【The moment the girl's tears fell on the gem, everything around her changed, and a twisted space formed in an instant.】

【What the whole story revealed was actually darkness, and countless totems like musical notes were printed in front of Kyoko.】

"This video looks so depressing, it makes me feel very uncomfortable"

"Forget it, why don't you continue watching?"

After hearing what Meliodas said, Elizabeth did not agree, but chose to continue watching the video. After all, these stories are not over yet, so he is very concerned about what happens next.

【Sayaka, who fell from the sky, seemed to have lost consciousness at this time, or in other words, he now clearly understood what he needed.】

【But no matter what he did, he still couldn't achieve any satisfaction. The world was still as dark as before. He seemed to have given up resistance and survival at this time.】


【Accompanied by Kyoko's shout, at this moment Kyoko suddenly rushed forward, tightened the spear in her hand, and aimed at the witch in the front. The witch simply opened her eyes and waved her body. arms, endless explosions have appeared around】

【Barely dodging one move after another, he continued to rush forward, but at the moment he was flying into the sky, he directly caught Sayaka with one hand, but at the same time, the witch A terrifying face also appeared in front of Kyoko】

【Howling for the rest of her life, Kyoko turned around, but Sayaka had completely lost consciousness】

【"what? What the hell are you 10? What did Sayaka do?"】

【At this moment, countless orbits seemed to appear around, and at this time, the explosions continued to come one after another, and a strong air flow was generated behind it, causing the entire space to be completely torn apart, but at this moment Kyoko was still When I could no longer think of a solution, a familiar voice came from beside me.】

【"Back off!"】

【As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the girl and found that it was actually Homura. At this moment, Homura instantly disappeared in front of Kyoko, and then a high-explosive grenade appeared in the air.】

【The moment he came into contact with the witch, there was an explosion, followed immediately by countless airflows. This huge airflow drove the surrounding smoke, making everything around him completely confused.】

【When Kyoko stared ahead with wide eyes, Homura, who was standing at the front, stretched out her hand.】

【"grab my hand"】


【"Leave it alone"】

【And now Kyoko didn't pay much attention to it. When she grabbed the hand, the gears around her suddenly started to rotate, and now time stopped. The witch standing in front of her had no movement, and everything around her stopped. This is where everything stops】

【"If you let go of my hand, your time will stop. careful"】

【"What the hell is going on? What is that witch?"】

【"The person who was once called Miki Sayaka"】

【"Haven't you seen it all? Want to escape? If you don't want to, just throw away the extra luggage and kill the witch now."】

【After hearing these words, Kyoko seemed to understand part of the matter.】

【But if it can be done, then it is estimated that killing the witch will also lead to the death of Sayaka.】

【"Throw away that burden, you will only be holding yourself back now. Retreat for now"】

【The two people stepped on the track above, and finally the light caught their eyes. At this time, the poem still stopped turning on the other side. They finally left this twisted world and returned to reality at the same time.】

【In the entire dark city, Madoka was alone in this dark station. He was very depressed and walked alone on the track.】

【Looking up, I saw two familiar guys in front of me. When I looked closer, I realized that in front of me were Kyoko, who was holding Sayaka, who had fallen asleep, and Homura next to her.】

【"Sayaka, Sayaka, what happened to him?"】

【At the same time, Homura ran over at this moment and found that the soul stone on Sayaka was gone. When asking, Homura next to him seemed to feel that something was not right. Things between the two of them were still unresolved. Still not resolved】

【"The witch was born after his soul consciousness turned into the Seed of Lament and was destroyed."】

【"That's a lie, right?"】

【Madoka was completely disappointed, and he knelt on the ground limply.】

【"This is the truth, and that is the last secret of the time of the soul. When this gem becomes stained and turns black, we will become seeds of lamentation and reincarnate as witches."】

【"And this is the fate that anyone who becomes a magical girl can never escape."】

【The tram passed by in the distance, and now he was standing in front of these two people. He seemed to be unable to accept everything that happened from beginning to end. His senior sister died tragically in front of him and was eaten by a witch.】

【At this time, his best friend Sayaka was reincarnated into a witch-like monster that eats people.】

【"It's a lie, right? Is this thing a lie?"】

【"Why why does it become like this? She obviously wanted to seek justice, and she became a magical girl because of her thoughts."】

