"My faith will lead me to the world of God!"Ya Shenyue has lost confidence in this rotten world. He will end mankind and create a new world.

This belief is unshakable. No matter who stands in front of him, he will kill without hesitation!

If not With such extreme belief, he would not become so cruel!.........

One Piece World

"Is Sauron's mind skill worth it?"

Luffy shook his head, hanging in the air like a pendulum clock....

"Can eat a hammer..."

Zoro pushed him away, turned around and jumped to a rock, letting the waves hit him and exercising continuously.

Becoming the world's greatest swordsman is his belief!

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates has their own dream, and it is precisely because of this belief that they can be driven not to be stopped by any difficulties!........

【Screen continues】

【Li Fanding stopped for the sake of his own honor....】

【Lina hurried over to check Kirito's physical condition. Even she might not be able to block Li Fanding's sword....】

【Kirito is simply awesomeCome on, he has become a swordsman that surpasses her. It seems that he was hiding his clumsiness in the previous duels with him!】

【That night, the two nobles were dissatisfied that Kirito, a commoner, was so popular and ruined the flowers he took good care of. They even gave the destroyed flowers to his face....】...........

"It’s really embarrassing for a swordsman to do such unbearable things!"

"Whose swordsman is this? He will immediately deprive their family of their noble rights!"

"How does the swordsman intrigue grow!"

Many people among the integrity knights are quite dissatisfied with their behavior.

It has brought shame to their world. I am afraid that people from all over the world are watching their jokes now............

【in the screen】

【They even kidnapped two junior swordsman girls just to humiliate Eugeo and Kirito....】

【Eugeo rushed to the scene, but due to the Taboo Index, he was unable to resist the nobles, and a red code appeared in his right eye....】

【But amid the girl's desperate cries, Eugeo resisted forcefully, and his right eye suddenly exploded!】

【Even if blood surged like a fountain, it could not stop Eugeo's anger. He slashed with his sword and cut off the dirty hands of one of the nobles!】

【Humbert, who had lost his hand, was holding it in pain, with snot and tears mixed together. When had he ever tasted such pain!】

【Leos was surprised that Eugeo could resist, but looking at his current state, he couldn't resist either....】

【So he planned to chop off Eugeo's head!】

【The moment the big sword fell, it was blocked by Kirito who arrived just in time....】

【Laos has long been unhappy with Kirito, and now he finally has the chance to kill him....】

【But he overestimated his own strength, and his arms were cut off by Kirito's sword!】

【Laos's own blood covered his body and turned into a bloody man...Destiny is lost rapidly...】

【He fell to the ground as if he had been electrocuted, twitching constantly, and the fluctlight collapsed....die completely...】

【Wenbel, who had lost his hand, was terrified, his brain kept shaking, and he escaped with the steps of a deformed species....】

【At this time, a white face appeared again on the ceiling of the room, and disappeared after saying a nonsense....】........

"Senior Eugeo...Kirito-senpai..."

"I hope you are all safe now and don't get caught by the integrity knights...."

In the Sword Training Academy, the two rescued schoolgirls clasped their hands together, hoping that the seniors have now escaped from the clutches of the Axiom Church.

"I didn't expect the two of them to do such a nasty thing!"

"Kirito and Swordsman Eugeo did a great job, doing things we dare not do!"

These damn nobles should have died ten thousand times!

Another place...

Wenbel hid at home and saw this scene again. The fear at that time surged into his heart again, and his fragile heart collapsed again.

The whole person fell into a state of madness, constantly destroying things around him, and was so scared that he peed all over the floor.

"What's wrong! My dear Humbert!"

Their parents heard the noise and hurried over to check the situation.

As a result, Wenbel thought the two monsters were coming to find him. Fear drove him to run around, and he slipped on urine....

And right in front is his sword!

The blade cuts from top to bottom, just like cutting a fish...

Wenbel died under his own sword...

The miserable death situation and Sugou's unwillingness to give in!

Sugou:"Are you polite?"

If you don't let him go, how many times will he die!.........

【in the screen】

【Kirito and Eugeo have committed a crime in the Taboo Index, and an integrity knight will come to take them away and put them on trial!】

【However, Eugeo was stunned when he saw this integrity knight....】

【The girl with a stunning face and braided blond hair was his childhood sweetheart....Alice!】.......

In the church in Lulid Village, Seluka looked at this figure excitedly

"elder sister!"

The sister she longed for has finally appeared. Could it be that she is coming back!

But why did she become an integrity knight?

But she was more happy, as long as she could see Alice safe and sound. She had always thought Her sister has been executed.

Now she can finally relax. She believes that one day, she will be able to see her sister!

The villagers were even more shocked. Not only did Alice not be tried and executed, but she became the top of the knights - an integrity knight.!

This gorgeous and majestic female knight shocked the hearts of every villager, and the children even had stars in their eyes.

Best wishes to the world

"Lalatina's voice sounds like yours, is it your clone?"Kazuma heard this majestic voice just like Darkness when she was serious!

"Don't call me that!"Darkness's face turned red. This name is so embarrassing!

But she was also curious why their voices were so similar, as if they were spoken by the same person!

Could it be that there are clones between the female knights? ?

The food world of the Emiya family

"Saber, she looks like you, and how you stand!"

