Reincarnation in the Slime World

"What a touching realization!"The dwarf Kaijin was so moved that he shed tears.

This kind of sacrifice for the determination to protect the town admires him!

"Sir, we will definitely succeed in building a country!"

King Meng nodded, this is certain.

At this time, Kaijin looked around and saw that Zhuna and the others were not around. After confirming that there was no danger, he leaned into Rimuru's ear and whispered:"Master, When will we go to the fairy shop again?"

When Rimuru heard this, Shi's face became shy, and he formed a small hand and patted Kaijin's body.

"Leave now?"

"Really? Then I'll get ready! Kaijin looked excited. As soon as he stood up, he saw Ziyuan standing in front of him with a machete....

"Rimuru-sama, where are you going?"

Zhu Cai stood behind King Meng with a smile on her face, exuding a terrifying aura.

King Meng broke into a cold sweat and said awkwardly:

"Yeah~ the weather is so nice~ let’s go for a walk~"

"a ha ha ha...Ah ha ha...Aha..."


OverLord world

"This mobile fortress is good, much faster than Gao Kang's operation, and it has no health...."

The empty-nest man rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful.

However, it seems difficult to create a mobile fortress. I don't know if it can be created with Nazarick's ability.

I have traveled to this world and have never experienced the combination of technology and magic....

This is an opportunity.......

【Screen continues】

【Because the mobile fortress was already in a shutdown state at this time, everyone successfully entered the fortress....】

【"Hello! The person in charge, come out quickly!"】

【They started to destroy like crazy, trying to force the person in charge out of the mobile fortress!】

【But after they destroyed it for a long time, they found that there was no one inside and it was completely silent!】

【Outside the mobile fortress...】

【Kazuma hugged Megumin and put her aside gently...】

【"Mr. Kazuma...If the braking device can be found..."】

【"Maybe we can stop the explosion...."】

【Wiz still knows a bit about mobile fortresses. As long as he finds the core, he can prevent it from exploding!】

【At this time, the adventurers were completely in a state of madness. They no longer cared about whether there were people around or not, and kept destroying things. It was obvious that they had already taken over....】

【Kazuma and the others stood outside watching this scene and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat....】

【Aqua was a little scared and wanted to leave here. After all, if the destruction continues like this, who knows whether it will suddenly explode....】

【"Look at the situation...Just leave it to them..."】

【"let's go back...Try your best tomorrow..."】

【But Kazuma grabbed Aqua's hand and dragged her towards the mobile fortress....】

【Soon, Dust and the others successfully found the room where the braking device was located....】

【The dark room is airtight, and a strange figure is hidden deep in the room...】

【This is a corpse that has been dried for who knows how many years, lying quietly under the braking device...】

【The hair in the middle of this mummy has long since fallen out, but the hair around it is extremely strong...】....... in the desert

"This old man is really going to find trouble for us!"Kazhen gritted his teeth when he saw this familiar scene.

If it weren't for him...I won’t be charged with treason!.......

【in the screen】

【Aqua was a little surprised to see his state. He didn't even change to the undead. It seemed that he had no memories of his life and died quite happily....】

【They found a diary next to the mummy, which recorded some of his previous events....】

【The country's executives gave him a difficult problem. He wanted to build mobile weapons with a low budget....】.......

The forbidden world.

Inside Academy City

"It seems that he is another scientific researcher who has been driven crazy by the country...."Touma shook his head, getting used to this.

There are too many things used for human experiments in Academy City.

Various experiments are hidden in the dark, and I don't even know about them.

But if you meet him, he will definitely shatter those people's illusions!........

【The scene came to a time when the mummy was still alive. He was standing quietly on the high platform. He was already bald and his face was full of displeasure....】

【"They say power source...What does it have to do with me?..."】

【"If you have the ability, find the legendary Sunstone!"】

【However, with the power of the country, the adventurers successfully brought the Sunstone to the bald man...】

【"I really found it...what to do..."】

【"If you can't do this, you'll be sentenced to death...."】

【At this time, the bald man was in a panic. He was just talking nonsense before. He didn't know anything and wanted to make the country retreat....】

【But he still relied on his genius mind to successfully build the mobile fortress!】

【"Please, move!"】

【With the bald man's full expectation, the mobile fortress successfully moved, but what he didn't expect was that the mobile fortress went berserk....】

