Reincarnation in the Slime World

"Blanch! How cruel!"

Cute King Rimuru shook his body and sighed.

"However, this cautious behavior can be learned."

Fortunately, I didn't meet anyone like Seiya when he was reincarnated into this world.

Fortunately, Veldra is a tsundere dragon, otherwise he would have burped when he first came to this world.

Anyway, he is grateful to this world for its love for him....

"Slime from other worlds, have a nice journey..."

Rimuru held Shi's arm with a look of mourning on his face.

"master! Are you OK! Have you been affected?"

Everyone gathered around. After all, the slime in the light curtain was too miserable, and Rimuru was afraid that he wouldn't be able to think about it. Seiya was too cautious, even cutting and finishing, and even the scum was gone when he died.

"fine! fine!"

Rimuru raised his hand, he is not that fragile, not to mention he is in another world.

Then there is no need to worry.

"Gobuta, come with me for a walk. I feel like something happened today...."


The world of men picked up by the gods

"It's okay, no one will hurt you..."

The newly reincarnated Takebayashi Ryoma caressed a group of slimes with a gentle expression on his face.

Slime is so cute, but he is so cruel.

That world is really dangerous.

But this incident also gave him a warning. In his world, slimes are also the weakest and will become the target of many people.

You have to protect your slime!.......

【Screen continues】

【Lista straightened her messy hair and looked at Seiya with a complaining expression....】

【It takes such a harsh attack to deal with a small slime. The Atom Splitting Slash at the beginning had already wiped it out completely....】

【And why his skills can be released without interruption!】

【Just when she was thinking this, she suddenly felt a throbbing, and something terrifying was approaching them!】

【A cold voice sounded behind them...】

【"What an incredible sword intent!"】

【"It's you...This must be the case..."】

【They saw a female demon with a big sword and goat's horns approaching them step by step...】

【The two felt great pressure and shouted:"Who are you!"】

【"I am one of the Four Heavenly Kings directly under the Demon King's Army...Kaios Machina"】

【A drop of cold sweat broke out on Seiya's temple, feeling the powerful aura on her body...】

【They learned from her that the Demon King was actually so cautious and specially sent her to a weaker part of the border!】

【Just for the goddess and the hero who are waiting to come!】

【The Brave and the Demon King...】

【Both sides are as stable as old dogs...】.........

"I thought that brave men were cautious enough, but I didn’t expect that even the Demon King was like this!"

This is the real different world. It doesn't wait for the brave to develop slowly. That's what fools do! Go work! The world of the Demon King.

Maou Sadao looked at the light screen with a blank expression, what a good guy, this Demon King There is something.

I was not as cautious as him at the beginning, and did not even carefully understand human beings.

In comparison, he seems a bit incompetent as a demon king.

"Forget it, don’t think about these things, working is the most important thing!"

Maou Sadao no longer thinks about these things, after all, the matter has passed........

【in the screen】

【Lista nervously asked Seiya what he could do, but when she turned around, Seiya was dumbfounded....】

【"Ran away!!!"】

【Seiya ran away without looking back, not even caring about her as a goddess....】

【"Wait! What are you doing!"】

【Lista spread her legs and ran wildly, following closely behind Seiya!】

【"Wait a minute! Don't abandon the goddess!!!"】

【At this time, Lista was so frightened by Magina behind her that she roared wildly, and her face began to become distorted, like an evil ghost attacking food!】

【The scene is like two evil spirits rushing towards the little sheep...】

【"Hey, retreat temporarily...Quickly open the door to the unified divine world...."】

【Lista reacted instantly, opened the door in front of their escape, and fled quickly...】.......

Shen Yong World

"Lista, this expression is too scary!"

The Goddess of Destruction Valqiulei looked at her hands in horror. She had rubbed something before. She quickly washed them all with holy water.

She vowed never to rub her flesh again!

"I thought she was a good goddess, but she turned out to be an evil god!"

"That expression is scarier than the devil..."

"It’s better to stay away from her a little bit from now on...."

However, some goddesses knew that she was like this and couldn't help laughing.

This is S-class Gaia Brand, the demon king doesn't play by the rules at all.

If it weren't for this brave man's caution, I'm afraid he would have been tricked by Lao Liu as soon as he went to that world........

