

【"Ah ah ah, it’s really not me, please forgive me." In the cold prison, Sid cried bitterly and begged for mercy loudly.】

【Even Sid himself complained a little. He obviously has great strength, but he likes to pretend to be a weakling.】

【But isn’t this what ordinary people are like? well! One gram of oil!】

【In the prison, Sid was slandered as the prisoner who kidnapped the princess, but he couldn't fight back, and even scolded him with"one six three". In order to be more realistic, he even pretended to be greedy for life and afraid of death. beg for mercy】

【Seeing such a boring Sid, even the knights who enjoyed torturing people lost interest. They handed Sid's report to the princess's sister, the strongest magic swordsman in the capital!】

【They had tortured Sid for three days and three nights, but there was not even a clue about the princess. In the end, only Sid came into contact with him, but the ugly appearance of the other party was obviously not the real murderer!】

【After some analysis, Alice decided to kill SidLet him go when the time comes, and then send someone to monitor him secretly.】

【After all, except for the other party, no one has contact with his sister now. He would rather kill her by mistake than let her go!】

【In this way, the Knights threw Sid out directly. Although he looked very embarrassed, he enjoyed the experience of these few days.】

【As expected of me, this kind of acting is simply not something ordinary people can perform, right?】

【Although a healing spell can restore it, he won't do it. It's obvious that someone is watching nearby, and once he does it, he will be exposed.】

【Sid glanced at the two people in the dark, and then chose to ignore them.】

【On the street, Sid was walking in a miserable state, and everyone he met showed expressions of sadness, pity, and laughter, until Sid passed by a figure wearing a hat, and his eyes changed slightly.】

【But it was only for a moment that Sid returned home. When he opened the door, a blond girl came into view.】

【It turns out that the person she met just now was her subordinate Alpha!】

【After receiving her contact, So Sid rushed back】

【The girl was wearing a jk suit. She handed the burger in her hand to Lord Shadow, and softly reported her experience during this period to Lord Shadow. It turned out that in order to have the power to fight against the Diavolo Order, Alpha has been growing its organization in the past two years!】

【Now we have far more power than we had back then!】

【However, Sid still doesn't care about the Order. He is even a little surprised that the girls are still playing with him according to the settings, but this also makes Sid, who is enjoying it, not point it out.】

【Gradually, the two got to the point. Alpha already knew about the kidnapping of the princess. The murderer was none other than their old enemy, the Diablo Cult, in order to obtain a high concentration of hero blood!】

【Due to the constant supply of blood, there is no doubt that the princess is still alive.0】

【At this point, Alpha couldn't help but become jealous. After listening to the report from his subordinates, he found out that the princess was Sid's girlfriend at school.】

【"It’s not a romantic relationship at all, right?", Sid sighed helplessly. If a hot woman hadn't tempted him with money, he would have given up long ago!】

【And Sid's simple explanation also made Alpha breathe a sigh of relief.】

【Yes, with Shadow's low-key personality, he obviously won't date the princess.】

【The Shadow Garden will launch an operation tonight and Sid will be notified when it is ready.】

【At the same time, on the other side - in the dark and cold dungeon!】

【A head of white hair, eyes with hollowness and numbness] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【At this moment, Princess Alexia is already numb, because she has to have her blood drawn by a madman every day. The reason is that her blood can revive some demon god, but since it is still in the experimental stage, she needs to continue to provide it. 3.5 blood to create medicine that can resurrect the devil!】

【madman! A complete lunatic!】

【Looking at the non-human and ghostly existence beside her, the princess already knew that the rod was just like herself, a mutilated white mouse.】

【That is far beyond my own emptiness and numbness!!!】

【On the other side, Sid had been waiting for a long time. He raised his glass elegantly and looked at the visitor.】[]

【"Lord Shadow!"]

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