Just moving his arm slightly gave him the illusion that he had been chopped....?

Alice's body went cold. This method was unheard of. Although she was not injured on the surface, she could really feel that the man in front of her was as strong as a monster!

How could there be such a guy? Why had I never heard of his name before? Why would such a strong man suddenly appear in this place!

What is the reason for all this!

At this time, Alice has fallen into deep fear.

But at this moment, the onlookers' voices criticizing"June 23" reached Alice's ears in an extremely harsh way.

"What is she doing?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes, I've been doing some strange actions since the beginning. It's very strange."

"Could it be that the princess is afraid?"

However, the audience never experienced her feelings. They only saw that Alice had been dodging from just now, as if she was crazy.

Could it be said that the princess is crazy?!

"It's really disappointing."

Along with the discussion that came from nowhere, Alice's face instantly turned ferocious!

From a young age, she has been a myth in other people's mouths! She is an undefeated myth, and is someone else's family in the mouths of other parents. The child is the eldest princess that everyone admires but admires!

It felt good to be praised and praised at first, but as she grew up, Alice gradually realized one thing.

She...It seems like I can’t lose.

The long-term praise has slowly turned into a burden. As long as she fails once, she will fall off the altar, but as long as she works hard, she will be fine.

As long as she doesn't let others down, Alice thought.

However, the truth is always so cruel.

In just one month, she has failed three times.

The monsters she couldn't kill were eliminated with one blow by the mysterious woman from the Shadow Garden who suddenly appeared.

The academy was invaded by the religious group. Although the enemy set up a barrier to absorb magic power, in the final analysis, she could only stand aside and watch.

And this time...The same goes for the War God Festival.

The Holy Cult colluded with the Order, but after telling her father, she didn't expect that the other party told her to stand still. This obviously did not trust her strength.

Yes, I have let my father down for long enough....

No!!! Definitely can't disappoint you again!

"boom——!!!", Alice completely exploded!

She looked ferocious and roared, no matter what was just an illusion or real, she wanted to kill everything, and now she had to prove herself!

The scarlet magic power surged crazily, but just when the slash was about to land, Alice was shocked! because...Where did his sword go?

Alice's pupils shrank, and she was confused. She clearly saw the sword in Sid's hand just now!

But at this time, he strangely retracted the scabbard!

Is it an illusion?!

Yes, that’s right, that must be the case!

This is all an illusion set up by this guy. It looks like the sword is in the scabbard, but in fact the sword is in his hand!


All this is just Alice's imagination.

It turned out that Sid had never drawn his sword from the beginning to the end. In his opinion, there was no need to draw his sword to deal with Alice.

It's not that the other party is too weak, it's because now, in this last time!

He wants to use the most pretentious way to deal with the strongest existence, as Jimmy!

There's nothing more pretentious than defeating an enemy with your bare hands, right? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The moment Alice rushed over, Sid grabbed her and subdued her to the ground. Then he slowly pulled out his sword, his expression cold and boring. opened his mouth.....

"What's wrong? Is this just the beginning? Alice"

"boom——!", thunder flashes, and the roar echoes in everyone's heart.

But at this moment, everyone was shocked by what happened so quickly.

"How...How can it be!" Duaim was shocked!

Even the elf holy swordsman below cannot achieve this kind of strength!

His purpose here is to cause a war between the two countries. On one side is Alice's father, King Midgar. On one side is Rose's father, King Oriana.

He originally planned to use King Oriana, who had become a puppet, to kill the king of Midgar when the high-profile Alice came on the scene.

But now, all this has 1.4 The opponent was interrupted!

Such a strong guy is still an unknown strongman who has never appeared before. Du Aim will not believe that the opponent is just showing off in the competition!

He must have other purposes!

Du Aim is very worried , he stared at Jimmy played by Sid, frowning.

But at this moment, there was a noise around him, and Duaim came back to his senses.

His expression suddenly became happy!

The person who came was actually Roz! []

This guy actually threw himself into a trap!

What a perfect path! Hahahahahahahaha!

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