Seeing this scene, the audience from all over the world were astonished.

Could the Command Seal still be taken away?

In this way, it is very likely that someone has multiple Command Spells, that is, multiple Servants

【The video continues】

【Saber also discovered that Emiya Shirou had been kidnapped. Following the thin lines, she came to the vicinity of Ryudou Temple.】

【But at this time, Liudong Temple has been surrounded by some kind of barrier. This barrier is specifically targeted at heroic spirits.】

【So Saber can't get in at all.】

【Of course, not all places have barriers, just enter from the main entrance.】

【When Saber wanted to enter Ryudou Temple through the main entrance, a figure stopped in front of her.】

【Saber could tell at a glance that this guy in a kimono, with long hair, and a katana in his hand was a servant.】

【"May I ask, which servant are you?"】

【The other party did not hide anything and said openly,"Assassin, Sasaki Kojiro"】

【Saber has some, generally speaking,The person would not tell his real name, but he didn’t expect that the other party didn’t have any hidden meaning.】

【"It's only natural to state your name before fighting."Sasaki Kojiro said】

【"Since you took the initiative to give your name, as a knight, I should also give my life to the nameless one.—"】

【Saber was about to tell her name when she was interrupted by Sasaki Kojiro,"If you want to know the enemy at 19, this sword is enough.""】

【As he spoke, Sasaki Kojiro waved the katana in his hand, with cold light radiating out.】

【"If you want to pass here, you have to win first and then go down."】

"This guy has quite a bushido spirit."Audiences from all over the world were impressed by Sasaki Kojiro's free and easy attitude.

【The screen turned and came to the other side】

【Caster is preparing to extract the command spell from the back of Emiya Shirou's hand】

【And at this moment, whizz, whizz, countless arrows shot at Caster from the air】

【Seeing this, Caster could only temporarily stop his actions and turned around to avoid these arrows.】

【It's red A】

【"Why?"Caster doesn't understand why Red A appears in this place.】

【"Nothing, just passing by."Red A said calmly, and then he looked at Emiya Shirou,"How is your health? By the way, I have already solved those threads"】

【Only then did Emiya Shirou realize that he was able to move】

【"What is that Assassin guy doing?"】

【On the other side, Caster was very angry because she clearly asked Sasaki Kojiro to guard the door.】

【Sasaki Kojiro was actually summoned by Caster himself in violation of the Holy Grail rules, so he listened to her words】

【"snort."Red A snorted coldly,"Look, women are always difficult to deal with when they get excited."】

After hearing what Red A said, I don’t know why, but the audience from all over the world always felt that Red A had something to say.

【In the video, the battle between Red A and Caster has begun】

【Since Caster is a magician, he is good at calculations, but not very strong in combat.】

【With just one blow, Mo Xie, the general in Red A, had cut off Caster's body.】

【But Red A understands that Caster cannot die so easily.】

【Sure enough, Caster's body that fell to the ground turned into magic power and slowly disappeared.】

【"What a shame, Archer"】

【Caster's voice came from the air】

【Emiya Shirou looked over】

【I saw Caster flying in mid-air】

【What’s even more surprising is that several magic circles appeared in front of Caster.】


【Those magic apertures shoot lasers towards the red A】

【Red A reacted quickly and quickly used his go-getter Mo Xie to block the attack.】

【Red A said to Caster in mid-air,"You here can actually imitate magic. I look at you differently, Caster.""】

【"Huh, I'm completely disappointed in you, Archer. I thought you were a useful talent, but I didn't expect that you wouldn't even be able to join Assassin."Caster said with a sneer.】

【After saying that, another laser blast hit the red A】

【Red A reacted very quickly and dodged quickly, while the house behind was hit by the shock wave and was blown to pieces.】

【Not only that, Red A had to take care of Shirou Emiya, so for a while, he fell into a passive situation.】

【"That's enough, I can do this little thing myself."Emiya Shirou was very dissatisfied with the red A.】

【"Really."With a red A, he threw Emiya Shirou out.】

【Just when Shirou Emiya wanted to complain, he suddenly discovered that a magic barrier had appeared around Red A.】

【Under this magic barrier, Red A cannot move at all.】

【"What's wrong? Archer, even for the Three Knights, if the space is completely fixed, you won't be able to move, right?"Caster said with a smile on his face.】

【"Humph, it seems the winner has been decided."】

【"Although I don’t know what kind of hero you are, we will never see you again."】

【And just then. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"How stupid!"Red A said】


【General Moye suddenly appeared and flew towards Caster】

【Faced with the sudden attack, Caster could only release the red A barrier, and red A was able to act again.】

【And Red A’s next attack has arrived】

【I saw that Mo Xie, the general in Red A, had changed to a bow at some point.】

【Pulling out the bowstring and aiming it at Caster, the arrow is also the pseudo-spiral sword.】

【"I am the bone of this sword"】

【Hong A Li whispered:】

【The next moment, arrows hit Caster like meteors】

【Caster quickly used his magic shield to stop him】

【But he was penetrated in an instant】


【Caster screamed and fell to the ground covered in blood.】

【"Why don't you give me one final blow?"Caster said painfully, if the Red A machine attacks her, she will definitely die.】

【"I told you, just give it a try"】

【"So, don't you want to kill me?"】

【"My purpose is this man, who advocates avoiding meaningless battles"】

This sentence made the audience from all over the world a little confused. Were you just trying to avoid a meaningless battle just now?

【Hearing Caster's words, Emiya Shirou was very dissatisfied,"Who wants to be the same as this guy!"】

【"I agree. I admit that we are both pacifists, but deep down we are very different."Red A said】

【"What a pacifist, I have never forgotten that you and Berserker targeted Saber together."】

【"We weren't all on the same front at that time. Could it be that you wanted to save everyone you could see?"]

Looking at the scene in the video, the audience from all over the world had a vague feeling.

This red A seems to be a bit similar to Emiya Shirou.

Is there really some kind of connection between them?

But it doesn't feel like it. Too similar.

What is going on?

In the teaching hall.

Kotomine Kirei narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had guessed something.

"This guy, I seem to understand, Red A, may be the future Emiya Shirou"

"It’s just—" Kotomine Kirei’s face showed a trace of doubt,"But there seems to be a little difference between the two of them. Could something happen in the future?"

【In the video, Caster finally escaped.】

【This made Shirou Emiya very dissatisfied because Caster had killed many people in order to obtain magic power.】

【If Caster is let go like this, there will only be more victims in the future.】

【"I really want Caster to continue like this."】

【"What?"Emiya Shirou looked at Red A in disbelief.】

【"When Caster absorbs enough magic, she will defeat Berserker on our behalf. At that time, we only need to defeat Caster again."Red A said calmly】

【In his eyes, sacrificing a small number of people to save others is the right thing to do.】

【"Rin doesn’t think she agrees with what you’re doing."】

【"But no matter what, there will always be sacrifices, it just depends on the number of sacrifices. And for them, there will always be a day of death, it’s just morning and evening, and how to die."】

【"You guy!"Emiya Shirou was furious. There was no way he could agree with the red A theory.】

【Afterwards, Shirou Emiya will leave and chase Caster alone.】

【But at this moment, he turned his head suddenly, as if he had discovered something incredible.】


【I saw Emiya Shirou being hit by Red A in the back, and blood spattered everywhere. ]

Audiences from all over the world were stunned when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that Red A would take action without saying a word.

And the one who wants to be killed is Shirou Emiya...............

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