Shirou looked at Alice's figure, and then at King Daimao. They looked so similar!

"No no no! There is a fundamental difference between her and me!"

King Da Mao shook his head, which was obviously very different from her!


Shirou was puzzled. They were all the same female knights, with the same dashing and heroic looks!

"I have stupid hair!"


【in the screen】

【Alice is majestic and majestic, not as happy as her childhood sweethearts meeting each other, but more indifferent, as if she is someone she has never seen before....】

【This hit Eugeo deeply. He and Kirito worked hard to find her, but here she didn't recognize him....】

【That night, the two of them were caught by Alice and put into a cold cell....】

【But how could a mere cell hold Kirito? The two of them worked together to destroy the iron rope and left here....】

【But he met Alice's long-awaited disciple, Integrity Knight Eldrie....】

【Since the two of them had no swords, their strength was greatly reduced. They took the opportunity to run away, but there was still an integrity knight here, raising an arrow to shoot at the two of them....】

【At this critical moment, a door appeared in front of them and saved them....】.........


"You are really being clever every day, hiding in a place like this, but sooner or later you will come face to face with me!"

The beautiful face of the highest priest showed a ferocious look, like an evil ghost....

If it weren't for her, plans wouldn't be thwarted so often.

Sooner or later, she will die in her own hands. One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers!........

【in the screen】

【The two came to a library, and standing in front of them was a girl who looked very wise....】

【Her identity is the manager of this world...】

【Through her telling, much of the history of this world was modified without authorization by the highest priest, and there is no god in this world!】

【It's just to better consolidate dominance....】.........

"How can it be! If there is no God, what is our faith?"

"Why did the Supreme Priest lie to us?"

All the residents of this world find it difficult to accept such information. Are the God of Creation and the God of Darkness originally created?...

In fact, they already know how their world came about, but they are just unwilling to accept it....

Once they admit that they were created by the system, wouldn’t the meaning of their lives be completely denied by themselves?...

As long as outsiders are willing, they can be changed..............

【in the screen】

【Kirito learned the truth about the world and the conspiracy of the highest priest from her...】

【The highest priest spent her whole life studying sacred arts, until she communicated with the outside world before she died of old age, got help from someone, regained her youth, and became immortal....】

【But her ambition became even greater and she wanted to seize the system, so she copied the management system into her own Fluctlight...】

【As a result, she failed and gradually developed a second personality, causing her to be both a ruler and a manager...】

【As time went by, even though her physical body did not change, her soul capacity was about to reach its limit....】

【If this continues, she will still die!】

【In order to expand her capacity, she plans to cover her memories and thoughts with a little girl and change her body....】

【The integrity knights are her experimental subjects. Their so-called summons are all fake. These are just residents whose memories have been tampered with....】

【But this experimental process failed...】

【During the covering process, a soul identical to her own was copied....】

【It’s Cardinal, the girl in front of me...】

【Naturally, no one can tolerate the other, they will fight each other when they meet, and everyone wants to destroy the other!】

【After all, it is impossible for people to tolerate the second self...】...........

The integrity knights of the Axiom Church were stupid.

It turns out they weren't summoned, no wonder they don't have any previous memories.

"hateful! Are we just guinea pigs for the Supreme Priest?"

Those integrity knights who had done many wrong things for the Supreme Priest were furious.

"well...What a mess..."

Bercouli took a sip of wine and shook his head. This really made his head buzz.

He didn't expect them to come like this, but he didn't hate her.

But the same cannot be said for others, especially Alice.

She hated the Supreme Priest for tampering with her memory for his own selfish desires!

But she was also a little lucky. If she hadn't been caught in the first place, she would have had no chance of becoming an integrity knight!

There is no way to protect them!

This time she will protect Eugeo and Kirito! in the real world.

Under Higa Takeru's investigation, Kikuoka finally found the traitor!

If it weren't for the exposure of the light curtain, what would happen next would be unimaginable!

"I hope other countries haven’t noticed it yet...."

"Otherwise, I might have to follow in Sugou’s footsteps...."


【in the screen】

【Cardinal sensed that people outside did not want the inhabitants of this world to be happy....】

【Instead, a world like the Dark Realm was created, where the residents were also born from human fluctuating lights, but they were all violent monsters!】

【Sooner or later, they will invade the human world!】

【Cardinal is ready to seize the authority to eliminate the fluctuating light of the entire world and turn it into nothingness!】

【Kirito agrees to help her, but he will find a way to keep the inhabitants of this world alive...】........ overlordworld

"It seems that people in this world want to create weapons that can be controlled"

"But don’t end up shooting yourself in the foot."

Xiao Di pushed up his glasses. Based on this information, he could deduce why the people in that world created this STL machine.

They wanted to be able to create a killing machine without emotions!

Even he didn't dare to study the soul at will. It's just a human being. You really dare to do anything!........

【in the screen】

【Kirito and Eugeo are planning to break into the Axiom Church and take back Alice's memory!】

【Under Cardinal's gaze, the two stepped out of the library door....】

【I found their respective weapons in the weapons depot, put on new clothes, and started to break into the tower....】

【And the first person they met was the integrity knight who took Alice away!】

【Deusalbad Synthesis Simon! 】

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