Absolute Warcraft Front

Uruk Central Temple!

"This is too much!"

"How rude to the goddess! hateful! hateful! hateful!!!"

The long black hair fluttered in the wind with her movements, and her jewel-like eyes exuded a touch of beauty under the reflection of the sun. Three thousand black silk strands fell like a waterfall, and the brilliance of a god fell. The scantily clad girl looked like It symbolizes the most beautiful things in this world!

The crown on the head shines brightly under the sunlight. This is the incarnation of beauty, war, harvest and Venus!

——The goddess Ishtar flying in the sky!

However, at this moment, the girl was holding her hair, her face full of pain.

The jewel-like red eyes sparkled, seeming to contain unspeakable grievances.

And precisely because of this, the great goddess is filled with endless grievances in her heart!

First of all, I am not popular anymore!

As the urban god of Uruk, after showing how he kept falling off the chain in a previous video, he was no longer liked and believed in by everyone!

They all turned to where their sisters, Ereshkigal and Tiamat, were waiting!

As for his sister Ereshkigal and his mother Tiamat, Ishtar is very clear and sure!!!

——They're all gone!

Just leave her alone...Everyone has faith, but she doesn’t! pain o(╥﹏╥)o!

If so, I wouldn't say anything. After all, although it is not popular, Ishtar is looking forward to this video with great confidence!

All Heroic Spirits will appear this time, and all the heroes will be introduced in the video!

And what Ishtar thinks about"650" is that she can take advantage of this opportunity to get some more believers, so that everyone can regain their faith in her.

After all, humans, no, are gods. Gods can’t always fall behind, right?! but...

Things just didn't go as planned. Ishtar looked at it eagerly when it was almost his turn....Fast forward... right!!!

Why is it so outrageous!


The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and Ishtar shouted dissatisfied, venting her anger!


"Shut up, it’s so noisy!", the chain with golden brilliance suddenly broke a big hole in the ground less than half a meter away from Ishtar!

"....", swallowed hard, leaving a drop of sweat on Ishtar's face, looking at the direction of the chain, and shouted dissatisfied,"Hey! Do you want to fight?! Enkidu!"

The scarlet gemstone eyes reflect that beautiful green person, yes!

Ishtar doesn’t know when the other party was resurrected!

Just suddenly appeared here!

Then I didn't like her anymore...

"snort! If you make any more noise, I will impale you on this temple!"Looking at Ishtar in front of him, Enkidu naturally didn't have the slightest fondness for him. Naturally, he had roughly understood the reason for his resurrection, and his memory was not missing, so now that he was able to be resurrected, he would not be less interested in this so-called the waste goddess

"...Are you thinking of something rude?"Looking at those green eyes, Ishtar could clearly feel the disdain,"Did you not properly oil your engine~? I have spoken out all my innermost thoughts, you piece of shit.~"


"Since it is rare to gather here today, everyone should stop arguing~" In the end, Merlin came out to break up the fight. Looking at the group of god-level servants in front of him, Merlin smiled slowly and said,"Although I also like to see the goddess and the sky. What about the quarrel with the chain?..."


Before he could finish his words, Merlin was kicked out by a little foot!

"Merlin, who didn't exert any effort, might as well die!", the girl said dissatisfiedly under the huge witch robe.

"It’s true~ I’ve felt like I’m missing someone since just now, eh...Where is Mr. Merlin?~?", the eldest sister with blond hair and a smile on her face, Quetzalcoatl smiled and said,"Although it is fast forwarding, the eldest sister can see clearly~ Merlin is not here.~"

"It seems that this time I have to teach Merlin a lesson with a cliff lock from the top rope on the boundary.~"

"Hahaha, maybe something delayed me~ Or maybe Avalon is too far away and I couldn’t catch up when I walked over, hahaha." Looking at such a gentle smile, he said such terrifying words. Big sister, Merlin couldn't help but feel a trace of cold sweat on his head, and said awkwardly.

However, he did not appear, or in other words, he could not appear there.

As a half-nightmare with clairvoyance, he may not know that this person understands ending, but Solomon's ending, or the doctor's ending, he has already met.

Not only him, don't you see Gilgamesh on the throne?

Merlin looked at the throne, holding his head with one hand , King Gilgamesh seemed to be asleep. As Quetzalcoatl said, no one could miss it even if he fast forwarded!

Merlin could see clearly, Gilgamesh, King!

In In that video, he didn’t even make a move. In the eyes of outsiders, he just stood there and watched the show quietly?! It was very confusing and strange. Not to mention the opponent’s treasure phantom, the Juli Sword, even the most ordinary King’s Treasure House It was not used!

But Merlin knew that as a demigod, Gilgamesh could not stand on the opposite side and take action!

He could only watch this battle!

Otherwise, according to the character of this king, he would naturally watch it at the first opportunity I couldn't help laughing!

But it's not like I didn't do anything.

Merlin thought for a moment.

The desolate scarlet color was reflected in Merlin's purple eyes. That is the realm of crown existence, that is the Temple of Time!

It can be said that the heroic spirits in those videos can exist there thanks to this king!

As long as ordinary heroic spirits appear in that universe, their bodies will immediately begin to collapse!

The beast appears alone and the like ——Characteristics of beasts!

If the heroic spirits want to fight in it, they must resist the power of the Temple of Time and contain the demon at the same time!

And this also highlights a problem!

Where does such a huge magic power come from?

And this also It was the action taken by that king.

Although he chose to wait and see what happened as a demigod, he still used the Great Holy Grail in the king's treasure house to provide magic power to everyone!

And even if Gilgamesh takes action, well...