【"Ruined...Going on a rampage..."】

【"The country is destroyed...not good..."】

【"Destroyed...Really bad~"】

【But the bald man doesn’t blame himself much for destroying the country...】

【Standing in the mobile fortress, looking at the Magic Kingdom that turned into a sea of ​​fire below, he smiled sincerely....】

【"Feeling a little cool~"】


【"good...I made a decision!"】

【"Just spend the rest of my life here..."】

【"Because I can't go down...I can't stop either..."】

【"Whoever made this thing is absolutely retarded!"】

【The bald man turned around and looked behind him, with a confused look on his face, and pointed at himself....】

【"Huh? ? ?"】

【"It seems like I am the one who made this..."】

【In the end, the rampaging mobile fortress turned the entire Magic Kingdom into scorched earth. The once prosperous and powerful Magic Kingdom was destroyed overnight....】........

Countless people from all over the world saw this and were speechless....

I was really shocked by this person.

"Damn it! You must never mess with the scientific research boss in the future!"

"fart! Is that the boss?"

"That's a national treasure!"

Under the oppression of the country, a mobile fortress was developed in a short time!

What a terrifying person this must be to do such a thing!

Uncle Snake:"This guy has a really good mind. If you can help me, I will. alright."

Amado:"I think he must be a more genius than me, and he is at the forefront of technology...."

Pandora's Actor:"Oh~Sbarasi~"

Dr. Agasa:"I hope the research data can be made public."...share..."

Franky:"I wonder if the Sunshine can be turned into a mobile fortress...."

People from all over the world are getting more and more ready to move, just for the sake of technology.......

【in the screen】

【Aqua calmly closed the diary slowly...】


【Kazuma roared at the mummy:

"Don't underestimate me!"】

【They looked at the violent corona stone embedded in the wall...】

【As long as it is destroyed, the crisis will be successfully resolved....】

【At Wiz's suggestion, I prepared to use teleportation magic, but Wiz's magic power was a bit insufficient....】

【So, Wiz prepared to absorb the magic power in Kazuma's body...】

【She raised her slender hand, gently pressed Kazuma's cheek, and said with a shy face:"Can you let me suck it?"】

【Kazuma has always taken this kind of request very seriously....】

【"my pleasure!"】


【"Me too..."】

【"bring it on!!!"】

【Kazuma closed his eyes and murmured in his heart:


I want to become an adult in another world..."】


【Two rays of purple light appeared in Wiz's hand, and the magic power in Kazuma's body was instantly sucked away....】

【Aqua was surprised for a moment, but then she became extremely frightened and shouted quickly:

"Wait! Kazuma is going to become a human and fuck him!!!"】

【Wiz reacted, loosened his grip, and Kazuma fell heavily to the ground....】


【In the end, the rampaging Corona Stone was successfully teleported away by Wiz....】

【But the mobile fortress began to become extremely hot....】

【The heat accumulated in the machine explodes the moment the coronastone leaves....】

【If this continues, the whole town will be reduced to a sea of ​​flames....】

【In order to allow Wiz to use explosion magic, Kazuma took Aqua's hand and instantly activated the skill to absorb the magic in her body....】

【But since Aqua’s magic power is sacred power, Wiz can’t use it at all....】

【At this time, the cockscomb-headed uncle appeared in front of everyone with Huihui on his back....】

【The cockscomb-headed man hugged his chest, gave a thumbs up, and said loudly:

"Only one chance...I bet on your glory!"】

【Through Kazuma's skills, the magic power in Aqua's body is continuously transported into Megumin's body....】

【Megumin chanted, and several magic arrays appeared in the sky above the mobile fortress....】

【This area was dyed deep red by the magic circle, as if you were in a magma world...】

【"Darkness shrouded in light..."】

【"Explosive flames hidden in the night..."】

【"Let’s not mention anything else for now! Only explosion magic! I don't want to lose to anyone!"】


【"My ultimate magic!"】



【The earth trembled, the flames of the explosion rushed into the sky, and endless smoke and dust were rolled up to form a huge mushroom cloud!】

【This is the best explosive magic yet!】

【A burst of white light flashed...】

【The most authentic and beautiful pictures of nature are displayed in the light curtain...】

【Although this battle is far different from the imagined adventure,...】

【The trial between ghost Kazuma and his useless teammates has just begun....】

【The scene ends abruptly...】

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