and rushed through the ice gate!】


【Cocytus looked at them with a little regret, with good momentum....but to no avail...】

【"Frost aura!!!"】

【Cocytus waved his claws and took a step back with his right foot. Ice lightning appeared on the ground, forming a cold air that swept across the lizard man!】


【The lizard people who rushed forward instantly turned into ice sculptures, and their vitality quickly disappeared!】


【The lizardmen chiefs were able to withstand this ordinary attack due to their high resistance....】...........

"well...The gap is really too big...It's like hitting an egg against a stone..."

"But this is the lizard man's last chance...."

Everyone in the world sighed deeply, and they praised the courage of the lizard people....

If he hadn't faced the terrifying guardians, he would have been able to become the overlord of one party!

The warrior Jian Yulei said:"I'm...Remember, this move isn’t Cocytus’s passive?..."

Second Style Flame Thunder:"Cocytus and Jian Yulei have exactly the same warrior character...."

Ye Wuzi:"Ulbert, look at Cocytus...Next time when setting NPC settings, remember to be a human being!"


The Demiurge he designed is a devil!

Who has seen that demons are righteous and do good deeds every day?

Vinette:"Huh? Who is calling me?"

Gabriel:"Vinette, stop being a devil....Reincarnate as an angel!"...........

【Screen continues】

【One of the lizard men raised his slingshot and quickly shot out the stone, hitting Cocytus directly....】

【The remaining four lizardmen took the opportunity to rush forward, waving their weapons!】


【The rocks exploded with a bang, making it impossible to even get close!】

【"Feel sorry...Our guardian-level people...It has quite high tolerance for low-level flight paths!"】

【The lizard man wearing bone armor used one leg to fly into the sky and struck Cocytus!】

【Cocytus drew a long sword from the void - the God of War Sword Emperor!】

【In just an instant, the charging lizard man was cut in half!】

【"Martial Arts—Steel and Natural Weapons!"】

【Zebolu raised his right fist, a bright red light wrapped around it, and slammed it towards Cocytus!】


【Cocytus raised the God of Death, blocked it slightly, bounced it away at will, and slashed suddenly!】


【Zebolu's arm was cut off directly, blood surged wildly, and the pain of the severed hand made him scream in agony!】

【At the same time, Zarius stabbed out the Fang Fang Pain from the side, but was easily blocked by three claws!】

【Zaryus tried his best but couldn't let the sword advance forward. In desperation, he raised his right leg and kicked it!】


【Under this powerful force...On the contrary, Zarius' leg was severely injured!】

【"In the way!"】

【Cocytus swung his tail and knocked it away easily!】

【"Magic rising - collective minor injury treatment!"】

【Shaslin used magic to instantly heal the injuries of several injured people....】...........

"severed hand...Is it a minor injury?"

"I don't read much...Don't lie to me..."

"It turns out that the broken hand was just a minor injury...."

Does this lizard man have some misunderstanding about minor injuries?...

What is a real serious injury in their eyes?...The kind that kills with one hit?

Reincarnation in the Slime World

"I don’t believe this is minor injury treatment!"

The second lizard man Gaviru's eyes widened....

Aren't the lizardmen in that world very capable of recovery?...........

【Screen continues】

【Two whirlpools of mud and stone surged up on the lake, but they were destroyed by the God of Death!】

【Zaryus's abdomen was bleeding profusely and he was curled up, but the fighting spirit in his eyes did not weaken at all!】

【Cocytus looked at it in surprise. Unexpectedly, it could still move after being hit by its own tail....】

【Randomly threw his sword to him...】

【At the same time, the lizardmen who have been releasing stone bullet magic from behind continue to support their teammates frantically....】

【"So annoying..."】

【Cocytus looked disgusted, this attack made him very unhappy! As a warrior, you should face him head on!】

【"Piercing Ice Bullet..."】

【Several ice spikes condensed in his hands, piercing the lizard man to the core....】...........

"Kazuma! I heard that anyone who doesn’t put stones behind them is not worthy of being a warrior!"

The mentally retarded goddess grabbed Kazuma by the collar and shouted with disgust....

"Next time you have to get ahead of Darkness!"


Damn it! This retarded goddess actually wants to harm him!

And he's not the warrior at the front!


She would never let Kazuma take her place!...........

【Screen continues】

【Zebolu's eyes flashed with the last light, and he shouted unwillingly..】

【They tried their best to attack, but were they so weak?...】

【"Damn it!!!"】

【Zebolu knew that he would be killed next, but he still rushed forward....】


【Cocytus killed him completely without mercy, and his blood filled the lake!】

【Zaryus gasped for air and clutched his abdomen....】

【Today, only the two Green Claw brothers are left on the battlefield....】


【Zariius roared his final roar, his fighting spirit undiminished at all!】

【As long as the body can move...He won't give up...Until the last minute!】...........

"Come on! Lizard hero!"

"Even if you can't defeat it! Also let them understand the courage of the lizard people!"

Countless people were deeply infected by Zariius's courage....

It turns out that except for humans...Alien creatures can also be so passionate!

"Lizardmen from another world! Kill Cocytus!"

Gavilu was very excited, and the blood in his heart was completely ignited by Zariyus!

The lizard people from all over the world stared at the light screen with burning eyes!

The hymn of the lizard people...It is a hymn of courage!...........

【Screen continues】

【"I will remember you two warriors...."】

【Cocytus was infected by their courage and admired them very much....】

【They can help caregivers remember...stay in heart...This is already the greatest respect for the lizard people!】

【After all, there are only a few who can be called opponents by the Guardians....】

【Cocytus raised the God-Slaying Sword Emperor and looked at the two of them apologetically....】

【Originally, he was supposed to have four weapons in his hand, but their strength did not allow him to take out the second one....】

【Zariius did not become angry because of this, it was already a great honor to fight against Cocytus!】

【"Earth bound!"】

【The surface of the lake kept churning, and the rolling muddy water seemed to be alive, rushing towards Cocytus!】

【But this is not even close to what Cocytus can do....The muddy water dissipates in the air!】

【"Freeze blast!"】

【Ice fog filled Cocytus's body, blocking his vision....】

【Suddenly, a triangular spike emerged from the ice mist, but Cocytus easily caught it!】

【Immediately afterwards, Shaslin appeared from the front, wielding his iron sword and roaring down!】

【But he was sent away with a knife by Cocytus!】

【Blood fills the air...】


【Zaryus roared angrily, and the blood-stained sword broke through Cocytus' claws!】


【The sword blade stabbed the barrier in front of his chest, but it couldn't get any closer....】

【"outstanding...But it's a pity..."】

【Cocytus stepped back...Lift it up and it's a knife...】

【The last traveler of the Lizardmen tribe died here...】

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