A world starting from scratch.

The green-headed uncle's veins popped out, and he wanted to press Cai Yue'ang's head into the melon.

This was the first time I asked him if he wanted to buy an apple.

And what’s more, I still didn’t buy my own fruit in the end.

In a small alley not far away.

The trio of thugs were completely numb. This was the first time they had appeared. It was over. This was how many times they had appeared.

Now that people all over the world know them, will those who have been robbed by them form a group to stop them?

When they thought of this, they were so scared that they moved overnight and went to live in the countryside.

In a tavern somewhere.

Huntress Elsa crushed the wine glass in her hand and her eyes became extremely cold.

"No wonder it feels strange when we meet for the first time. It turns out that you have seen me so many times.~"

"However, if you can be resurrected all the time, can you let me keep cutting you down~"

When she thought of this, Elsa became excited, and she couldn't get tired of cutting her intestines.

In the kingdom.

The sword that patrols daily. Saint Leo looked at Cai Yueang

"If I could see you earlier, would it make you suffer less?"

He also didn't expect that Cai Yue'ang turned out to be a time traveler, which may be the reason why he has a completely different attitude towards himself.

In a deep mountain cave,

Petelgeus, the Sloth Archbishop, rolled his eyelids and roared crazily.

"Oh oh oh ~ Cai Yue Ang ~ you are so arrogant..."

The terrifying screams continued to echo in the cave, and he finally understood why he was able to dodge his own attacks.

Roswaal Mansion

"Ang, I'm sorry!"

Emilia, who was sober, clasped her hands together and kept apologizing to Ang. If it weren't for her, Ang wouldn't have fallen into so many crises.

She is indeed a witch....bring misfortune to others...

And she shouldn't use the name of the Jealous Witch to deceive Natsuki Ang.

These are all her fault, which makes Emilia fall into deep self-blame

"Emilia Tan, don’t take it with you!"

"Even if you don't ask me for help, I will definitely help you."

Ca Yue'ang smiled. Now he doesn't care about his own death at all, even before.

Maybe he is used to death now.......

He just wanted to simply help Emilia. somewhere in the world.

The jealous witch Satella, who should still be sleeping in the sealed crystal, opened her mouth slightly at this time and murmured:"Ang...all...all mine.."

In an instant, thousands of shadows stretched out, covering the sky and the sun.

But it soon disappeared again.

The witches also saw the contents of the light curtain and were extremely shocked, feeling that the world was about to undergo drastic changes.

"This is Satella's power - the return of death!".........

【Screen continues】

【Natsuki Ang, who returned, saw the silver-haired girl on the street and called her Satela. However, this name was the name of the jealous witch, which made the girl very angry....】

【She decided to ignore the person in front of her and left quickly, but the thief Felt snatched her badge away....】

【The girl hurriedly chased after her because the badge was very important to her....】

【However, Cai Yueang knew where the thing was and went to look for Felt. On the way, he met the gangster trio again....】........

"Damn it, stop coming!"

The trio of gangsters were still confused at first as to why they were talking about what they had seen them several times.

It turned out to be because of this. Except for the first time, they were able to gain the upper hand. The second time they accidentally stabbed him, and the next few times they were beaten violently. Especially I will never rob again!........

【in the screen】

【Cai Yueang didn't intend to get involved with them, and successfully called a guard by screaming....】

【However, when they saw someone coming, they became numb....】

【A man with red hair, a sword on his waist, and gorgeous clothes...It turned out to be the Sword Master, and they were so frightened that they ran away in confusion....】

【The red-haired swordsman introduced himself to Cai Yueang, his name was Lai Ao...Inharut is the strongest human being in the contemporary era, a super-powerful...】.......

"What is a big hanging ratio? Does it have any meaning?"

Reinhardt had a puzzled look on his face. He always felt that these three words had some malice towards him.

But he couldn't put it into words. Maybe it was a nickname given to him by the owner of the light screen.

Thinking about it this way, it makes a lot of sense.

