【At this moment, at this time, You Tai had just started training, and when fighting the woman in front of him, he had already shown his super high fighting talent.】

【At first, it seemed that it was very difficult to fight against such a powerful opponent. The two of them fought back and forth, back and forth, until now they couldn't tell the winner.】

【Finally now, he seized the gap and prepared to attack at this time. Maki subconsciously chose to defend and counterattack, but she showed great courage on the right side of her body】

【Just when Youtai thought he had completely succeeded, he didn't expect that he would do a backflip and avoid the vertical slash. The vertical slash didn't work at all, and the horizontal slash didn't work at all, but he could see"five six three" When he came out, his posture was messed up.】

【"His posture was messed up, he took action when he landed on the ground"】

【Why didn't you think of that? Now Maki actually took advantage of the downward force and fell down directly with a knife. She was hit empty again, and when she reacted】

【He really didn't expect that there was such a method. Then he clamped his body with just a scissor kick, twisted him violently, and pushed him to the ground.】

【I didn’t expect that after fighting to such an extent, I still lost.】

【"Okay, you're dead, I win again"】

【"By the way, I've already lost. Was that last hit on me just now still necessary?"】

【"Don't act like a spoiled brat, treat every training session as actual combat, that is, you have to suffer a little bit in order to grow faster."】

【"That's right. I am"】

【"Come on, let's have another round"】

【He has set his goal. He wants to lift Li Xiang's curse, so that he can completely untie his knot. The battle between the two is still going on and has never stopped.】

【"It has been three months since Youtai came to the high school. His movements have become much more flexible, and his personality seems to be becoming more positive. Maki was also very happy. After all, there are very few people who can practice weapons with him."】

【When he thought of this, the giant panda was immediately stunned. He seemed to have completely forgotten something during his self-study. Sure enough, he was now shouting You Tai's name loudly.】

【"Come here quickly, come here, I have something to tell you"】

【"What's going on, panda?"】

【"Let me tell you a super important thing: are you a big R fan or a micro R fan?"]



Pirate World.

When Nami saw the panda's sudden question, she was completely messed up on the boat. The air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder, and her own anger had begun to gradually fade away. I'm hooked, what is this? Why are you asking such a thing all of a sudden?

"Damn it, what on earth is this panda pervert doing? Should I ask such a stupid question at this time?"

【"I haven't even noticed this kind of thing. Do you really want to ask this kind of question now? I guess I like big ones just like most people!"】

【After the panda heard this, he was spinning around in excitement, and then he looked at Qi Qi with a very firm look on his face, and expressed that Maki might be in trouble.】

【This whole thing is completely a philosophical gesture!】

【"You guy, what the hell is this misunderstanding about? Be careful I'll kill you"】

【"Don't be shy, I'm not a primary school student anyway"】

【The other side. It was time to fully execute the mission, and this time I was assigned to perform the mission with Inujuan. This time I also came here to escape the curse, and only now did I really understand Inujuan's ability. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Although the powerful mantra called the power of mantras can perform some powerful effects of speaking magic words, it puts a huge load on his own mantra and throat, so he also carries throat medicine with him.】

【"In short, if there are unclean things in the place you paid for, it will be very troublesome. Now please let us get rid of all the curses here as soon as possible!"】

【The teammates who came with them put down their tents at this time.】

【The entire sky, this independent area, turned into a very dark state. When they came to this dark space, they found that everything had changed. There was green light walking around, and the environment was eerie and terrifying. Scenes I have never seen before 0.】

【Standing here makes people feel shuddering. Although it was a group of low-level curses, I always felt a bad premonition. The two of them walked towards the front, gradually taking in the depths.】

【But they didn't feel any danger. There couldn't be anything there. Just when the two of them looked back, they found a fish frozen beside them. It seemed that they were still muttering about what they had been doing during their lives. What was said. Isn't this on land? Why can I suddenly encounter fish in the sea?】

【When they came to their senses, they discovered that thousands of fish began to gather in one place, and then formed a huge squid group. The weaker the sphere they formed, the more curses like to talk about swarms. It finally comes true now】

【"Even though it is very weak, the number is too much, right?"】

【At this moment, he saw Inujuan standing next to him, finally pulled off his scarf, and slowly walked towards the front. Yigu Youtai was completely stunned. If he could rely on Too close, but it will be dangerous】

【"Destroy it!"】

【With just one sentence, a strong explosion began to occur around them, and the huge airflow generated began to penetrate the bodies of all the fish, and then the huge fish sphere was blown up in less than three seconds. 3.4 When combined, thousands of fish were completely blown up, and not a single one survived.】

【At this time, he finally realized the power of this man. But he also realized that this guy's voice was already hoarse after just one move.】

【"That’s why you choose to buy throat medicine, right? It is very powerful, but the side effects are also great. Who can control such a guy with such a powerful force?"】

【Looking around again, I thought that the curse here had been completely eliminated, but what I didn't expect was that until now, there was still no change. The tent has still not been pulled down, which means that there seem to be other curses in this area. 】

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