Seeing that Chitose and Tachibana didn't know, Tezuka immediately explained:"The so-called omniscience is the eighth consciousness, the only side that is not affected by the fragile factors in the heart!"

"I can’t tell you exactly, you just need to know that this is a very powerful force!"


On the court, Oni frowned, probably not expecting that what Kurosaki was hiding was the power of Wuwuji.

Although Ghost has never seen this power, he has heard of Wuwuji.

A very scary force.

It is rumored that this power can even allow people to produce several attack forms, which is what was manifested in Kurosaki before.

Thinking of this, Oni was very energetic, but he did not immediately activate Onishin, because he knew that even if Onishin was activated, if he could not see through Kurosaki's actions, he would not be able to fight back.

After all, if you can't even touch the ball, there's no point in fighting back. boom!

Kurosaki serves.

Immediately, Wuwu-Consciousness was activated again.

Different from the Asura Shinto, after turning on Wuwuji, you can see that Kurosaki has a very strong black aura around him. This black aura has even reached the point of being substantial, forming a black field..

The next moment.

In that black field, Kurosaki transformed into five people again, each pointing in a completely different direction.

"Again ignorant!"

Looking at the five people who emerged again, the expressions of the high school students who were watching changed.

Although they had seen this scene before, they were still shocked when they saw it again.

This scene was really amazing!

One person divided into five, and each one showed an attack form.

This is simply an unsolvable move.

On the court, Gui's brows were also frowning, but he was not as panicked as others, on the contrary, his eyes were fixed He stared at Kurosaki who had divided into five people.

He naturally knew how powerful Wuwuji was, but at the same time, he also knew that as long as he could see through Kurosaki's attack, he could see through Wuwuji.

Thinking of this, Ghost He also lowered his body and entered absolute defense.

But in the next moment, Kurosaki's attack swept over him.


The tennis ball directly tore the ghost's vision and hit him hard behind him.


"Once again, the ghost couldn't even move!"

"This is indeed unbelievable!"

Around, countless high school students were exclaiming, but those who knew the power of Wuwuji were not surprised by this scene. This is a legendary power that can even allow the players themselves to derive a variety of attack forms.

This kind of power is unique. It is said that it is a ghost, even for professional players. It is quite threatening. If the ghost can't move

, there is nothing you can do! To be precise, it is not that the ghost is weak, but that Wuwuji is too strong.

On the court, the ghost frowns, as for his eyes He stared at Kurosaki opposite him

"Until the moment the ball is hit, there will be five attack forms. Is this Wuwushi?"

The ghost's eyes narrowed slightly.


This is a quite terrifying power.

No wonder no ignorant player has appeared in so many years.

"Do you want to see through all knowledge? Then try it and see if you can do it!"

Kurosaki grinned and shot out again.

Then, at the moment when the tennis ball was hit back by the ghost, Kurosaki once again used his ignorance to divide into five people.


The five people came out and went towards the ghost to kill.

As for the ghost, his eyes were fixed on the five people who emerged at that moment. Since the five attack forms will be reflected until the moment the tennis ball is hit, if he wants to fight back, he can only see through these. Which of the five attack forms is Kurosaki's true attack form?

This thought flashed through his mind, and the ghost's eyes scanned the five people divided into each other one by one by Kurosaki's activation of unconsciousness.

As a The military commander even defeated the existence of Byodoin. The ghost's insight was also extremely strong. In an instant, he saw through three people.

However, the ghost did not relax his vigilance because of this. On the contrary, he stared at the only two remaining people. personal

"There are two more, which one will attack?"

In desperation.

Ghost could only guess blindly, and he rushed towards one of the people's attack route.

But he guessed wrong.

The tennis ball was hit by Kurosaki to his other side.



"Lost points again!"

Seeing this, the expressions of many high school students present also changed.

How could they have imagined that the invincible ghost in their hearts would be scored frequently by a junior high school student.

Saito, standing there on the stone steps, said slowly:" What a terrifying ability! Unexpectedly, even a character like Oni would be in trouble!"


Kurobe smiled and said:"After all, this is a power that even professional players are quite afraid of, and the ghost's strength is still far away from the professional level, how can it be resisted!"


Saito nodded.


Even professional players are quite afraid of Wuwuji.

It's normal for ghosts to be in trouble.

Thinking of this, he also looked at the man with long red hair in the field again. The domineering shadow.