As expected. He is perfect!.......

【in the screen】

【Cai Yueang thanked the Juggernaut for his help, left here in a hurry, and came to the stolen goods room again...】

【In the end, the girl came to the stolen goods room through searching, and Ang was also here...】

【Just when the girl was very angry and wanted to use magic to make Felut hand over the badge, Natsuki Ang saw the familiar sword light behind the girl....】

【"Parker! Launch your defense now!"】

【At this critical moment, Parker reacted quickly, deployed his ice shield, and blocked the Kukri attack....】

【"Elf...It's an elf..."】

【Sister Chang kept mumbling and her eyes became sharper. She had never cut an elf's belly before....】

【However, before she could take action, endless ice stones flew towards her in an instant...】

【Sister Chang instantly turned into a block of ice, but due to the magic props she was wearing, the ice block quickly cracked and broke....】

【Parker kept attacking, and Sister Chang had no choice but to keep dodging. The dense ice stones made it impossible for her to get close....】

【Until Parker was about to disappear, a giant icicle shot out. In order to avoid it, Sister Chang pulled it out regardless of her frozen feet, and the skin and flesh were instantly separated....】

【Parker also ran out of magic power and his body gradually disappeared, leaving the girl to deal with Sister Chang alone....】

【"The elf disappeared...What a pity..."】....... overlord the world.

Inside the Great Underground Tomb

"Lord Ainz, this elf is so cute. I think I want one...."

Aura pointed at Parker and was as excited as a 76-year-old child. Although the monsters here are scary, she seems to have never encountered an elf.

"Maybe the elves are hiding somewhere in this world..."

Ainz touched Aura's head, feeling very fond of her. These guardians were his children.

Trying to satisfy the children's wishes is what an old father like him should do

"Lord Ainz, I want it too!"

Albedo took advantage of the situation and leaned forward, looking forward to it.


Ainz smelled the aroma that hit his nostrils, his pupils trembled, and with a green light all over his body, he instantly regained his composure..........

【in the screen】

【Sister Chang froze the bleeding soles with ice cubes, leaving an afterimage on the spot and constantly attacking the girl....】

【Because the speed is too fast, the girl cannot actively attack and can only passively defend....】

【Ang, who was hiding aside, thought of the scene of their death before, and his legs couldn't stop shaking....】

【At this time, Lord Rom stood up and was ready to step forward to help. If this continued, the girl would be defeated sooner or later....】


【The girl's ice shield was split by Sister Chang with a knife, and then kicked on the girl's waist....】

【The powerful force caused her to fly out instantly and land on the handlebar, but she had not yet stood firm....】

【Sister Chang kept spinning in the air, increasing her strength, and then slashed down with a sharp knife...】

【The entire bar was cut in half. The girl accidentally fell to the ground, and the broken wood fell down and submerged the girl....】


【Lord Rom rushed over at this time and violently attacked Sister Chang. However, there was a big gap in strength between them, and they were defeated in just a few moves....】

【When he was being hacked to death, Felt took action to stop the fatal blow....】

【But it was also scratched to the neck, blood spurted out, and he fell heavily to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead....】

【Just when Felt was about to rush forward, Ang stopped her and told her what to do next....】

【Under the cover of Ang, Felut successfully escaped....】


【Sister Chang rushed in with a knife, but she didn't expect that one of her prey would escape. This made her very angry and kept attacking Ang....】

【Because the two of them were fighting together, the girl was unable to take aim immediately, and Ang's injuries became more and more serious....】

【Ang was about to repeat the same trick, but Sister Chang saw through it easily. Instead, he grabbed his ankle and raised the kukri, preparing to chop it down....】

【At this time...】

【"That’s it!"】

【A sound of breaking through the sky came from above, and the roof was broken open by some force, forming a sky full of dust....】

【The smoke dispersed, and a red-haired man stood quietly in front of them....】

【"It was really dangerous just now..."】

【"But it’s really great to catch up...."】

【Lai Aotian just stood there, and the air began to give in unconsciously....】


【"Let's open the curtain on the stage..."】

【Lai Aotian looked at Ang behind him with a smile, apologizing that he was late....】

