【At this moment, this man finally appeared on the stage. Not only Sakyamuni was confused, but even other spectators present had no idea what was going on. This behemoth suddenly appeared in front of everyone. At that moment, both humans and gods were shocked】

【"Who is this guy? It seems that this is not the stance of a god. There is an evil aura all over the body."】

【"That's right, a guy I've never seen before"】

【It was at this moment that they realized that this guy was not a god. It was now that a light word came into the ears of the gods. When they reacted, they realized that this man appeared in front of them. It really makes me completely panic】

【The god who came here in"One One Three" is Hades, the king of Hades. In various myths, the entire myth is divided into three levels, and in this state there are only three states: the human world, the divine world and the underworld.】

【The one who appears here is the King of the Underworld】

【There are also legends in the underworld. When the white light and the dark shadow completely merge, the corner of the underworld will awaken and give birth to endless darkness.】

【And the guy who appears here is the so-called Demon King Hashun formed after the fusion.】

【"In other words, is the appearance of Bo Xun your work?"】

【The main god standing next to Hades asked, and at this moment Hades' indifferent answer made them completely scared and broke into a cold sweat.】

【"This is also the first time I have seen him, and he was once called a god, but now he has become like this. This kind of thing is also more concerning to me."】

【But now, suddenly faced with the new body wave, it seems that he has not fully adapted to it. At this moment, at this moment, Sakyamuni changed his past cynical style and returned to his original serious state. 】 One Piece


Kaido of the Hundred Beasts was completely shocked when he saw this state. This guy looked exactly like himself, with two feet on his head, a huge body, and very burly.

He looks like the God of Death. I have really seen such a state. I am not afraid at all. Even a god can kill him.

【And at this moment, a huge blade grew out of Bo Xian's arm, and he slashed directly at the opposite Sakyamuni, who raised his dagger to defend. At this moment, the weapons of both sides began to shoot out huge sparks】

【The powerful force burst out in the high-speed attack state. At this moment, the battlefield began to change again, but this time he had completely felt that Sakyamuni was completely different from before.】

【To a certain extent, it seems that I am simply unable to withstand such a state.】

【His defense itself is not very easy, because he has no way to use his consciousness to predict Bo Xun's attack trajectory. This guy simply cannot make any judgment through the trial of the soul trajectory, because this Guy seems to have no soul at all】

【And when he used this ability to look at Bo Xun, he discovered that his whole body was pitch black, and indeed there was no soul at all.】

【Under this high-speed attack, Sakyamuni's arm was cut with a wound, and the sword blade in his hand was bent.】

【And stabbed in the direction of Sakyamuni again, slashing at Sakyamuni from behind. At this moment, Sakyamuni raised his right foot and kicked Bo Xun directly in the stomach. Go, I didn't expect that it wouldn't work at all in this state, but I used the force to fly backwards and raised the dagger above my head, barely dodging this move.】

【But he has completely felt the weakness of his body when fighting this guy. He simply cannot continue fighting in this state, because he knows very well that this man is very powerful.】

【At this time, Bo Xun's right hand also began to change. The arm began to gradually bulge, and the blade gradually softened, turning into a thin strip of tentacles. He made fists with both hands, and at this time, he finally burst out with a strong shout.】

【"God damn it!"] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Then Bo Xian's eyes were very cold, revealing a strong murderous intent. His left arm began to rotate at high speed, and at this moment, a huge whirlwind was completely formed wherever it went, even twisting the surrounding stones..】

【It was as if the drill-shaped left arm became even larger at this moment, and then with a powerful impact, it rushed towards the position of Sakyamuni in the front.】

【"The devil rushes back to the sky!"】

【Then with a powerful impact, even greater power finally broke out at this moment. At the moment when the drill bit was less than 1 meter away from Sakyamuni, the family's dagger instantly transformed into a huge shield.】

【"The Shield of Seven Difficulties and Imminent Destruction"】

【He barely managed to block this move, but after the aura of destruction was generated, smoke gradually began to appear. The smoke gradually dissipated, and Bo Xian's blade began to gradually retract, with blood still on it.】

【"What happened?"】

【All the spectators present began to be completely shocked, until the disgust dissipated, and the sight in front of them completely shocked them.】

【Sakyamuni's shield was completely penetrated at this moment, forming a huge hole, and the blade just hit Sakyamuni's left eye directly. He is still bleeding to this day. Bo Qun is here He grinned, looking very proud.】

【The mouth is quite big. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Sakyamuni avoided the attack. Otherwise, this move would have completely destroyed Sakyamuni's entire head.】

【The ax appeared again on Bo Xun's left hand, and he began to fly towards Sakyamuni. At this moment, he seemed to have completely inherited all the abilities of the original Ling Fu 4.8, and even completely surpassed Ling Fu.】

【It was at this moment that they began to realize how powerful these guys were. The dagger in Sakyamuni's hand deformed again to resist. The collision between the two sides was clearly visible. At this moment, Sakyamuni Mani is no longer what he was just now】

【He still seemed a little powerless now, but it had to be said that Buddha was Buddha after all. He seized the opportunity to hold the dagger in his hand at this moment, and slashed towards Bo Xun's neck with one sword.】

【But now, blood spurted out, the blue sword energy crossed his head, and sure enough, the wound gradually appeared in front of his eyes. 】

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