What a terrifying guy!

The power that no one has mastered for decades has been mastered by Kurosaki.

Should I say that this guy is indeed terrifying?

Even he did not expect that this Japanese junior high school would be so powerful. Such a terrifying existence was born.

And such a terrifying Kurosaki was only Kunichi.

Thinking about it is shocking


On the court, Kurosaki stood there with a racket on his shoulder and said domineeringly:"Not bad! I actually recognized three people in an instant, but if I can't recognize five people, I can't fight back!""

"rest assured! I will recognize them all!"

The ghost said in a deep voice

"Really? Then I’ll wait and see!"

Kurosaki grinned and spun around to fight out again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for the ghost, although he tried his best to see through the unconscious Kurosaki, with his insight It was obviously difficult for him to identify five people in a short period of time.

Therefore, the next goal was also directly scored by Kurosaki.


In the first game, Oni didn't even get a point.

This scene was seen by the surrounding high school students in the training camp, making their eyes slightly startled.[]

The invincible ghost in their hearts didn't even get a ball in the hands of this kid.

"This guy!"

For a moment, the high school students present also looked at the domineering figure opposite the ghost.

What kind of monster is this kid?

"Is this the strength you have now? Kurosaki!"

In the first army, Yuezhi standing there also had shock in his eyes.

There is not a strong word to describe it.


After 1-0, the two sides exchanged venues.

As they passed by, Kurosaki smiled at the ghost and said,"Use that! You are no match for me with such strength!"

"You don’t need to tell me that I can do it too!"

The ghost snorted coldly.

Although he knew that if he couldn't see through Kurosaki's ignorance, even activating the ghost would be useless, but next was his serve game. In this game, he had the upper hand, but he could activate the ghost. to launch an attack.

After all, he doesn’t want Kurosaki to keep winning like this.

This is not his Oni Jujiro’s style either.


After the venue was exchanged, the ghost took out a tennis ball from his pocket.

Looking at the ghost who was about to serve, Saito also smiled and said:"Kurosaki won the game so easily. If nothing else happens, the ghost will probably launch the next one!"

He knew the ghost, even now He hasn't seen through the clues yet, but he won't let Kurosaki continue to lead like this.


Kurobe nodded.

He naturally knew what Saito was talking about.

The power of another dimension sleeping in the body of ghosts.

Ghosts and gods!

This is also the most powerful power of ghosts.

It first appeared in the battle at the Peace House. At the last moment, Oni inspired the power of another dimension that was dormant in his body, and directly hit Byodoin's head with a ball.

Although Oni triggered it unconsciously that time, in the following years, Oni gradually Mastered this power.

Now he can completely control the power of ghosts and gods from another dimension.

…… boom! boom!

On the court, the ghost patted the tennis ball. Different from before, he could see an astonishing surge of evil energy on his body at this moment.

To be precise, it's ghost energy.

Tezuka, Fuji and others also noticed this, and they immediately frowned.

What an amazing evil spirit.

Even standing outside the field, they can feel it

"It seems that the previous confrontation was not the full strength of the other party!"

Fu Er frowned.


Tezuka nodded. He was not surprised. After all, the opponent was the No. 1 in the army and the strongest man in Japan's U17. His strength must be unfathomable.

Unlike Tezuka and the others, Irie, who was standing among the high school students, looked at him with eyes. Yi Ning

"Are you going to use that?

…… boom! boom!

On the court, the ghost tapped the tennis ball a few times and then grabbed it. In his fierce eyes, the endless ghost energy continued to sound.

"Although I didn’t expect you to have mastered the power of Wuwuji, I, Oni Jujiro, am not a vegetarian!"

"Next, let me show you my tennis!"

A low voice sounded from the court. The next moment, the ghost threw the tennis ball into the air.


The racket fell and collided with the tennis ball.

In an instant!

The tennis ball he hit disappeared. In everyone's field of vision.

Then, it suddenly zoomed in in front of Kurosaki.

At the same time, the shadow of a ghost and god wearing armor was reflected in everyone's sight.

The ghost and god stood proudly, as if they had walked out of hell. Like a demon, it captures the heart and soul.

This scene fell into the eyes of Tezuka, Fuji, Atobe and others, making their pupils shrink.

"Ghosts... ghosts and gods!"

"What kind of river is this!".

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