【But it's okay now...】

【"Black and black decoration, the unique sword of the North Country...Are you a gut hunter?"】

【Sister Chang licked her lips seductively, quite interested in him...】

【Lai Aotian didn't care what she said, but warned her. This was his extreme confidence in his own strength....】

【Although you have a notorious reputation and are feared by others, in front of him, you are just a noob....】

【"I have many questions to ask you, and I hope you will surrender honestly...."】

【Don't say he didn't give Sister Chang a chance...】......

The knights of the kingdom looked at Reinhardt with admiration. This was the strongest swordsman in the world.

Even the Sausage Hunter can't stand up in front of the Sword Master!

"Why do I feel that Reinhardt is pretending to be competitive? Is it my imagination?" Euclius held his chin and murmured.

I wonder if he can learn this kind of temperament that exudes from the inside out. He feels that speaking will be cool.......

【in the screen】

【Sister Chang did not listen to the advice, but took the lead in taking action...】

【"I don't want to be too rude about respecting women...."】

【Lai Aotian did not draw out his sword, but instead took a step forward. The ground instantly cracked, and a powerful shock wave spread rapidly under his feet....】


【Sister Chang was kicked away and rolled several times on the ground. She knelt down and looked at Lai Aotian with fighting intent in her eyes....】

【"True and rumored...No...Stronger than the rumors..."】

【"I don’t know if it meets your expectations..."】

【"Why don't you use that sword on your belt?"】

【Lai Aotian put his hand on the sword and said helplessly:"This sword can only be unsheathed when necessary."..."】

【"If the blade is not unsheathed, it means it is not time yet..."】

【The implication is that this kid dislikes you for being too good and doesn’t want to come out....】

【Lai Aotian picked up the sword beside him, held it in his hand, and looked at Sister Chang quietly. To deal with her, an ordinary sword was enough....】

【"I was really underestimated...."】

【With a hint of anger, Sister Chang kept attacking, but no matter how she attacked, she couldn't make him move a step....】

【When Cai Yueang saw this scene, he thought Lai Aotian had no way to deal with Sister Chang....】

【However...Not really...】

【Because once he takes action, the magic power in the surrounding world will gather towards him, and the magic power used to treat Lord Rom will also be sucked away....】

【Until the girl finished treating the wound on Lord Roma's neck...】

【Caiyue raised her hand and shouted towards Lai Aotian:"Reinhardt! Although I don't understand, go ahead!"】

【Lai Aotian nodded, and suddenly a terrifying magic power condensed around him, and the sword in his hand made a vibrating sound....】

【"Let you experience the sword skills of the Astraea family..."】

【Sister Chang's expression was solemn, and her hand holding the kukri was trembling a little....】

【——『Sausage Hunter: Elsa Granhild】

【——『Family of Sword Masters: Reinhardt Van Astrea】

【The surrounding magic turned into light spots and continued to condense into the sword, gradually turning from blue light to white light. In this dark night, the light was as bright as starlight!】


【Lai Aotian slashed his sword down, and dozens of meters of light pillars enveloped the world. The powerful force formed a violent wind and swept through the space...】


【The dozens of meters in front of Lai Aotian turned into nothing....】

【Cai Yueang was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, he must be the protagonist!】

【"You are really a monster!"】

【"I'm still hurt when you say that, Ang~"】

【Lai Aotian looked at the tattered sword in his hand that was destroyed by his power until it completely turned into ashes and dissipated, and said slightly apologetically:

"Sorry for giving you a hard time...rest in peace..."】

【Sword:"If I am guilty, please let me go back to the old age and be remade...If I have a serious sin, please melt me ​​and add me to other swords...Instead of turning into dregs and ashes in the hands of Lai Aotian..."】

(PS: Today’s three chapters are a bit ghosting, so I’ll check them out tomorrow morning....)

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