【The next moment, the abilities of both sides exploded. Darkness filled half of the area, and the flames began to spread rapidly in the other half. Both sides used their own energy to compare.】

【"Minions of the Fire Dragon"】

【Following Natsu's angry roar, the flame spray swept through the surrounding air like a tornado, and then even the air became strongly distorted.】

【"You are really hopeless, Zeref!"】

【"It's hopeless. Come on, take action."】

【The fighting spirit of both sides exploded, and then flames and black magic entangled each other, forming a very strong explosion. In just an instant, a gap in time successfully appeared.】

【The gap in time brought them into a completely sealed space. The violent explosion and powerful vibration caused by the move just now completely shattered the entire attic. When they opened their eyes again, they found that they had arrived at a special place. area】

【"The ceremony has begun! I've done too much to start over, don't stop me anymore"】

【"Nothing I say will let you succeed."] The fight between brothers in One Piece World is really shocking, especially on Sanji's side. Even Luffy is watching the video now.

"If it were me, I probably would never take action against Ace and Sabo."

"But if they all become competitors to become the Pirate King, they might be able to duel with their head-on abilities."

【The darkness on the other side has gradually begun to swallow up the flames, but Natsu's anger still has not disappeared01】

【"Is this your ancient magic? In the final analysis, black magic is more powerful."】

【"ha? Yeah? But my anger has not fully exploded yet."】

【He snorted coldly, and then his eyes instantly turned into a ferocious state. Then he exploded with all his strength and punched Zeref. This punch knocked Zeref backwards. Flying more than ten meters】

【Traces of flames remained on Zeref's face, and Zeref slowly stood up】

【Once again, all their black magic power was unleashed, and both of them were preparing to use this last move to end this battle.】

【"do you know? How many curses have I received, until why do I have to call you D】

【"That's because you are the end to me!"】

【Zeref has completely fallen into a state of madness, and both sides are using their most powerful strength to fight against the vortex of flames, which is more than ten meters thick in diameter.】

【The same is true for the laser formed by black magic. When these two energies come together, the surrounding ground continues to tremble, and there is no gestalt in the radius of several miles.】

【Acnologia, who is still fighting on the other side, has the upper hand.】

【He has more important things to do, so he needs to find Zeref immediately】

【As for Lucy, who was originally sitting on the bench, they finally opened the end note, but it was inside. But I learned something even more terrifying】

【"Is this true or false? Zeref?"】

【"What? unbelievable"】

【After even Gray next to me knew the truth, I was completely shocked. I didn't expect that guy to exceed my expectations.】

【On the other side, Natsu and Zeref finally started the final battle. Both sides used their strongest moves to fight against them. In order to cut off this final bond, Zeref spent a lot of energy. The strength of two tigers】

【"The Fire Dragon King’s Collapse Fist!"】

【"Dark Explosive Flame Array"】

【I sprayed the huge Fire Dragon Fist directly in the direction of Zeref. Zeref opened his arms and fell down abruptly. The black magic of the dark flame formation was resisting this fierce attack. flame】

【At this moment, he recalled every bit of their past, and he finally made up his mind. It is better to cut it off with your own hands and defeat it, otherwise the world will fall into destruction.】

【"ah!!!! Zeref!"】


【As both sides roared, Natsu finally used his last fist. The Fire Dragon Fist instantly shattered the Explosive Flame Formation and at the same time penetrated Zeref's body. The huge vibrations and strong explosions that followed instantly shattered the nearby mountains, and they finally decided the winner in this confined space.…】

【A burst of light flashed across, everything around him became calm, and the black-purple crystal was very dazzling. Natsu stood there blankly, as if he couldn't tell what he was going to do next.】

【At this moment, he could only feel that his eyes were dizzy, as if he couldn't bear the huge pressure after making a major decision and killing the two brothers with his own hands. And fell into a coma】

【But just when he was about to fall to the ground, Zeref was not sad, but smiled at this moment. The smile at this moment seemed very sincere, and it made Natsu feel quite incredible. Why is this guy here? Do you still choose to smile at this time? 】

Over1 world

"Have you been beaten stupid? What's going on? Is it difficult for black magic to defeat the forces of nature?"