Unfortunately, Goetia cannot kill Solomon, that is, Doctor Roman, unless he dies!

"...puff——", thinking of this, Merlin couldn't help but laugh.

Although I know that everything has changed now because of the owner of the video, the scene in the video...It's like they're waiting for Solomon to die so that they, the replacements for the title, can rush forward.


A sudden burst of laughter disrupted everyone's discussion. They looked blankly at the source of the sound, but they were not too surprised. After all, the magical laughter was so high-resolution that it was difficult for them not to hear it.

The scarlet eyes reflected the scattered gold particles, and Gilgamesh's scarlet snake eyes were full of evil intentions.

It was really unexpected that this ending, which only the person involved could know, now actually made everyone aware of it. Intervene.

I am looking forward to it more and more! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


At the same time, everyone in Wanjie has fallen into a daze. They wiped their eyes over and over again and looked at the scene in the video in disbelief.

What's going on?...

It can be said that too many things happened at once, and no one even reacted for a while?!

Does Dr. Roman still have power?

And then turned into the concept of Solomon granting death to Goetia?

Everyone who is already roughly familiar with the plot will naturally know that beast corresponds to the title!

I originally thought that not a single title would appear this time, and Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others were doomed!

But who could have imagined this shocking reversal!

The doctor transformed into a crown and granted death to the other party! only...

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but feel a deep sadness in their hearts.

The price this time...why so big...

Being erased in every sense of the word...

Whether it's Solomon or...doctor...

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little sad, but their eyes were still fixed on the screen! because...It's not over yet!!!

At the same time, the ten rings that embedded Goetia on the throne also disappeared in place along with the disappearance of the Magic King Solomon.

【"snort! Until the end, I am still a person who can only rely on others." Breaking free from the restraints, Goetia's figure stood up from the jade throne. The huge and ferocious figure did not change at all, and the terrifying aura erupted, still so intimidating. Depressed!】

【"How can such nonsense convince us!", his scarlet eyes looked towards the distance where the gold particles were scattered. Goetia's expression was not disturbed at all, as if nothing had happened.....】

【"This kind of thing will not cause any obstacles to our great cause!"Looking at the silent girl in front of her, Goetia said softly,"Life does not need a time limit, and stories that are doomed to death are unnecessary for me!"】

【The huge fist shadow pointed at the sky, and the light ribbons like beautiful silk fluttered,"In the end, it is our victory. What can the Master do without his servants!""】

【"Beg for mercy! Scream! Now is the time to indulge in depression and Wang Yang!"】

【"This is the only salvation for you!!!"】

【"...Of course it can be done!"The silent girl raised her head, scarlet blood slowly flowing from her forehead, and the arms holding the round table trembled slightly,"It has been thousands of years since the age of primates was established. The age of myths has ended. After AD, humans have become the world's most powerful beings on earth. The most prosperous species! We are the ones who determine the future of the planet and the ones who carve the inscriptions on the planet!"】

【"For this purpose, I have learned countless knowledge, collected countless resources, and experienced countless...The cycle of life." The giant shield in her hand no longer trembled. The girl raised the giant shield with one hand and her voice became louder."The truth is to make human beings last longer, be clearer, stronger and more prosperous!"】

【"Chaldea regards this as its supreme mission and has persisted to this day!"On the desolate surface, the girl's body began to burn with a blazing flame!】

【The heart is beating faster and the body is burning!】

【The starry sky is flowing, the cumulus clouds are surging, and in the depths of the starry sky, bright splendor is surging!】

【The lines of the starry sky sway, the brilliance sways, the fire of human reason...Burn completely!!!】

【The girl raised her head and stared at Goetia with her bloodshot eyes!】

【"I am Fujimaru Ritsuka. I have received help from countless people and stand here in place of countless people....Chaldean Master!!!"】

【"Let's decide the outcome..."】


【"Come on then! Chaldea!"】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!!", the star map is circling, and the earth is torn apart! The Amyrlin Seat completely collapsed at this moment! Scarlet surges, and unknown disasters fall on the world!】

【The endless scarlet color connecting heaven and earth is rising! Countless scarlet cross pupils stared at the ground! Purgatory on earth! The end is coming!】

【At this moment, this natural disaster composed of man-made disasters came into view!】

【"Disappear! Human history! I will hold the seventy-two demon gods and turn you all into dust in the universe!", the blazing fire on the golden branches also ignited!】

【How about that person dying! So what if I got 3.5 deaths! How could you not know about our great deeds!!!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!"】

【"Just killing one is enough!!!", meteors streak across the sky! Countless heroic spirits are here!】

【Across the sky! Running through the long river of time! This shadow in human history! As long as people still believe in them! They will come here!!!】

【At the top of the mountain, countless crimsons surged, and the scarlet tentacles that covered the sky and the sun suddenly slammed down with endless power!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!", the sky and the earth are torn apart! A roaring explosion resounded throughout the universe!】

【"laugh——!!!"The next moment, endless starlight falls, gods walking in the world! They are all here at this moment!】

【Gun skills that penetrate death! The horn of dawn! The sun that kills all things!】

【Gods are walking in the world now!!!】

【"Why! Why! Why!"】

【"Why do you have to be so persistent in protecting human rights! Heroic spirits!"】

【"You should understand! Human beings have no such value!"】


【"Peng Peng Peng——!!!", but no one cares! One after another! Like a moth to a flame! But when the moth tries to blow out the flame!】

【Even...Even if it costs everything!!!】

【"...crazy! crazy! This planet is crazy!!! You are all crazy!!!"】

Next plot JOJO!

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Ishtar, Ailei-chan~ (housewife)~)

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