【in the screen】

【Seiya successfully returned to the Unified God Realm and was ready to do muscle training again!】

【That female demon is several times stronger than slime!】

【Two days later, Lista looked at the world through a crystal ball...】

【The four demon kings, Magina, really went crazy and massacred the villagers. This made Lista extremely anxious and hurriedly went to find Seiya....】

【But Seiya insists on exercising...】

【Lista thought that Seiya was ruthless and afraid of death, so he was unwilling to save the villagers of that world....】

【With tears in her eyes, Lista murmured:"You are really the worst hero...."】

【Seiya didn't get angry because of this, he just said calmly:"If I die, the town will be destroyed."..."】

【"In the end, the world will be destroyed!"】

【"So I can't die!"】

【"You must be well prepared!"】

【What is a brave person? He is someone who can never lose, because once he loses, everything in the world will be over!】.......

Countless people were moved by this, isn't that what a brave person is?

The hope of the world, once he dies, the world will fall into despair.

Even if a country is sacrificed for this, as long as the world is still there, it can be changed!.......

【in the screen】

【Seiya puts on his armor and has a sharp look in his eyes. This time he is ready!】


【They returned to Novice Village again and saved Nina's father who was about to be beheaded!】

【The female devil saw Seiya's abilities through clairvoyance, and couldn't help but be a little shocked....】

【How on earth did he improve so much in a short period of time, even surpassing her!】

【Thinking of this, the female demon deepened her murderous intention towards the brave man and grew too fast!】

【"It seems I have to be more serious..."】

【"The seal is lifted!"】

【The female demon's body instantly expanded several levels, and the aura on her body became even more terrifying!】

【"Let me enjoy it! Brave Lord~"】

【As soon as the female devil finished speaking, an afterimage was left on the spot, and she appeared in front of Seiya in the blink of an eye!】


【The giant sword fell heavily on the sword, making a harsh metal collision sound!】

【The female demon attacked fiercely, and Seiya kept retreating....】

【Faced with the speed and power of the demon, Seiya didn't panic at all, but seemed to be at ease....】

【Seeing that her moves were useless against the hero, the female devil stopped and planned to use her trump card!】

【The devil curses the killing sword!】

【The female demon raised her giant sword and thrust it into her chest, black blood dripping from her split abdomen....】

【The next moment, the giant sword flew away, and black blood gushes out like a fountain, spreading all over the ground....】

【I saw two giant hands protruding from the abdomen, as if some terrifying monster was about to be born from them!】


【The giant hand hit the ground, stirring up smoke and dust...】

【I saw a goat with horns on its head, full of fangs, and a dark body exuding a dark evil aura!】

【This is the true form of Kaios Machina!】........

"I thought she was a fierce female devil...The result is vomit!!!"

Everyone in the world looked at this change and felt their scalps numb. Do demons all sacrifice themselves like this?...

"I guess Seiya is dead this time, but I didn't expect that this demon would still have this trick!"

"I can only pray, the demon army in this world is too stable!"........

【in the screen】

【Lista's legs were trembling with fear. This was beyond the level of a D-level demon!】

【And Seiya’s training time is too short, and he is still far from its opponent....】

【"Brave! You have no chance of winning!"】

【"All it takes is one hit! One blow can separate your body and head!"】


【The devil stomped his feet on the ground, used the force to fly high into the sky, raised his right fist, and dived towards Seiya!】


【The ground cracked instantly, stirring up smoke and dust...】

【Wait until the dust disperses...Seiya actually resisted the devil's fist with one hand...】

【This scene not only frightened the devil, but also confused Lista....】

【Seiya's ability value is obviously much lower than that of the devil, so why can he block it?】

【Lista suddenly thought of something...】

【Seiya used a disguise skill called Fake!】

【The devil does not believe in evil and leaps to the sky to look down at the Holy One...】

【"Then use this trick to solve your problem!"】

【Demon God’s Killing Fist!】

【But before the demon activated its skills, Seiya appeared in front of it instantly, looking at the demon indifferently as it started to panic....】

【Flames are released from the sword...】

【"Take it!"】

【Phoenix Drive!!!】

【A ray of fire moved instantly and penetrated the demon's body...】


【The demon's body decomposed instantly, and monstrous flames covered its body until it was reduced to ashes....】

【One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King's Army has completely fallen!】

【Town residents are excited about this...】


【Seiya swept the demonic remains of Magina together and fell next to the giant sword....】

【Lista looked at this scene and felt like she had seen it before....】

【"Could it be that..."】

【Seiya's face was solemn, he raised his right hand, pointed it at the demon's remains, and roared:"Hell Karma Fire"】


【Hell karma fire! Hell karma fire! Hell karma fire!!!】

【I don’t know how many times in a row I have been fired from the hell karma fire...】

【Flames filled the sky and began to ravage the entire town....】

【Until everything in the town is burned down...】

【Until the devil's ashes disappear completely...】

【Shen Yong felt relieved now...】

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