Ainz has been watching the video. There are too many battle magics in this world. If he wants to create new magic, he may need the magic from the Fairy Tail world as a base. He began to try to imitate fairies in both appearance and function. The Magic of the Tail World

【The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky while I was there, and at that moment this figure penetrated Zeref's body. Zeref fell to the ground. At this moment, his life finally came to an end!】

【"Jay...Zeref...elder brother!"】

【Natsu was stunned by the moment before him】

【The powerful magic he used was impossible to kill Zeref, not to mention that he also had a bottom line, he just wanted to knock Zeref away】

【But he didn't expect that a sudden force would directly penetrate Zeref's body, and Zeref would come to an end.】

【Zeref, who was standing there in a daze, stared blankly at Natsu in front of him who was completely shocked. However, the smile never disappeared from his face at this moment. He kept smiling at all times and slowly looked towards him. Walking towards Natsu in front of me】

【And the person who appeared in the sky was Acnologia】

【This person whom Zeref calls the source of evil】

【Until now, Zeref finally understood that everything was a conspiracy of Acnologia. This guy became the Dragon King and vowed to kill all dragons and their descendants!】

【"Sorry. Brother, I'm afraid we won't see each other again after this, and the bond between us may really be broken."】

【Before the bird could react, Lucy finally arrived at this moment, and after learning everything, he finally told the truth at the last moment.】

【"Are you okay Natsu? How are you now?"】

【"elder brother!"】

【"Zeref, he has been cursed. The more he values ​​life, the more he will lose his life. The less he values ​​life, the more he can survive successfully."】

【"Gilf distanced himself from you because he was afraid of your death due to his ancestral curse. That's why he was forced to sever the bond between you!"】

【When he learned Gilf's final purpose from Lucy, Natsu had completely fallen into despair. He was completely wrong. At this moment, he fell into boundless regret.】

【"I finally got rid of you, Zeref, it seems that after all, you still have to make use of it. There is only one descendant of the dragon clan left, right Natsu?"】

【Acnologia has also completely transformed into his final form, a complete dragon. The jet-black wings behind him and the black-purple crystal shell surround his whole body, which is like armor. 】

Over1 world (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This man is even more despicable than me!"

Ainz was angered by Akuro Nokia's actions. He would never let this man go if it were in his sight.

"Is he the guy called the Dragon Slayer?"

One Piece World

"No way, the bond between brothers really made me cry. I never thought that Zeref would do such a thing at the last moment."

"How will Natsu 007 make his decision in the end?"

Sanji taught Zeref a lesson.

【Natsu has completely fallen into anger. In front of his eyes, Acunokia killed his brother.】

【Now he must take revenge.】

【"That's you, isn't it? The guy who killed all the dragons!"】

【And at the same time,Zi was finally completely angered at the last moment. His body seemed to emit light, but the light seemed very weak, but he didn't wait until he took action. Akulonokia from behind actually took the lead!】

【Just by simply waving his arms, the huge light of destruction instantly shattered all the surrounding gems, creating a huge explosion that directly blew Lucy and Natsu several dozen meters away. Lars was beaten. His whole body was covered in blood. And only this one trick】

【Lucy stood up slowly, and when she was about to attack, she realized that her key had been blown away, and Natsu lay on the ground for a long time without responding.】

【The surrounding smoke was slowly shrouding, completely covering Natsu's entire body, and Natsu slowly stood up now. He had a dark face and said nothing, always recalling every moment between him and Gilf. drop】

【"Now I finally understand what end means."】

【"This is not my end. It's my brother's end"】

【At the same time, a very strange light burst out from Natsu's body!】

【"Oh, it turns out that’s the case, is it any wonder? Is this the legendary dragon transformation? Sure enough, you are the most threatening one, and you are the one I should get rid of today!"】

【"My brother died in your hands, and now I will never let him disappear like this. The bond between us will never be severed no matter what"】

【"Hahaha, if he didn't die, then you must be the one who was killed!"】

【"Then you are still pretending to be affectionate and talking shamelessly in front of me. It is really ridiculous. But it’s okay, my ultimate goal is to get rid of you Fire Dragon"】

【"That's right...I am the fire dragon, the son of Igneel!!!"]

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