【At this moment, she could no longer accept this kind of thing, because now something even more unacceptable had happened.】

【"She bears a curse equivalent to that prayer. As many people as she has saved, she will assassinate as many people as she wants from now on."】

【At this time, Kyoko slowly put Sayaka on the ground. Her anger could no longer keep her rational. He turned around suddenly and grabbed Homura's collar.】

【"Who do you think you are? Want to call yourself a jack of all trades? Why do you speak so triumphantly? That guy is very popular with Sayaka. Sayaka's good friend"】

【"This time you finally understand. What does the thing you long for really look like? Since you brought the body back specially, let’s take care of the aftermath."】

【Corpse? Madoka subconsciously touched his body at this time, and it turned out that it had become completely stiff. At this time, she completely collapsed and cried bitterly.】

【"If you throw it anywhere, it will cause trouble."】

【"Are you still human?"】

【When Xiaoyan said such words, Kyoko beside her finally couldn't bear it anymore. She kept questioning Xiaoyan. Kyoko would never be able to accept that her companion died tragically in front of her, and she still did it in such a humiliating way. way to die. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"No, and so do you"】

【After saying that, Xiaoyan slowly left. On the other side of the room, Madoka, who had completely doubted her life, was alone on her bed. She had been thinking about everything between herself and Sayaka, and a pet figure appeared next to her. Chubby】

【"Can I come in? I have something to say"】

【"You are still alive. Is what Homura said true?"】

【"There are no errors that need to be corrected"】[]

【"Then you let everyone be magical girls in order to turn everyone into witches."】

【"But I hope you don't get me wrong, we don't do this because we have any ill intentions towards humanity. Everything is to extend the life of this universe. Do you know the word entropy?"】

【"The energy obtained by lighting a bonfire is not commensurate with the labor spent cultivating trees. Not all energy in the universe evaporates in one direction, so we are here to find energy that is not bound by the laws of thermodynamics."】

【"who are you...."】

【"Our civilization has invented technology to convert the emotions of intelligent life forms into energy. But the irony is that we have no such thing as feelings ourselves. So I investigated various races in this universe and found you humans."】

【"Taking the individual reproduction number and fecundity of human beings as parameters, the emotional energy a human can generate exceeds the energy required for the birth and growth of an individual."】

【"Your soul is enough to become the energy source that subverts entropy"】

【"The most efficient thing to extract is the phase transfer between hope and despair in girls during the secondary sexual phase."】

【After saying this, Madoka finally understood why? What is happening in front of us will make people so miserable. The so-called hope will bring despair. This is the origin of the so-called equal curse of 667 in the first place.】

【But now she finally understands that everything was decided by this guy from the beginning.】

【"So, become our companion"】

【"Don't say stupid things just because of this inexplicable reason. unacceptable"】

【"We at least made the contract based on your consent."】

【"But haven’t we all been deceived anyway?"】

【At this moment, Madoka was finally unable to suppress the anger and collapse in her heart. He shouted loudly towards Kyubey, but now no one could hear his painful voice.】

【"We can't understand the act of cheating. We don't know why humans want to praise and hate others."】

【"Since you think so, you are indeed our enemy."】

【At this moment, Madoka has understood everything, and now he seems to want to let Kyubey get what he wants. Kyubey wants him to become the most powerful and evil magical girl.】

【The video moved to the other side of Sayaka, who was lying on the bed and had been dead for a long time. Next to Kyoko stood Kyoko. Kyoko took out her gem, and the moment the gem glowed, it seemed to have emitted magical power.】

【"This will ensure that the freshness of his corpse can be extended."】

【"Is there a way to get that guy's soul stone back?"】


【And now the video jumps to the other side. Madoka and Kyoko came to a mysterious corridor. They seemed to be doing something more important.】

【"What you need to know is that other than that, people who have no other choice would be like this. It’s not like people like this who just dive in and are just playing around. It’s nonsense."】

【"That's right, maybe even you will have a day when you don't agree and have to fight desperately."】

【"Just think about it until then..."】

【The two continued to walk forward, and the surrounding space was distorted again, but they could not stop. At this moment, they seemed to want to remain mysterious, but at the same time, the space had completely changed. Variety】.

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